Hooley goes to Bonneville 2013 - 2014

Started by WZ JUNK, May 18, 2013, 11:51:19 AM

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"Just Glade To Be Here"


Well, we left Sumners a day early and it's probably a good thing.  A tire shredded on Hooley's trailer somewhere by Provo.  Changing it wasn't bad but we had to buy a fresh one to replace the spare and another one that was looking questionable.  When we got to a Discount Tire in Salt Lake City during rush hour but they didn't have the right ones in stock so they sent us across town  to another store. The tires were under warrantee there. Things worked out but it just ate up a couple of hours.

We heard that it had rained on the salt today and they were going to delay the start of racing til Sunday maybe.  It was dark when we got here so we couldn't see much but it was raining and we could see water in the median of I-80 as we passed the exit to the salt.  We'll know more tomorrow.

Oh yeah, we stopped by Bo Huff's shop and spent a while on the way up too.


Looks like racing is still on after the rain yesterday with just a couple of days delay.  Here is the official report from the SCTA facebook page:

Bonneville Salt Report, August 7, 8:30pm: after a complete review of the Bonneville Salt Flats, it appears that the courses are drying and we expect continued improvement. The Board has decided to start site cleanup on Saturday, August 9th, allowing all participants onto the salt for pit selection and inspection. We hope to start racing on Monday, August 11th based upon course conditions. The SCTA merchandize trailer will be open on the entry road for all SCTA products. The Board thanks all racers and fans for their continued support and patience during this delay. We will have another update tomorrow morning to provide current conditions but for now, Speed Week and the Century of Speed celebration is still on!

1965 Impala SS  502
1941 Olds

Watcher of #974 1953 Studebaker Bonneville pas record holder B/BGCC 249.945 MPH.  He sure is FAST



My opinion is that they won't be racing this year but according to the latest from SCTA, the courses are drying but I drove out to the end of the road late today and here's some pics of what I saw.  One of the officials there said the water was deep enough that it was over the top of the tires on a Jeep Cherokee and flowing into the car through the bottoms of the doors.  The water in the pits is about knee deep and the track has a couple of inches on it.  We'll see what happens.

End of road where we usually drive onto the salt.

Tents at end of access road

A lot of activity in the parking lots in town waiting for the weather to cooperate.
Beck packing the chute

Sam Woodard built roadster on right.  

By the way, it rained again late this afternoon. :(


The year that I went, we had the same view from the end of the road. By wednesday, they were running on the short course but you said it rained some more so it sounds poor to me. Welcome to the salt flats. :(


Quote from: "kb426"The year that I went, we had the same view from the end of the road. By wednesday, they were running on the short course. :(
That's encouraging.  I've only been coming for 10 years or so and haven't seen this much water so my opinion is just that.  We're keeping our fingers crossed.  The rain last evening was a short downpour in town and maybe it didn't even rain on the salt.  The clouds were dark though.  We just got up and are headed down to talk about it and finish up on car chores.


My exp. was turned into one of my best memories. Because they couldn't race, it turned into a fabulous social event for a few days. I spent a whole afternoon with Don Vesco while he worked on his 'liner. It had 2 turbo offys then. Being able to converse with serious car people that have time to talk was wonderful. My whole week has stories like that. A friend and I took his 29 model a roadster pickup out there. It was 1000 miles one way. No top, no sun block, just 2 friends enjoying a great week. :)


Quote from: "kb426"My exp. was turned into one of my best memories. Because they couldn't race, it turned into a fabulous social event for a few days. :)
This year has definitely been a big social event too.  Lots of unhurried stories have been shared...from the parking lot to McDonalds.

The latest news on the event is that Speed Week has been called off for this year.  Such is outdoor racing.


George,  Thanks again for the call.  

Odie and I were on our way down this morning when George called and gave us the news on Speed Weeks.  We were about 150 miles south of Helena, so ended up having a nice drive out of the deal.

1965 Impala SS  502
1941 Olds

Watcher of #974 1953 Studebaker Bonneville pas record holder B/BGCC 249.945 MPH.  He sure is FAST


Charlie Chops 1940

Man, I'm sorry to hear that it was scrubbed (no pun intended). I know the amount of work, worry and money that goes into the venture. I'm probably as unhappy as you guys.

A good friend will come and bail you out of jail...but, a true friend will be sitting next to you saying. "Wow...that was fun!"

Poster geezer for retirement....

A Hooligan!


we made the lap around Wendover & Salt flat area today. Just drove up from Ely NV this morning..

Now:  Sitting in motel in Wells NV..  paid for the room, may as well use it

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)

Ohio Blue Tip

Sorry to hear the meet was canceled.  I tried really hard to make it out this year, but just couldn't make it.
Chances are better that next year I can attend.  I'm sure it's very disappointing for all the racers.
Some people try to turn back their odometers
Not me, I want people to know "why" I look this way.
I\'ve traveled a long way and some of the
roads weren\'t paved.



All that work and all the expense is what I think of when they canceled the event.  A lot of disappointed people.  I hope everyone has a safe trip home.

Chopped 48 Chevy Truck
Former Crew chief #974 1953 Studebaker   
Past Bonneville record holder B/BGCC 249.9 MPH


Quote from: "WZ JUNK"All that work and all the expense is what I think of when they canceled the event.  A lot of disappointed people.  I hope everyone has a safe trip home.


I talked to folks from Australia and Canada.  I drove hundreds of miles as a spectator.. they flew thousands of miles. Some guys had cars shipped in across the large pond.  I wonder if they will return for World of Speed if that event is held

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


We can't control the weather ,just make the best of it.  We had a good time in the parking lot the time we were there. Sum and Ruth had to leave a little early for home. As it was there was no racing and they didn't miss anything. Ken and I stopped at the Speedway museum . That is a great place.
Thanks everyone for your time and support. This is rain out #2 for us. I am counting last years World Final. Sum was ready to test the confirgation on the car. Hopeful a record was there.
 We heard roamers that they will extend World finals to include Speed Week time. Just roamers at this time.

Till Next time,
"Just Glade To Be Here"