Hooley goes to Bonneville 2013 - 2014

Started by WZ JUNK, May 18, 2013, 11:51:19 AM

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Charlie Chops 1940


Thanks for the update on all of the runs and analysis of the handling. I'm really looking forward to seeing what it can do at the World Finals.

A good friend will come and bail you out of jail...but, a true friend will be sitting next to you saying. "Wow...that was fun!"

Poster geezer for retirement....

A Hooligan!


An update on what is going on.

As I mentioned before, I think, after the high oil temp on the last run and the decision to go home and check the motor we took the car to my place and pulled the motor and Hooley took it home and checked the bearings.  They looked fine so we might of been able to go on but....he did a leak down test on the motor and one cylinder was low, around 25%.  He could hear air in the adjacent cylinder's intake or exhaust.  He pulled the head and the head gasket was about ready to let go so good thing we stopped.

He installed new gaskets with a sealer and torqued them higher and also had time to run the motor to operating temp and let it set a couple days and retorqued again.  Something he didn't have time for before.  He feels good about it but the block might get O-Ringed over the winter.

I've cleaned the car but still find salt all of the time.  Re-fiberglassed one part of the belly pan that got hurt going on or off the trailer.  Also the same for the bottom of the nose of the frontend.  Replaced 2 of the forward heims on the ladder bars.  

Fixed some of the belly pan mounts that had either broke off or were damaged.  Put in dzus fasteners on the very back belly pan that we had scabbed in just before going to the salt.  Reinforced the frontend suspension stops and added a second brace to them.  

Found some other rims and tires to use on the car when it is in storage and on the trailer.  We also bought 2 almost new landspeed rear tires and rims.  We are also going to mount up 2 tires I had so now will have 2 front and 2 rear spares.

I got 4 new springs for the wastegates that will let us start with basically zero boost at WOT.  With the 8 lb. springs we were using it would go from no boost to 6-8 lbs. and the sudden 200-300 HP in a second or two was hard to control.  Now with the ability to start at zero boost at WOT we should be able to bring the boost on in 2-4 lb increments with the 6 stage Turbosmart boost controller in 3rd and 4th and run on the motor in 1st and 2nd.  Remember the car ran 218 on no boost and 50% throttle.  I think on just motor in the first couple gears the car will actually accelerate faster since you won't have to be feathering the throttle so much.  Then in some of 3rd and 4th we can hopefully bring the boost on in steps that don't keep breaking the tires loose.

I also found a new set of the 'right' overdrive gears for 4th (.865) that Hooley will put in when he gets to our place.  I also found two different sets of higher drive gears for the transmission that drive the countershaft that would also give us a higher 4th with the present two high gear sets we have available now but would also make 1st and 2nd higher which could be good or bad.  At least now we have a better selection of available gears and also gears I could use in the lakester if I buy the same transmission which is what I'm leaning towards.

Hooley is on his way now (Friday) to our place with his wife and sister-in-law.  They are taking their time and should arrive here Sunday.  We will spend a couple days sightseeing in the area and then Wanda and her sister will return home and we will put the motor back in the car and do a few other things and hopefully leave for Wendover Sunday the 30th.

The plan is to put Hooley in the car and run AA/BFCC.  If he gets the record and there is still time we might change to AA/BGCC and I'll drive the car.  This time there won't be any license runs for either of us so we might get a chance to see what the car will do and I'm very optimistic that it is going to be fast if we don't do anything stupid.

I think that is about it,




I don't remember if I told you guys about Ron Tezinski (I have known him for years, but still can't spell his name) and the "stay in School" 32 ford roadster.  He put one of those adjustable boost controllers in it this year, but just on and off.  He said went out and about 200 or so, hit the boost, immiedate 10 pounds more, and just "went around".  He was not in a good mood that night.  He was going to change it up to the way you have it with small boost jumps.

1965 Impala SS  502
1941 Olds

Watcher of #974 1953 Studebaker Bonneville pas record holder B/BGCC 249.945 MPH.  He sure is FAST



Chopped 48 Chevy Truck
Former Crew chief #974 1953 Studebaker   
Past Bonneville record holder B/BGCC 249.9 MPH


It appears the World Finals is cancelled.  

Chopped 48 Chevy Truck
Former Crew chief #974 1953 Studebaker   
Past Bonneville record holder B/BGCC 249.9 MPH


So much for my In-N_Out burger.  Been watching landracing all day, and they have been hinting it was going to happen.  Then announced it.  

1965 Impala SS  502
1941 Olds

Watcher of #974 1953 Studebaker Bonneville pas record holder B/BGCC 249.945 MPH.  He sure is FAST



Darn, I just got the news from Sumner. You guys are quick. I hadn't even considered a rain out. I guess that's why I booked my airline through one of the internet travel companies.. nonrefundable... What a dumb *! I did get my rental car refund.

Poor Hooley. At least I didn't pull a trailer to Utah. I guess he had to go retrieve the 974 anyway.

That plan sure didn't work out.


Had surgery on my left big toe today. He said To take it easy for thr next few days
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


Quote from: "enjenjo"Had surgery on my left big toe today. He said To take it easy for thr next few days

Hey, my middle name is easy.  If I go any slower, I will have to back up.  Take care.

Chopped 48 Chevy Truck
Former Crew chief #974 1953 Studebaker   
Past Bonneville record holder B/BGCC 249.9 MPH


Quote from: "Beck"...Poor Hooley. At least I didn't pull a trailer to Utah. I guess he had to go retrieve the 974 anyway.

That plan sure didn't work out.

He is on his way home right now with an empty trailer.  We put the motor/trans back in and some other stuff.  I'll finish up and will keep the car here.  It was a sad deal not going, but we are still in good spirits,



Well it sure seems like a long winter. The car is at Sum's just waiting for summer. I am going out sometime this spring and work on the car , getting it ready for Speed Week.
 Sum has been busy working on his lakester.  Maybe this year or next.

This year I am not working every day to get the Stude ready and that is a relief for me. I was working on a 32 Ford glass roadster but sold it the other day. I didn't even take a picture of it.   I will move the 1942 Willys pu into the garage before too long. It will be a street able Gasser.

I want everyone to know that I appreciate the time ,effort, and money that you put in our Bonneville experience. It has meant a lot to me.

On a good note: The days are getting longer and it is getting closer to warm weather.

"Just Glade To Be Here"


I'm anxious to see it run in person.


Hooley, we appreciate you doing this and letting us be a part of it. :D


Thanks guys and if any thing happens I'll let you know.

John got his "Century Of Speed" book the other day. He said there was a couple of pictures od the 974 in it.

"Just Glade To Be Here"


I will post this here as I think it will reach most of the people that have been part of the 974 over the years.  Our good friend Jerry passed away during the night Friday of an apparent heart related problem.  Jerry was a great guy with an unbelievable positive attitude.  He was one of Hooley's high school classmates, a hot rodder, drag racer, and Bonneville team member and supporter.  He was an inspiration to all of us.

Gods speed buddy.

Chopped 48 Chevy Truck
Former Crew chief #974 1953 Studebaker   
Past Bonneville record holder B/BGCC 249.9 MPH