Hooley goes to Bonneville 2013 - 2014

Started by WZ JUNK, May 18, 2013, 11:51:19 AM

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Quote from: "WZ JUNK"I will post this here as I think it will reach most of the people that have been part of the 974 over the years.  Our good friend Jerry passed away during the night Friday of an apparent heart related problem.  Jerry was a great guy with an unbelievable positive attitude.  He was one of Hooley's high school classmates, a hot rodder, drag racer, and Bonneville team member and supporter.  He was an inspiration to all of us.

Gods speed buddy.


I am sorry to hear that.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


Thanks John for posting about Jerry. He was a good friend and will be missed. His positive attitude was there every day no mater what his situation was.

Miss you Jer,
"Just Glade To Be Here"


Sorry to hear about Jerry passing away

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


Here it is the middle of June and little has been said about what is going on with 974 or 2974.  We have two numbers now. The 2974 is when we changes classes during Speed week . The car is entered in AA/BFCC for this Speed Week, if we get done in Fuel class and switch to Gas class with Sum driving then we change the number to 2974.
I went to Sum's last month and worked on the car. We finished putting it back together and fixed a couple of problems we found.
We left Sum's and went to El Mirage to watch their racing. They don't call it dirty for nothing. We did run it several people we knew from Bonneville.

When I left Sum's he had a long list of things to get done before we leave for Speed Week. He has been busy. Check out his web site for some of the things he is working on.

 We will leave Okla. about a week before Speed Week to get all the last minute things done.  

Since I don't have the car here to work on , I started building a 1942 Willys pick-up. I will get a thread started about it.

 Thanks Hooley
"Just Glade To Be Here"


Here we are 2 weeks till we leave for Sum's place. He has been working on the car all summer.  I have talked with some of you about coming to Speed Week. If you are coming and have a Champion T- shirt, please bring it along.  We're not sure of the racing plan yet.
As a lot of you know I ran a piece of wire into my left eye. It shattered the lens. The Dr. thinks I'll be able to get a new one by the last of AUG. We're hoping so.  If I feel driving isn't safe, Then Sum will start in where he left off last year.   Hope a Record and maybe the 200MPH club, Just hoping.
Should have more later,
"Just Glade To Be Here"


Hi Hooley, sorry to hear about some of the bad luck you've had lately, hope all is OK and will see you all on the big white dynomometer in a few weeks time.

I have a very old Champion Spark Plugs T shirt, but I don't think that's what you mean.  But if you bring along an extra 3XL team shirt I'll be happy to buy it from you.  Hell it's high time I had another orange shirt just to annoy Mrs Carps.

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift.


Quote from: "Carps"
I have a very old Champion Spark Plugs T shirt, but I don't think that's what you mean.  But if you bring along an extra 3XL team shirt I'll be happy to buy it from you.  Hell it's high time I had another orange shirt just to annoy Mrs Carps.

I hate to break it to you, but the Champion Oil shirt is black. Will that make Mrs. Carps happier?

We were supposed to take photos in the shirt last year for that sponsor, but failed to do it. I expect their name is still on the car.

I will bring mine, but will not be spending the afternoon in black with the sun baking me.

The guys at work have started calling me Pumpkin because I am always in an orange 974 shirt. (University of Illinois shirts are the same color. I have a few of them also) I forced myself to start wearing some of the older ones. I have one on now that has the "Record Holder 236.9 mph" on it. That has been a few years ago. I keep the new 974 shirts for "special occasions".

I'm looking forward to seeing everyone again.



Thanks Beck for suggesting we take pictures early in the morning.
It seems like after racing starts there isn't much extra time.

"Just Glade To Be Here"

Charlie Chops 1940


I'm happy that you are able to go to Speed Week. Hopeully both you and Sum can make that big orange car run strong. Certainly seemed like it was working it's way up there last year but time runs out. At least you aren't chasing the engine around this year- cross our fingers.

I'm sorry I can't be there this year. Too many irons in the fire caring for grand kids a couple days a week, M-I-L still in the nursing home, one son going through a bankruptcy and divorce.

I was able to wrangle  4 days for selling at the Street Rod Nationals swap meet though.


A good friend will come and bail you out of jail...but, a true friend will be sitting next to you saying. "Wow...that was fun!"

Poster geezer for retirement....

A Hooligan!


Quote from: "Beck"I hate to break it to you, but the Champion Oil shirt is black. Will that make Mrs. Carps happier?
Prolly not, I have ten squillion and six black T shirts already.   :lol:

Quote from: "Beck"The guys at work have started calling me Pumpkin because I am always in an orange 974 shirt.
I had an orange pullover that My Mum knitted for me, and wore it everywhere.  Not long after getting married it mysteriously vanished.

Some time later I kinda figured it out.  Arrived home from a day at the auctions with a shiney orange Porsche 911 and proudly proclaimed I had purchased Mrs Carps a fine new automobile.  Took her outside to view said exotic sports car, to which her first words were to ask, how long we had been married.

The answer to which was, "About ten years."

To which she responded with, "So what on earth makes you think I'm going to drive an orange car?"

That was 30 years ago and she still won't let me bring anything orange into the house unless it can be eaten or turned into juice.  

Quote from: "Beck"I'm looking forward to seeing everyone again.
Me too.

Quote from: "Charlie Chops 1940"I was able to wrangle  4 days for selling at the Street Rod Nationals swap meet though.
I'll keep an eye out for you, of course wearing the orange shirt will make it easier for me.   :D

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift.


Quote from: "Hooley"Thanks Beck for suggesting we take pictures early in the morning.
It seems like after racing starts there isn't much extra time.

There is nothing more beautiful than sunrise on the salt.
The afternoon, full sun, photos seem to make the easiest good looking group/car shots. Those are hard to screw up.
I don't have a problem putting the shirt on in the heat of the day for a photo. I just plan to swap back into something lighter colored.
Will everyone be there on Fri? Once we get in motion we tend to stay in motion, so photos before racing may be easiest. If we schedule a time everyone can be in the pit.
Thats my 2 cents worth... I'm not worth much more...


Yea, I don't know if every one will be there Fri afternoon. We may have to play it by ear.  We will work something out.
"Just Glade To Be Here"


Odie and I are leaving Helena early Friday, not sure exactly how early we will get there.  I never got one of the Champion shirts, so don't wait on us.

1965 Impala SS  502
1941 Olds

Watcher of #974 1953 Studebaker Bonneville pas record holder B/BGCC 249.945 MPH.  He sure is FAST



Doug, I have some more Champion shirts. We will wait  till every one is there for pictures. It is good to hear Oddie is coming.

"Just Glade To Be Here"


I'll try to remember my shirt and will be at Sumner's on Tuesday 8/5.  Still in north Michigan right now.  See ya soon.