NSRA year change

Started by enjenjo, April 16, 2009, 09:22:29 PM

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Yup it makes me mad too when I think that someone has been telling me lies.

However, I'm not convinced that the organisation has been telling lies.

Maybe they've just interpreted what has been said to them by many of the members as a need for change.  

Considering most of us are members of more than one old car organisation, maybe they've looked at the growth of other organisations, who have embraced a wider production period and taken that as a message from their own members.

Maybe they had a survey done.  Do you know that surveys generally only go out to 20% of the total number of people who may be directly affected by the result of that survey.  I see almost every day that over 60% of the population of Australia think our elected National Leader is the most wonderul man and he's doing a * fine job.  I totally disagree, yet I've never once in my life been asked the question by any of the many survey companies who publish this type of information.

I dunno if any of this is what's happened here, but what I do know is that getting mad at them, or attending their events wearing protest T shirts so they know you are angry, probably isn't going to help the situation or get you the answers or changes you seek.

Personally, I don't wish to attend an event where all the participants are angry, kinda puts a serious damper on the fun factor.

Likewise, quitting and walking away from the organisation, to me at least, is like cutting off your nose to spite your face.

Sure, I can see and maybe even share the points of view expressed here, but getting mad or getting even won't fix anything, only make it worse.  So why not calmly present these points of view to the leaders of the organisation and see where it goes.   Why not offer a couple of options that may be more palatable to both sides.

On the other hand, we need to all consider the bigger picture in order to understand the reasons they've taken such a bold step.

There was mention of vendors being 'screwed' in a couple or more previous posts.

If the change was driven by the vendors, then I might suggest it's not likely to be negotiable.

A fact of life, especially in the current fiscal climate, is that everybody, venue owners included, need to make a decent return on their investment.  The way I see this as applied to NSRA, is that they keep the cost for entrants at their events low, by asking those who come to show and sell their wares to cover the lions share of the event cost.  If that were to change or the vendors simply not attend because the market/event attendance is not big enough for them to turn a profit for their effort, then will you as participants, be prepared to pay a significantly increased entry fee?

Would you prefer to pay more to attend an event with fewer vendors in the halls?  Would you prefer to attend an event with no 'door prizes' or give aways?  At a sub standard facility with little or no security?

Like I said, I dunno what has driven the decision to change, but I do doubt it was made on a whim.  So why not talk calmly and rationally with your local NSRA Rep, ask them to take your thoughts and feelings back to head office and give you some feedback.  History should tell us that discussing it angrily on an on-line forum isn't going to change anything.

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift.

phat rat

My understanding from talking with a couple of NSRA people was that vendors concerns were a big part of the decision
Some days it\'s not worth chewing through the restraints.


It will be interesting to see how many people stay home from the 2010 SR Nats, and how many people do not renew their NSRA memberships. I don't go to the Nats every year so I am going to wait to see how all this shakes out. Maybe I'll look elsewhere such as Back to the 60's, Frog Follies, and more Good Guys events. I wouldn't mind a cut off at 1972, but the 30 year things is just wrong, IMO. The change is entirely too radical to be accepted by a lot of the membership. If it would have been approached by stating a change must be made, and give the membership several options to vote on, it would have alleviated this derisive mess. Right now, it looks authoritarian, disrespectful, and greedy. If the NSRA muckety-mucks would realize that their organization is based on its membership, and that appropriate communication and a democratic approach to change rather than a dictatorial proclamation would result in the same ends, they would not have the strife they have succeeded in creating over this.
'32 3W

I write novels, too. https://lsjohanson.com


i think the biggest reason they are changing is the car counts are down, and have been trending that way for at least the last 8 years. That's because the people who count, those with disposable income, no longer relate to street rods. When this whole thong started back in the early 70s, most rods were 34 or earlier. I still have older friends that think that anything newer than 34, and anything not a Ford, is not a true hot rod. I don't agree.

I got into cars about 1960. At that time in Ohio, there were for all purposes, nothing older than late 30s cars on the road yet. I remember one 32 5 window, and a few A sedans. Lots of 40s stuff though, and those are the ones I relate to.

Most people are attracted to cars the can remember lusting for in their youth.   The older generation of rodders, who are mostly gone now, remembered the Ts, and As In my case it was 40s cars, those much younger than me don't relate. They don't even relate to the 50s. Most of them are doing 60s, and even 70s cars, the ones we used for parts.

Like it or not, the NSRA has to move on, or they are doomed, and they know it. They may loose some hard core people now, but I think they will pick up 2 or 3 for every one they loose.

The reason there is a Good Guys, NSRA would not listen when they were told they were missing out. Others moved in, and stole their lunch. Now they have to face it, or go down.

In the long run, I think it's good for the sport.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


Quote from: "enjenjo"i think the biggest reason they are changing is the car counts are down, and have been trending that way for at least the last 8 years.
That would also explain the pressure being applied by vendors.

QuoteI still have older friends that think that anything newer than 34, and anything not a Ford, is not a true hot rod.
I have friends who think anythiong that has a fixed roof or more than two doors can't be called a hot rod.

I too don't agree.

QuoteI got into cars about 1960.
Does that make you a late starter or me an early one?

QuoteAt that time in Ohio, there were for all purposes, nothing older than late 30s cars on the road yet.
At that time I thought the only cars in Ohio werre gassers.   :shock:

QuoteMost people are attracted to cars the can remember lusting for in their youth.
I still own both otf them, regardless how cool or uncool others consider they may be, I'll also be keeping them.

In the long run, I think it's good for the sport.[/quote]
Couldn't have said it better myself.

And come hell or highwater, I will be at Louisville next year to see the variety.  I just won't look at the cars I find unintersting, which is what I've always done, regardless of the model year cut-off.

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift.


All I can is :

Carps you need to be careful.  An older fellow as yerself needs to avoid falling down much.  If you break a hip , they may put you down.  :shock:

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


I am going this year, even though I am between jobs right now. But I won't be back to Louisville if it stays like it is going. I will miss the vendors and being able to pick up things at the event to save shipping. I received my info in the mail from the NSRA about where to go to register like they usually send. Also included was an entry blank for their 2010 Street Rod Nationals + (as they are calling it). I should send it back in and write NO THANKS!!!!!!!!!! on it.
A street rod is a vehicle made before 1949 that is modified with modern stuff: bigger motors; newer trans; updated suspension, front & rear; a/c.
Following is a street rod plus definition: No known definition because it changes.



I agree with every word Centerline wrote.  He has actually be reading and listening to what folks have been saying since this change has been announced unlike others in this thread that are just guessing on what's going on.
Your topless crusn buddy, Denise

Looking for old good for nothing flathead heads to use for garden project.


Quote from: "HotRodLadyCrusr"I agree with every word Centerline wrote  He has actually be reading and listening to what folks have been saying since this change has been announced unlike others in this thread that are just guessing on what's going on.
You won't get an argument from me on that, he's reacted and said pretty much what I predicted when I read the editorial in Street Scene.

Change, like death and taxes, is inevitable and the first phase of change, especially when it's forced on us, is Anger & denial.

Discussion is needed in order for everybody to understand why the change is important or unavoidable.  But of course unless we open our minds, discussion among the hardcore supporters of pre '49 will continue to be anti change.

What some of us on the outside looking in might consider driven by greed, those on the inside might just consider a necesity for survival.

I guess only time will tell, so in the meantime I'll continue to discuss the issue with an open mind and support NSRA, because I'm a car guy with no model year cut-off.

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift.


Thi is a prime example of the "boil a frog" theory. If you throw a frog into boiling water, he will jump out. but if you put him in cold water, he will set there as you gradually increase the temperature to boiling.  NSRA threw you into boiling water, and you are jumping.  A gradual change, 48 to 55 to 64 to 72 to 80 would not make a difference in the end, but there would have been less complaints.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


Guess if enough folks are upset there will most likely be a new NPFNSRA aka National Pre Forty Nine Street Rod Assoc. starting up.

Or maybe a NRSRA aka National Real Street Rod Assoc.

Or just Pre49rs assoc.

I am torn on the whole thing. I like Flamefinks reasoning but originally I thought like Carps does on the situation.

Do wonder if there is room for another organization catering to the 'purists' or 'year snobs'.

Kinda like we have so many other clubs, Model T's, Model A's, Early V8's, Stovebolts, Classic Chevys, etc.

Birds of a feather like to flock together.

I've always noticed that NSRA events seemed like High School Reunions for Old Geezers and enjoyed that.

I personally have never liked Goodguys events, not sure what it is over and above the expense, but I've always felt Goodguys catered more to later than 49's than pre 49's.

So, I guess I am now coming down on the pre 49 crowd side of things.

Heh, heh, at least I don't have to worry about paying anymore NSRA membership fees, I've been a lifetime member for so long I've gotten my moneysworth out of it many times over.

Just like the HAMB types have kinda found their niche and events, and the Kustoms like KKOA have theirs I think there will be room for the Pre 49 crowd to setup their own events if so desired.

NSRA did eventually reverse itself on it's Streetmachine Division, if the new Plus stuff dosen't work there's a chance they can reverse again.

Now realistically any pre49 organization is looking at eventually loosing it's membership since the pre49 crowd is tending toward the end of the line age wise.

heh, heh, just like the last of the Doolittle Raiders will open and drink the champaign and toast all who have passed on, I guess the last of us original Street Rodders can do the same for Street Rodding. Heh, heh, that is if gasoline dosen't run out before the Rodders do.

Oops guess I was just in a mood to ramble a bit.


Quote from: "Centerline"Those of us who don't agree with it will just go somewhere else.  With this change in place there is no longer a good reason for me to spend the money to travel across the country and stay in a hotel for 4 days just to see the same cars I can see in my local KMart parking lot any day of the week.
No argument from me, I make decisions like that every day.  When it all boils down we'll all of us only really go to the events that holds enough interest for us.

Quote from: "Centerline"Discussion is not possible.
Appreciate that Mr Walker may not be prepared to discuss it, but we are having a discussion here which has raised some good points on both sides.  Hopefully that'll help us all have a better understanding, even if it does nothing to change our minds.

Quote from: "Centerline"As an NSRA member I don't consider myself someone on the outside looking in.  The members are the ones who make this organization work and they should have an input into major decissions like the 30 year rule.
Here in Australia, our equivalent organisation, the ASRF is 'a not for profit organisation owned by the members, not any one individual or for profit organisation.  The leaders are also members, elected by the members and may be voted out by the members in the event thay do not perform to the standard the members demand.  Likewise, decisions such as this cannot be made without the full support by vote of the majority of members.

Maybe my understanding of NSRA and how it works is incorrect.  The way I see it is the organisation is 'owned' By Mr Walker or a limited number of people and is run as a 'for profit' business enterprise.  Membership is sold to help fund the business and in return for the mebership fee, members are given the right to partiicipate NSRA in events and receive the magazine etc.  Membership provides no voting rights or say in how the organisation is run.

Quote from: "Centerline"Since we weren't given that opportunity and since management is not willing to discuss it at any level I have to ask, WHY IN THE HELL WOULD ANYONE WANT TO BE A MEMBER OF AN ORGANIZATION THAT TREATS ITS MEMBERS THAT WAY?????????
From my perspective, the organisation has always delivered what it has promised in return for my membership dollar.

I'm not unhappy by the decision as for me I'm thinking it'll provide another opportunity to see a bigger range of old and interesting cars, in one place at one time.  Easy for me to get too and will save me some bucks in the longer term and give me more time to persue other activities during my too infrequent visits to the US.

Quote from: "Centerline"I learned a very long time ago that if someone screws me once the chance of them doing it again is very high. Most importantly I also learned not to give them the opportunity to screw me the second time.
At least we see eye to eye on that.    :lol:  :lol:  

Quote from: "Centerline"My membership expires in October and it will NEVER be renewed..... at least not until the NSRA comes to its senses and rescinds this stupid, idiotic rule.
Good to see you haven't completely closed the door behind you.

Reminds me, my membership expires next month, time to renew.

Quote from: "enjenjo"Thi is a prime example of the "boil a frog" theory.
Hey Frank, I love this theory, may I please steal it and use it as my own?

Quote from: "Carnut"guess I was just in a mood to ramble a bit.
Nuthin' wrong with that, the more is said the more we all learn.

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift.


Quote from: "enjenjo"Thi is a prime example of the "boil a frog" theory. If you throw a frog into boiling water, he will jump out. but if you put him in cold water, he will set there as you gradually increase the temperature to boiling.  NSRA threw you into boiling water, and you are jumping.  A gradual change, 48 to 55 to 64 to 72 to 80 would not make a difference in the end, but there would have been less complaints.

yep,  kinda the question in my head.  Why didn't they do it that way.

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


Quote from: "Crosley"
Quote from: "enjenjo"Thi is a prime example of the "boil a frog" theory. If you throw a frog into boiling water, he will jump out. but if you put him in cold water, he will set there as you gradually increase the temperature to boiling.  NSRA threw you into boiling water, and you are jumping.  A gradual change, 48 to 55 to 64 to 72 to 80 would not make a difference in the end, but there would have been less complaints.

yep,  kinda the question in my head.  Why didn't they do it that way.

It would make no difference, we are not frogs, and in the end the result doesn't change. Live with it.

QuoteMy membership expires in October and it will NEVER be renewed..... at least not until the NSRA comes to its senses and rescinds this stupid, idiotic rule.

By your code your membership can not be renewed ever. You maintain you were lied to, and you won't give them a second chance. Even if they reverse the decision, not likely, they can't unlie to you. So you can never renew. Doing what you want does not change the lie.

There are always two sides to everything. Since most of us were happy with the way things were, I can see that of those that approached NSRA for a change, 90 percent may very well wanted a change in magnitude like we are getting. Those of us that did not want a change made no comment.

Plus someone who runs any business, and make no mistake NSRA is a business first, has to make informed decisions. And as much as you would like to think it does, your wants as a member don't mean much. NSRA make most of the money on vendors and spectators, hotel kickbacks, chamber of commerce, ect.

So assuming Vernon Walker, and his board of directors made an informed decision, and I am confident they did, there is no need to discuss it with those who don't have a clue to what went into the choice. The proof of them being right or not will be how they do, survive or fail.[/code][/quote]
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


I got a information letter in the mail today and the first six words say "The premier event in street rodding". well it was but will it continue to be?
What ever the truth or reasons may be about the change I'm a street rodder first and excuse me if I would just like to go to an event that just caters for street rods.
Louisville is the premier event and as an outsider who visits the states for it can I say "you don't know how good something is until you lose it".  
After this year will I go back again I don't know. There are so many other good events on at this time it may be time to reconsider where I go in the future.
It's not that I don't like later cars 'cause I do. Last year I went to Hot August Nights and this year I'm going to the Goodguys in Pleasanton.
For my way of thinking and the way I see it a lot of people want to be rodders but can't for whatever reason and we have to accommodate them at our events.
The Corvette, Mustang,Buick......clubs don't dilute their marque for any one else so why are we?
I used the term street rod because hot rod has been hijacked to be anything.

QuoteVernon said "98% of NSRA members want this change.
If that is to be believed one would have thought that would have been relayed to it's members more openly than it has been.

QuoteYes some owners are dieing off but they aren't being buried in their cars. Their cars are being passed down to other family members or sold to new owners. They certainly aren't fading into oblivion just because their owner kicked the bucket. Also many new pre-49 cars are hitting the road every year. If this wasn't the case then a whole host of street rod vendors would have gone out of business long ago.

I liked the above quote and if the USA is anything like Australia rodding is booming certainly not dieing.

Like I said before, on occasions I would just like to go to an event with street rods.
QuoteBirds of a feather like to flock together.
QuoteI like that too.
Any how 4 more sleeps and I'm heading over and I've heard it has been really hot in L.A.
Hopefully meet some of you there. 8)
I maybe from down under but I know which way is up.
Oh hell there goes another head rush.