Started by enjenjo, March 25, 2007, 01:27:33 PM

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try to keep your pants from falling off

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


I just got home from Swanton..  Did I have fun :lol:  I think im dying.. Sue told me i musta drank too much :?:  I finally had to be a man and tell her to shut up on the way home :wink: I made her drive too.. My head hurts..
Oh Ya I did take a pic and im sure others will show up here.. Ill get more into details later. This was when we got back to the motel satudray evening. Phat Rats Car The Pic came out pretty cool.. We drove right into sunny skies and no snow here at all..


First off l want to thank everyone for making Cindy feel so welcome and the nice comments made to me about her, she is great and I know she enjoyed meeting all of you people as well.

Well I know I didn't get my hands too dirty doing much work, but had a great time hanging out with everyone and it was nice to meet a couple of members I hadn't met, Sir stude(Doug) defenatly got in there and got his hands dirty, making up for missing the original build I guess :lol: Seriously a great guy, and EMS Junky thanks for bringing the grand daughter  Holding the baby really made CIndys day, she was starting to get a little bored I think.

Brian gets the worker of the day award for all his cutting and grinding getting the old burners out and getting the area ready for the new kick * Cast iron burners, not like this bbq didn't already rock, but now it will be unmatched in Rod run purpose built BBQ trailers. Like we have any Competition anyway hahhaha.

A huge thanks to Frank for hosting and Cheryl and the family for the great eats at the end of the day. YOu people are first class folks and  always go way out of your way for other people, I can't say enough about your hospitality at your house, in the garage or at a rodrun. I couldn't begin to thank you enough for what you do.

We look forward to hanging out this summer with everyone, defiantly a special group of hotrod friends, with a big emphasis on the friends part.


Cool Pic Dave!!!  

I think Rudy's getting mushy!!! LOL   :wink:

Well, we just got home from the 3rd day of fun, I'm so tired

Highlight of my weekend, well just under meeting Bry, Doug & Vance (alphabeticaly, of course)  LOL  and hanging with old friends, was Larry (OldBobSign) showing me some tips on Pinstriping, and of course my cool Birthday gift and my Purse getting striped too :)

Thanks for the 00Mack Larry!!!!  I promise to practice practice, practice as soon as I get my shopping list rounded up, I can't wait. In the meantime I'll be looking at tips, books and designs :)

I'll post more later, NAP time  :wink:



Quote from: "KustomLincolnLady"
I think Rudy's getting mushy!!! LOL   :wink:


He may be Debb.. He got everything and everyone right though.. Im just gettin back where i can think again. Ya good seeing everyone and meeting Doug and Vance.. I got a kick out of Bryans little supprise for me but ill keep my mouth shut and wait for the pics to be posted.. Was fun talking to Larry again also. I like rudy didnt do anything.. I do have a sore elbow though .  :wink: The roadster project was discussed For quite a while and Sue an I talked more about it today..  Im glad your museum trip went good today. Oh ya ill pm you the details on the roadster for you to print out and give to Rob.
He said he might know someone who would be interested. Sue reminded me.
Dave :!:

phat rat

Dave, thanks for the pic. That is a cool one. I'm gonna save it myself. Everyone, thanks for the week-end it was a ball. To those I hadn't met before it was a pleasure, to those old friends, nice to get together again and BS.  I think Dave that your exercise regime got a real workout Sat, my understanding this morning was that you were rather tired from all the lifting. LOL  I hope it's not too long before pics of your great suprise show up on the net.  After I left Auburn, I two laned it home for a good share of the way. Got home just before 6 and good women that she is my wife had supper ready when I arrived. She knew I would be home by 6 as I had called her earlier to let her know.
Some days it\'s not worth chewing through the restraints.

Ohio Blue Tip

Wow! What a weekend, the Ford museum, the ACD museum, a dinner at Denise's and a party BBQ build at Frank's, I'm tired.
A great big thanks to Denise for a fantastic dinner, yum yum.
Another great big thanks to Frank and Cheryl for their hospitality and fun times.
:D  :D  :D  :D
Some people try to turn back their odometers
Not me, I want people to know "why" I look this way.
I\'ve traveled a long way and some of the
roads weren\'t paved.



Wow!  What a weekend!  Starting with a WONDERFUL dinner at Denise's on Friday night, thanks sweetheart!  It was really great to see everyone I met at the K'zoo swap meet and to add some new names to my growing buddy list.  Debb and Rob, you guys are the best - thanks for the honor of being able to lay a few lines down for you.  Debb, you and Bry (we gotta talk more music next time) have got what it takes, please keep at it!  Doug, you sir are an inspiration.  Charlie and Ken - I could listen to your stories forever and thanks for listening to a couple of mine.  Joe, I gotta pick your brain for the automotive history you have stored there.  Nice seeing Frank III again.

Frank and Cheryl - thanks for the hospitality on Saturday and for the tour of the buildings, your stash is mind-boggling!  It was cool talking orange Deuces with Frank.  Also fun catching up with Jack and checking out Herb Martinez's work on his dash again.  Good to gab with Dave and finally meet Sue.  Nice also to see Rudy again and meet Cindy.  Rudy, I just heard you are a guitarist, we gotta talk more music next time, too.  Vance, it was great to meet you, sir.

I had to be back in Illinois for my daughter's bridal shower today but I'd like to hear how the ADC museum trip went.  There never seems to be enough time to do everything but spending quality time with you folks was beyond impressive - thanks so much!


Quote from: "phat rat"Dave, thanks for the pic. That is a cool one. I'm gonna save it myself. Everyone, thanks for the week-end it was a ball. To those I hadn't met before it was a pleasure, to those old friends, nice to get together again and BS.  I think Dave that your exercise regime got a real workout Sat, my understanding this morning was that you were rather tired from all the lifting. LOL  I hope it's not too long before pics of your great suprise show up on the net.  After I left Auburn, I two laned it home for a good share of the way. Got home just before 6 and good women that she is my wife had supper ready when I arrived. She knew I would be home by 6 as I had called her earlier to let her know.

Jack i dont know if i still have your email.. you might wanna send it to me again and i have actually 2 pics and i didnt post the other one but i think it may be even better.. I can send you both full size..

Charlie Chops 1940

Great weekend with a bunch of great pals. OBT and I enjoyed the Ford Museum after a looong absence - close to 20 years for both of us.

Denise - thanks for hosting a really fun & relaxed dinner. It was wonderful. Good to see all the gang there, and of course it's always great to share our car life stories. Larry - good to see you. What are the chances of running into another  Amphitheater indoor drags alumni anyway? After 45 years or so?

Frank & Cheryl (and Fat Cat and Miss Kitty) thanks for a wonderful day of our usual antics and a nice meal shared with friends - what more could we ask for? One of the biggest crowds we ever had for BBQ maintenence - not that I did much - for which I feel duly guilty. Thanks Rudy for the tips on the windsplit construction on the '40 windshield - and next time I come to "the City" I want to see the Corvette shop for sure.

The ACD Museum was a really neat place filled with  some of the best examples of luxery cars of the early 30's. And even though there wasn't a '32 Ford in sight I thoroughly enjoyed the experience. With Rob's Knoledge of the cars and the museum I felt like I had a guided tour.

All in all it was a dandy weekend - actually just 3 more Saturdays - but it sure got me primed for summer.

A good friend will come and bail you out of jail...but, a true friend will be sitting next to you saying. "Wow...that was fun!"

Poster geezer for retirement....

A Hooligan!


GPster and I had a great weekend in Swanton.  It was fun to meet new friends and see old ones again.  Denise, Frank & Cheryl, everything was wonderful!  Thanks, again.  GPster and Linda

PS - We Paypal'd at little extra thank you.


ok, I'll put up some shots from the weekend.

I haven't downloaded sundays adventure yet, so i'll post those later.

Someone who stayed later on sat night will have to post the pic of DAVE!! I have just the "setup" LOL  great Idea Bry. Good job!! :wink:

We both had a wonderful time!!!!  Thanks again to the Franks and their BETTER 1/2's  all the great food and place to hang out!!! Rob feels bad because he didn't work  :cry:

Denise, thanks for the dinner, we were all pooped from fri, and it was sure great to relax!


OK i recognize nost of the group at denise's house and in front of the train but who are the good lookin bunch in font of the house? :wink:  :wink:

later jim
Most people have a higher than average number of legs.



Quote from: "river1"OK i recognize nost of the group at denise's house and in front of the train but who are the good lookin bunch in font of the house? :wink:  :wink:

later jim

Newest members, we figured we could use some of the "quiet" type, LOL