Started by enjenjo, March 25, 2007, 01:27:33 PM

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Ya i was just drunk enuff to return..
Dave :wink:


Just had dinner after getting in about 5:00 this afternoon.  I cannot tell everyone just how much fun I had.  A lot of you have met each other over the years, but of the crew there I had met 4 of you.  Enjenjo, GPster, OBT, and Charlie Chops, so meeting the whole bunch that was there was just great.  Thanks to Frank, for the hospitality, the room, and the tours, Denise for the party, and everyone else for the company.  Not only was all the Car/People stuff fun, I got to see three more states and things are so much different than out west.

I know it is a long haul out this direction, but I would sure like to show everyone the beauty we have out here.  Denise and I were talking about a run that is out here the first weekend of August in West Yellowstone, (the west enterance to Yellowstone Park).  She is thinking about the 2008 run, it is the weekend before Bonneville.  That could work out for a neat place for everyone to have a get together possibly.  Yellowstone is about 150 mi south of my location ( 2 hours) and Glacier park is another 200 Miles north of me, (about a 3-4 hour drive).  Something to think about.  The link for the run is  http://www.yellowstonerodrun.freeservers.com/

Again, thanks for all the fun, and sure glad to meet everyone.


ps.  I took about 400 pictures, and have not started downloading them yet.
1965 Impala SS  502
1941 Olds

Watcher of #974 1953 Studebaker Bonneville pas record holder B/BGCC 249.945 MPH.  He sure is FAST



Doug it was great meeting you.. I hope i didnt do anything wrong  :lol:  :lol:


you folks sure know how to rub it in on those of us that couldn't make it!
but I'm glad to know that the northern chapter knows how to have fun


Thanks for the pix Debb, I haven't downloaded any of mine yet.
just walked in the door.

had a GREAT time :!:  :!:  :!:
thanks for posting the pix of Melissa and Arykah.......ya I know, YOU spelled it right, my Son and Daughter-in-law however...........I guess "hooked on Phonics" worked too well :shock:

Dave, Bryan, you guys were well worth the trip up from TX.
Debb, you and Denise are a trip, I really enjoyed the visit. :D

Frank, I cannot say "THANK YOU" enough. the hospitality you showed us this weekend was way above and beyond. 8)  8)

finally got to put some faces with some names.
Charlie, Kenny. Joe. Rudy. Doug, Debb, I know I am forgetting some, but I am suffering from jet-lag :shock:

Sorry I had to cut it short Sat. but the Granddaughter and the Daughter-in-law were getting tired, and I had to check on the Mrs.

I think she got into the Sheep-dip :shock:  :lol:  :lol:

she is much better now, she was a trooper, she hung in there as long as she could, but really needed to sleep.  besides.......she wasn't there to call me on my fibs :oops:

Large fun was had by the Texans, can't wait till next year :D  :D  :D

If anybody gets a chance to check out Enjenjo's "Parts Dept." its well worth the time, maybe I can find some NOS stuff for my C-cab :lol:  :lol:

I had to come log on and see if I needed to defend myself.
that "reserved spot" for Jusjunk was a riot :lol:  :lol:
ya just had to see it to get the full effect :-o

Dave, I love ya Bro :!:  :!:
now, KMA :P

"I don\'t know what your problem is, but I bet its hard to pronounce"

1934 Ford 3 Window
Member, Rural Rodders
Member, National Sarcasm Society  "Like we need your support"
*****Co-Founder  Team Smart*****


Glad Vance and Doug made it home ok, Bry leaves tomorrow.

Thought I would put up a few more pics, since I finally got my taxes filed and the virus outta my puter!!!  :roll:

Someone mentioned more than once this weekend that I was spoiled :P  so I wanted to show this pic , hey I worked hard at being spoiled, thats what only children do  :lol:  :wink:



Some pics from Sunday's adventure.

While Rob and I were waiting for the group to arrive, this group pulled in, said something about someone being wasted sat, wondered if their services were needed :P   we told them we were having to much fun with "him" they couldn't have him yet, LOL  we would just keep him confinded in his little reserved spot for now  :twisted:



Here's Frank and Trinka taking a drive
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


ya know......... if you guys had turned the chair around;  

Ol Barney would have sat down then said :

"HEY! Where did you guys go to?"


 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


^ It's hard to tell in the photo but that chain is real solid gold.....only the BEST for Dave  :lol:
Your topless crusn buddy, Denise

Looking for old good for nothing flathead heads to use for garden project.


Also a thanks for Cheryl and Trinka, they worked their postiers off!

Dave,  Without you, a few sticks, some crime scene tape and a little GOLD CHAIN is just junk in the corner, you make it fun! :lol:  :lol:

1965 Impala SS  502
1941 Olds

Watcher of #974 1953 Studebaker Bonneville pas record holder B/BGCC 249.945 MPH.  He sure is FAST



I got there too late to do any real work, but most of these folks
got there before me, and I didn't notice alot of dirty hands :?

"I don\'t know what your problem is, but I bet its hard to pronounce"

1934 Ford 3 Window
Member, Rural Rodders
Member, National Sarcasm Society  "Like we need your support"
*****Co-Founder  Team Smart*****


Got in today about 1:30, and came back to 78* sunny weather. Not much of a chance to work on the tan up in Ohio, but I enjoyed the weather there. It was refreshing to see a little snow for the first time in about 10 years, and the chill kinda thickened the blood up a little... :!:

Thanks again to Frank and Cheryl (Mom) for the hospitality, and to Fatcat and Trinka for the great dinner Monday evening. It sure was great seeing everyone and having the chance to get the old paws dirty again. The food was awesome, and even Dave's store bought deer sticks were good, even if they did taste like chicken... :D  Thanks again to Larry for letting me waste a little of his paint also... :!:  :D

After everyone left Saturday, a few of us hung around in the garage and chewed the fat for a few hours. We also previewed the DVD that Vance left for us, the new Sheep Gone Wild video. Yes Vance, it's true what they say: the TV cameras DID make you look 10 lbs. heavier than in real life... :P  :lol:

The museum trips were great, and after a couple of years of hearing how much food Debb can consume, I was able to witness it in person on Sunday. There was a path worn on the carpet between her seat and the buffet... :P  :lol:   (Thanks for the ride in the Lincoln :!: )

Another highlight was listening to Doug and Frank on Sunday night talking about cars and hot rodding. I was priveliged to be an audience for a few hours; these guys are awesome to listen to... :!:

A word of warning however: If you happen to see these 2 guys in your neighborhood, lock up your sheep, lock up the back door and run for your life....
***SFC-Team Smart***

What can a bird do that a man can\'t?

Whistle through his pecker...


Quote from: "Rayvyn"and after a couple of years of hearing how much food Debb can consume, I was able to witness it in person on Sunday. There was a path worn on the carpet between her seat and the buffet... :P  :lol:  

THAT'S JUST WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!! :shock:

Love the captions on the pics!!!! to funny!!


As usual......You guys had way too much fun! Instead,I went to the Nebraska Spring Football Game.....Broke the leaf spring on the conversion van on the way down ($300 repair),Purchased a round of Dogs/Chips and Soda ($42) More Soda/Popcorn ($24) and sat in the cold/rain (Priceless!!)   :roll: Guess when you Bleed Cornhusker Red.....You do what it takes! Sure sounded like more fun in Ohio though.....Glad everyone had a good time.....I love the photo of ol "One Bullet" Fife!
"The one who dies with the most friends wins"