Hooley goes to Bonneville 2013 - 2014

Started by WZ JUNK, May 18, 2013, 11:51:19 AM

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Ruth and I wanted to thank everyone, especially Hooley, for making it possible for me to get in some license runs this past Speed Week.  Thanks, John, Mark, Charlie, Ken, Ken & Loraine, Bill, Frank, Doug, Mark, George, Tom and anyone else I forgot for all of the hard work back east, at our house and on the salt.

Soon I will try to have more of the build posted and also this year's story of getting the car to the salt and on the salt action.

Now for another request.  Borg Warner (our turbos are from them) contacted me today and would like some pictures of the car to possibly use in their next performance catalog.  Ruth took pictures on the salt and Tom sent me some nice pictures.  If you have a picture of the car on the salt, by itself or with crew please send them to me.  I'll try and go through them and forward some to Borg Warner.

Thanks again to everyone.  The experience was something I'll remember forever,

Sumner and Ruth


I just wanted to let everyone know how much being allowed to be part of this means to me.  Like Sum said, these are memories for a lifetime.

Thanks to everyone involved
1965 Impala SS  502
1941 Olds

Watcher of #974 1953 Studebaker Bonneville pas record holder B/BGCC 249.945 MPH.  He sure is FAST




Your mailbox is full, so a bunch of us must have sent pictures.  Let us know when empty, and I will send more.

1965 Impala SS  502
1941 Olds

Watcher of #974 1953 Studebaker Bonneville pas record holder B/BGCC 249.945 MPH.  He sure is FAST



Not sure which mailbox??  PM me with the box you are trying to use.

The e-mail I have on the site (starts with contact20) isn't full unless someone is sending a lot of photos at once or a very big one.  

Right now there is about 29 megs of space on it.  Please send pictures that are less than 1 meg.




A little more info.  On my long course run I ran 208 in the 4th mile and 213 in the 5th with a 217 exit speed.   The car will do much more.  I ran the second half of the 3, all the 4 and the 5 on about 50% throttle and no boost all motor.  

I didn't want to screw up the license run or I would of gone faster.  The car handled great.  Also according to the tach and the data logger I was running 6200 at the exit which according to my spreadsheet is 240 so don't know what was going on there.  

It looks like we will for sure go to World Finals the 1st of October with Hooley driving.

Also I'm back to documenting the changes to the car and have 3 new pages on the 28 gallon ice water tank for the intercoolers....

Lots more pictures here....


One more page on this tank and then back to the vertical stabilizers and the wing,



Sum, thanks for updates.

Any internal engine inspections yet?

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


Quote from: "Crosley"Sum, thanks for updates.

Any internal engine inspections yet?

He has checked the mains and there was no damage and the same with the rods that he has checked.  So we could of kept running, but I'm glad we didn't chance it.  This stuff is expensive  :cry: .

Hooley will get on here sooner or later.  His computer broke about 2 weeks before SpeedWeek and he still isn't back on-line but he does want to thank everyone that helped us at home, my place and on the salt,



good news on the engine in 974... baby steps with new setup as you folks are doing.

Was data logging at Speed Week a success or limited?

Hooley took some time and chatted with me and Janice.  We enjoyed it.

Had a few chats with purplepickuptruck guy.. he gets a little rev'd up  and I enjoy that too!

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


Quote from: "Crosley"
Had a few chats with purplepickuptruck guy.. he gets a little rev'd up  and I enjoy that too!
Yeah, we did talk about politics some and solved most of the world's problems didn't we?


Quote from: "Crosley"good news on the engine in 974... baby steps with new setup as you folks are doing.

Was data logging at Speed Week a success or limited?

I'd say limited.  It all worked (16 data points), but while the license runs insured the 'baby steps' it also limited what we could do.  Keeping the speeds down meant that the car ran on the motor on almost all of the runs except for some very brief full throttle/load situations.

We did see some boost, up to 6-7 lbs. briefly, but not long enough to really see what the air/fuel would be under constant boost.  Even the A license run over 200 was at about 50% throttle for most of the run.  If we would of watched the water/oil temps more closely and put the run off to the next day then the run after that would of been a good run for putting the car under load and boost for a longer period.

According to Gordon though at Superior Air whom we bought the carb from the data we did get suggests the carb should be pretty close at higher loads/boost.  I'm hoping we go two jets richer on the driver side and one on the passenger side as I'd like to see it richer for the next run.

I do have questions about some of our data and how to interpret it.  When I have it in better order to present to someone Gordon said he would look at it and also the techs at Borg Warner said they would also help along with Jerry at DIYautotune and Marty at Turbosmart.  Luckily we do have some good backup help in this venture.

I'll post more when I know more.  It was good seeing you guys.  It has been a while,



Quote from: "1FATGMC"It has been a while, Sum
Red right returning racer, red right returning :lol:
Tell the National Guard to mind the grocery store...


Just added 3 pages on building and finishing the ....

.............. vertical stabilizers and ....

... small wing.

Lots of RRT....

.... help on these.  Sorry George I didn't get a picture of you working on the inside body panels and the other jobs you did.  Do you have pictures of any of that?  George was on duty from Hooley's house to the last hour (teardown) on the salt so gets the "most hours put in" award :) .

There are lots more pictures and more detailed info starting here on the verticals and the smaller wing....


They saved my butt on one run  8) ,



Here is a copy and paste from a post I just made on landracing.com:

I added some video of my license runs last night.  We have in-car and out-the-front video from the first 3 runs.  Then I think left the cameras on and ran the batteries as the last 3 runs we only have a few minutes of video from each run.  Of some value as we can see the oil temp on the dash before each run and can see that it was getting hotter and hotter as the last 4 runs were back to back.  We really shouldn't of made the A license run that day knowing what we know now.  Should of gone to the pits and cooled everything down.  Next time we will be much more careful and watch the oil temps and change some of the water between each run in the main 30 gallon tank that feeds the rad-in-a-box and change water and add a lot more ice to the intercooler tank since hopefully we will be running more boost.

Here are two videos from the C license run (150-175 mph)my second run after getting the D license) and it is pretty boring but shows the starter and you can also see how well the car handles.  The only time I moved the wheel was a couple short WOT experiments when the tires got loose going into boost and the car jumped a little sideways.
In-Car: //[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jymzMP1fjIQ[/youtube]

Down-Track: //[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n44GVPKMguo[/youtube]

the 2 mile was 168.846, 2 1/4 177.085, 3 mile was 173.66.  I pushed the 2 1/4 speed a little higher than I should of but was trying to see if getting 175 at the 2 1/4 to qualify the car for the long course was going to be a problem as they wanted us to re-qualify the car with all the changes to it.  We did not try to use that speed to go to the long course, but used my speed on my B license run the next day.

Next up is video from my first attempt at a B license (175-200 mph).  I was trying to run 190 at the 2 1/4 and when I went to WOT before the 2 the throttle stuck wide open for 3 seconds.  The car jumped sideways and I lifted as I had done on previous runs but the throttle was stuck wide open.  This was at 178 mph according to the data log at that point.  The tail of the car continued to the right very quickly and I felt for sure it was going to go all the way around so didn't pull the chute as it would of just wrapped around the car.  I steered into the slide and the vertical stabilizers caught the car and sent it the other way but not quite as far.  Then I waited until the car started to swing the other way and pull the chute just before it was lined up with down-track.  The chute came out and the car settled down.  Of course all of that happened a lot quicker than you can read about it.

In-car: //[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKGZrCyLSEI[/youtube]

Down-track (keep track of the horizon): //[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xaGf2Dh7bPo[/youtube]

We took the car back to the staging line and Hooley added a 3rd throttle spring that was also at a better angle to the linkage at WOT and never had a throttle problem after that run.  No more videos after that run, but a short run-down.

The next run, for the B license, I screwed up and shifted from 1st to 4th.  Instead of trying a down shift I left it there to see how the car would pull under load.  I had a 122 mile 2 speed, 145 at the 2 1/4 and a 156 3 mile speed.  According to the rpm at the exit the car was running over 180 though so that was good.

Finally got my act back together on the next B license run and ran  a 155 2 mile, a 188.726 at the 2 1/4 (qualified for the long course) and  a 186.560 3 mile as I just ran through at the same rpm trying not to screw anything up.

We went right over the the #2 long course and ran (should of waited to next day) and again I just wanted a smooth run for an A license.  Ran a 153 2 mile,  178 at the 2 1/4, 188 3rd mile, 208 4th mile and a 213 5th mile.  I ran the second half of the 3, all the 4 and all the 5 at about 50% throttle and about the same rpm as I didn't have my rpm sheet with me before the run.  When I saw the exit traps coming up I got in it a little and ran a 217.997 exit speed.  The oil temp was pegged at 300.

The next day after looking at the filter we decided to quit but later found no engine damage once Hooley got the engine to his place.

At this point I'd call the rear vertical stabilizers a major success as I'm sure the car would of spun without them on the one run and on the other runs the car was as straight as an arrow as long as the tires didn't break loose and when they did it was very predictable and returned to straight as soon as you lifted just a bit.  On the near spin I thought for sure the forces might of laid the verticals over but they survived with no bending or damage at all.

I was really happy to of been able to drive the car and run over 200.  Thanks Hooley and all the other guys who worked on the car and a special thanks to my wife, Ruth who has been very supportive on this whole deal.,



This months Goodguys Gazette has a nice article on Bonneville.  There is even a picture of Hooley's Studebaker.  Online access is found here  https://www.good-guys.com/new-digital-gazette

Chopped 48 Chevy Truck
Former Crew chief #974 1953 Studebaker   
Past Bonneville record holder B/BGCC 249.9 MPH


QuoteThis months Goodguys Gazette has a nice article on Bonneville. There is even a picture of Hooley's Studebaker.

i had to register.  Not too big of deal.

Interesting write up on B'ville

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)