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Started by 348tripower, July 31, 2004, 06:45:42 PM

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To everyone I met today, I wanted to say it was great to talk to you guys.  I am already looking forward to the next time (maybe I won't be there as a spectator)


Quote from: "Carps"
Quote from: "choco"Oh, great. So you're leaving me to deal with Rayvn on my own? Thanks a lot, pal!

Sorry Choco, but another once in a lifetime, not to be missed opportunity came up.

No worries, mate. I met them goober bastards, and I handled them OK, but Fat Cat was so tired, he forgot I was there. Brian says Hi! and please don't hurry back.
Frank Choco Munday, Technical Author
Hot Rod Handbooks

Fat Cat

Quote from: "choco"No worries, mate. I met them goober bastards, and I handled them OK, but Fat Cat was so tired, he forgot I was there. Brian says Hi! and please don't hurry back.

So begging us to stop picking on you is the same as handling it, right?

It wasn't that I was to tired to remember you. I chose to forget you. It is like forgetting that time you got caught with you hand in the honey pot.


phat rat

For those of you who missed it, WE HAD A BALL!!!! Trailer addded a lot to the enjoyment and was the envy of many onlookers.
Some days it\'s not worth chewing through the restraints.


Quote from: "phat rat"For those of you who missed it, WE HAD A BALL!!!! Trailer addded a lot to the enjoyment and was the envy of many onlookers. is SO NICE,there were a FEW who thought it was REAL DINER,and were wanting  to buy beer and stuff........
Once again,Ohio Blue Tip did a fantastic job on the grill,and Enjenjo cooked some of the BEST corn you ever tasted.
Even Ravyn and Choco, were on their BEST behavior..........
Willy and I had a great time,greating old friends and meeting a few new folks.
Fantastic food and great friends.
LIFE,just doesn't get any better than that.
If we are what we eat.........
Then I am fast,cheap and easy.


I can't begin to describe what a great time I had hanging out with every one and experianceing the RRT BBQ on it's maiden voyage . It works flawless.
Franks generosity is overwhelming.
I'm realy proud to be able to say I had a hand in the build. I know it was only in a small part, but it made me feel like I was able to help though. Using it after seeing it come togeather was really special.

Thanks again To The Franks, there familys and everyone that worked so hard to make this weekend such a sucesss.

Oh yeah and a big hug for Shelby too :D


Wonderful weather, met a few new friends, did I mention wonderful weather? I only dropped by on Thursday and met a few of you. I'll be putting over 200 pictures I took at the Nats on the web soon, already looking forward to 2005!
A street rod is a vehicle made before 1949 that is modified with modern stuff: bigger motors; newer trans; updated suspension, front & rear; a/c.
Following is a street rod plus definition: No known definition because it changes.


Quote from: "Fat Cat"
Quote from: "choco"No worries, mate. I met them goober bastards, and I handled them OK, but Fat Cat was so tired, he forgot I was there. Brian says Hi! and please don't hurry back.

So begging us to stop picking on you is the same as handling it, right?

It wasn't that I was to tired to remember you. I chose to forget you. It is like forgetting that time you got caught with you hand in the honey pot.


Well, I suppose that as long as you're picking on me, you're leaving some other poor soul alone.
Despite your efforts, I had a blast meeting up with you lot, and I have to say it was a most bodacious occasion. Thanks Enjenjo for the very triffic tucker, most enjoyable, and Denise, it was a pleasure to make your aquaintance. Purple, Faat, 40, etc, great to have met you at last. Next time any of you are thinking of going on a "Big Adventure", our house is your house.
Frank Choco Munday, Technical Author
Hot Rod Handbooks

Ohio Blue Tip

Good to meet ya Choco, even if you don't like our thin beer!   Had a ball meeting everyone, now if the hair would grow back after burnen meat all day, it would be prefect. :D  :D  :D
Some people try to turn back their odometers
Not me, I want people to know "why" I look this way.
I\'ve traveled a long way and some of the
roads weren\'t paved.



The whole weekend rocked, everyone was great, and other than a little mud when we first got there, which even the nicest RRT rods drove through, the weather was fantastic.

Big thanks to Bob K for getiing us a great spot bright and early, and to everyone involved w/the BBQ build. It was great meeting new faces and caching up with old friends.
If I have to explain it to you, You really wouldn?t understand

Fat Cat

Quote from: "choco"Well, I suppose that as long as you're picking on me, you're leaving some other poor soul alone.

You weren't listening where you? I told you that I would pick on them just as easily and as often as I was you. And unlike some guys I have met recently I can pick on more than one person at a time.


WOW! Was the weather AWESOME or what!! Gus...that photo you posted really doesn't do our "Mud Bog" justice :roll: ...It was kind of fun listening to the comments from the crowd at the hotel as I drove thru the lot.
  It was an absolute blast hanging out with everyone all weekend!The BBQ is awesome,everyone involved should take a bow...I felt a little guilty not being involved in the actual build...however,not guilty enough to stop me from enjoying the windfall :D The Grill was the envy of everyone who saw it! A big "Thank You" to everyone involved,especially the two Frank's and the Boss Lady who keeps them in line! It was a pleasure to meet many from the board for the first time and also to see old friends...we had members from many states and Canada as well as our distinguished visitors from across the "Pond"...they did have a bit of a problem with our "weak" American beer...I think it was Choco who said something like "If we had to drink this stuff on a regular basis,we'd just pour it on the ground and eliminate the middle man"
   One of the highlights of the weekend for me was having the chance to visit with Neil and Steve,not only about hotrods but about our lives in general... I am glad they joined us and hope they have a great time the rest of thier stay in the U.S. as well as a safe trip home.
    It was also nice to meet some of the youngsters like Nick,Looks like the hobby will be in pretty good hands down the road.I did see Brett on the road but unfortunately,didn't get to meet him personally....Next time!
    Choco...It was a pleasure meeting you and your lovely wife Vicky as definately livened up the camp with your timid and shy personality  :lol: Have a great time the rest of your stay and a safe trip home.Be carefull with that open invitation....I might just show up on your doorstep one day!
"The one who dies with the most friends wins"


I must say that I also had a good time at L'ville.

I didn't quite get to make it over to the RRT area as much as I'd have liked to. I had a few things that limited my time including the "family vacation" thing and we had a small altercation with the clutch in my dad's car. My major set back was that I was beat by the time we got there due to the fact that I spent the prior 2 and a half weeks working on my car all day, going to work and coming home to go back to work on it. It didn't end there. We were supposed to be in L'ville around noon/1 on Tues, but didnt get there till about midnight Tues night because I spent most of the day installing the top and the glass in the car (things that were neglected due to engine troubles).

In the end I still met some great people and saw some old friends (and had some good food and awesome cookies).

I think it was best put by Choco when he said "It looks a bit buggery, go polish it" (in refrence to my car lol). So for now I'm trying to catch up on some sleep, but I'll soon be back on the "thrash schedule" in preparation for K'zoo.

I look forward to seeing everyone in K'zoo in a few weeks.

Thanks to everyone for a great time.
Do you need a tetanus shot to ride in that thing?


I think that this was one of the best weekends for a NATS in a long time.  The weather was with out doubt... fabulous.  I did not get a chance to make it over to the RRT (like most shows) cause I was just absolutly to busy.  I was at the booth and in front of people from the time the doors open until it was time to go back to the hotel.  Thank you to those that stopped by and chatted for a few.... it helped make the time go by a little quicker.  On Friday night, we did win the NSRA's New Product of the Year with the Digital Paint Booth software.  I have to say that that was one of the coolest things to have happen.  It kinda justified the 100's and 100's of hours we have into it.  I swear that one of these days I am going to have a car that will make it to one of these shows and I will just be a spectatur and have a different kind of FUN.  Next show for me will be a while.  I am doing the KC Goodguys as a spectator and then onto Sacramento for the NSRA show out there and finally finish the year up with SEMA in November.  Any way, sorry I missed everyone once again.  On day though...... I WILL BE THERE!



Carter,It was nice to see you again if only for a minute...sorry I didn't bring cookies :(  I will definately attest to the fact that you were busy!I am going to try and make the K.C. show as well,perhaps we can hook up for dinner!
"The one who dies with the most friends wins"