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Messages - toad32

Rodder's Roundtable / The newest Louisville post
August 11, 2004, 10:53:37 PM
I think that this was one of the best weekends for a NATS in a long time.  The weather was with out doubt... fabulous.  I did not get a chance to make it over to the RRT (like most shows) cause I was just absolutly to busy.  I was at the booth and in front of people from the time the doors open until it was time to go back to the hotel.  Thank you to those that stopped by and chatted for a few.... it helped make the time go by a little quicker.  On Friday night, we did win the NSRA's New Product of the Year with the Digital Paint Booth software.  I have to say that that was one of the coolest things to have happen.  It kinda justified the 100's and 100's of hours we have into it.  I swear that one of these days I am going to have a car that will make it to one of these shows and I will just be a spectatur and have a different kind of FUN.  Next show for me will be a while.  I am doing the KC Goodguys as a spectator and then onto Sacramento for the NSRA show out there and finally finish the year up with SEMA in November.  Any way, sorry I missed everyone once again.  On day though...... I WILL BE THERE!

Rodder's Roundtable / So, where were the Cookies?
August 10, 2004, 04:04:51 PM
Quote from: "HotRodLadyCrusr"Plenty of cookies, they were served for dessert on Thursday evening after our BBQ and also at the 12 noon meet and greets both Friday and Sat.  There were even a few left over that were in a tupperware container on the grill for a bit afterward on Sat.  Plates of cookies were also delivered to a few of my favorite vendors.  Sorry you missed out.

As a side note, please don't miss the cookies at the HAMB Drags as they will be the last cookies made for quite a while, as in at least a year.

:evil:  :evil:  :evil: Plates of cookies to your favorite vendors!!!!!!!  What am I.... chopped liver or something.  Thats OK  I never made it out to the BBQ either.   Out of 4 days at the show I never left the building and never went outside to check out cars.  I cannot begin to explain how tired I am after that show!!  Still love ya even though I was hungry :lol:  :lol:

No shows for awhile but I did enjoy the vendor side of the NATS.  Maybe I will see ya at the HAMB drags.

HOK Digital Paint Booth Dude
Quote from: "SKR8PN"and where you going to be? Is there any special RRT spot????

I'll be there... just in the House of Kolor booth doing the software thing.  Stop by and introduce your self.

Rodder's Roundtable / Des Moines GoodGuys 7/2,3,4
June 26, 2004, 12:01:50 PM
Quote from: "34ford"Plan on being there on Friday and Saturday. Will be at Yogi's booth at high noon.

Hey Toad32, Got the paint booth in the mail on Thursday and have it up and running. Cool program and nice meeting you at BTTF.


The pleasure was all mine.  Thanks for stopping by and thanks for the nice words on the program.

My wife, kiddo, and I are planning on making the trip from St. Louis on Friday.  If all goes well we will be spectating on Sat.  This will be a non working weekend for me so I could actually meet up with a few of you guys and gals this time and enjoy the show for once.  

Rodder's Roundtable / Back to the Fifties
June 13, 2004, 09:16:22 AM
I will be arriving Thursday night and working the booth all weekend.  This will be my first BTTF and I am pretty excited about going.  Stop by the House of Kolor booth and say "hey" and let me know where all the after hours festivities we be.  

akak Carter
Rodder's Roundtable / Re: '37 Ford pictures
March 21, 2004, 10:37:04 AM
Quote from: "btrc"Here's some pictures of my '37 Ford.  After 8-1/2 years it's all done but a little polishing.  The color really doesn't come out right in these pictures.  It's a lighter brighter yellow, a New Beetle color.


:D Very nice!  I have actually been out in the garage working on our 37 a lot here lately.  I can feel the nice weather just around the corner.  Congrats on sticking with the project.  I know how easy it is to get bummed and not work on it.  Looks great.

Rodder's Roundtable / 37 ford fender braces?
March 06, 2004, 08:18:45 PM
Ok guys here is a stupid one for you.  I have a Gibbons 37 and was wondereing if the front fenders needed or should have fender braces.  Did the front on the originals have them... I'm just not sure.  How was that for a lack of knowledge question.

Rodder's Roundtable / Mind Boggling 2
March 03, 2004, 07:26:52 PM
Quote from: "Bruce Dorsi"
Quote from: "toad32"
...  I also freelance with House of Kolor and their digital paint booth program.  

You're too modest, Carter!  ...It's OK to tell everyone YOU conceived, developed, and did all the programming of the Digital Paint Booth Program.

I met you at NSRA-York, and was very impressed by you, your talents, and your program!

Thanks Bruce for the kind words.  I do remember meeting you at York.  I meet so many people this past summer, but I do remember meeting you and having good conversation.

Hope to see some of you all on the road this summer.

Rodder's Roundtable / Mind Boggling 2
February 29, 2004, 07:43:14 PM
My real name is Carter and I am a 34 year old art director for a local tv station in St. Louis.  Currently building a 37 Ford Club Cabriolet so we can take the kiddo cruising.  I also freelance with House of Kolor and their digital paint booth program.  I love my job at the tv station and I love to do design work of any kind.  I have worked in the television field now for almost 8 years(all my professional life).  I did work for Parr Automotive selling streetrod parts a few years before that.
