NSRA year change

Started by enjenjo, April 16, 2009, 09:22:29 PM

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I've been trying real hard to stay out of the middle of this (after all I do have a vested interest in the organization) But I thought I'd toss this out there.......

Quote from: "Centerline"

 There is no logic to it and it is just one of the LIES the NSRA is using to justify their greed.

Face it, they made a decision that is proving to be amazingly unpopular and in order to justify the real reason for the decision - GREED - they decided to LIE in a lame attempt to cover their butts.  Business decision or not... that is no way to treat the people who are the reason your business is in existence.

You keep referring to this as a GREED issue? If this was all about the money, NSRA could have -

.....Increased any and/or all fees (entry, membership, exhibitor, spectator, swap meet, womens world etc etc)


.....discontinued the event tumblers, Fellow Pages, Safety Program, give-a way car, Sunday Sweep Stakes and/or Super Prize Program.

Again, I don't want to get into the middle of this, but I think its unfair to blame the change on GREED
Till we meet - On the street


Quote from: "n.c.rodder"
You keep referring to this as a GREED issue? If this was all about the money, NSRA could have -

.....Increased any and/or all fees (entry, membership, exhibitor, spectator, swap meet, womens world etc etc)
I'm sure they have or will in the very near future


.....discontinued the event tumblers, Fellow Pages, Safety Program, give-a way car, Sunday Sweep Stakes and/or Super Prize Program.

They don't have to give those up, they are all paid for by sponsors $$.  You don't think they put company logos and advertisments on those things for free do you?  All those prizes, including those poorly build giveaway cars, are all donated.

Part of their issue is competition.  Over the last 10 years a SLEW of new events have been launch geared at more of the tradtional hot rod and custom crowd, alittle younger crowd then the normal NSRA one.  These events such as the Lonestar RoundUp, Jalopy Showdown, HunnertCar PileUp, all the billetproof shows, etc, cater to the younger crowd by having bands they like, activities, both at the event and after hours, cooler vendors, etc.

No matter what NSRA does at this point, they have lost the younger crowd to other events that suit this group of folks better.  With this new action they have now gone and * off the folks sitting in the middle that do both the NSRA event AND the "new" events in the market.  

I've got WAY more choices then I did 10 years ago.  NSRA can change and do whatever they want I guess.  It's really not going to effect my summertime cruzn as I've got plenty of other events to attend.  Ones that I've been to and LOVE.  The folks I feel sorry for is those that really don't travel much and only hit one or two events per year and only NSRA ones.  They got this crammed down their thoats with no recoarse.

If anyone here wants to know about any of the events I've mentioned, or has a question about another event you've heard about, I'll try to answer your question.  Most likely I can send you a link to an adventure thread regarding the event in question.
Your topless crusn buddy, Denise

Looking for old good for nothing flathead heads to use for garden project.


I've never been a member of NSRA , so they can do as they wish...

Basically as you see here , the folks in charge make decisions  with information in front of them, yet sometimes changes are made the membership wants.

I've had   strong disagreements with the Crosley club leadership  in the past.  I am still a member.  One item of disagreement , that the old timers did not want is now a regular part of the national event..  the other item  still pee's me off, they did not pursue criminal charges against a former director of the club  that cleaned out the treasury

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


I just got back from the cabin and haven't read the posts in this thread but to me the year change doesn't make any difference whatsoever.  I think that, as a business, NSRA can change their business plan any time they want.  If I don't like the change, there are plenty of other organizations and shows to give my money to.  

My primary interest in attending most any show is to spend time with friends, participate in activities if offered, and spend some time in the swap and vendors areas.  I'll continue to attend NSRA events and see what happens.  I just hope they control, or don't allow, loud subwoofer music.

I've always felt that there is too much territorial behavior amongst enthusiasts of different facets of our hobby anyway.  Sometimes I fear what the future might bring and if we ever need to fight to keep the freedom to enjoy cars like we do now, ALL of us will need to stand together.

Personally, I'm focusing my attention, and right to voice my opinion, on something that really worries me.....government involvement in my life.


George, are you going to be at Louisville this year? My friend from Vicksburg, MS with his '31 Chevy Truck will be there for his 2nd year. He got hooked on the Nationals last year as his first year up there. He just bought a 1930 Model A Sedan so he will be shopping for parts up there.
A street rod is a vehicle made before 1949 that is modified with modern stuff: bigger motors; newer trans; updated suspension, front & rear; a/c.
Following is a street rod plus definition: No known definition because it changes.



No, it's not just you.  I don't care for the lying either and will show my distain for it by staying away in 2010.
Your topless crusn buddy, Denise

Looking for old good for nothing flathead heads to use for garden project.

Fat Cat

Quote from: "Centerline"I don't understand how some people can justify supporting an organization that has chosen to lie to its members.  When I was growing up I was always taught that lying was a serious breech of trust.  Am I wrong here???? Is their some underlying reason we should ignore the lies and support and associate with people like Vernon Walker????   I'm just asking the question since I don't understand why some people feel its OK.  Is it me??? Do I just have a lower tolerance for that sort of thing or is it something else??  Please clue me in.

I don't as a rule justify my reasons for any association I am a part of. But I will in this case. I view the issues with this situation as I do with any issue surrounding any election in the last 200 years. Any one on any side of this situation can and will spin the facts of the situation to meet the needs of their argument.

With regard to the issue with the management of the NSRA having lied to me I can say they have not. I am not a member of the NSRA, I do not read the press articles about the management and until anyone in a position of authority actually says in my presence that they did it because I told them I wanted it then they have not lied to me.  My question to you is this how are the published comments of Mr. Walker any different than the campaign promises of any president in the last 40 years. Yet each of us go back every 4 years and vote for the person we feel will lie to us the least and accomplish the most good.

I also have another question for you. If as you say you can not support a company that treats you this way, how can you in good conscience attend the event this coming weekend? The people running the event are the same people that will be running it in a year. So your position does not seem to jive with your morals because you have no problem supporting them currently but not in the future.

Now as far as your issues with trust. I do not trust anyone unless they give me a reason to trust them. If I did not deal with people I can't trust then I would never get anything done and would be a hermit in the woods. Now knowing that I do not trust anyone from the start I am willing to give people the chance to let me down and when they do very few get the chance to gain my trust again. For instance, I am beginning to regret a recent situation where I have given people the benefit of the doubt and they are letting me down yet again. If they continue I will have to decide that they are untrustworthy and not worth my consideration.


I also don't see it as lies, but as "spin".  Having been in the position in the past getting people to agree to something they didn't understand, didn't like, and therefore didn't want, but I knew it would be best for them in the long run, even if I couldn't tell them why, I have been guilty of "spinning" things too.

Back to what i was talking about the other day, without new people NSRA is doomed, and they know it. Raising fees is not the answer, because the numbers will continue to go down. Face it, the average age of street rodders is well over 50, and going up, and will continue to do so unless this change is made. Most people under 40 do not relate to cars that are pre 49 VS cars that are pre 70 or pre 80.

There is also the cost of building a car to consider. The price of a decent pre 49 car is well over 4 figures in most cases. Most younger guys, inexperienced also, can't afford to build a car to the standards that are out there today, with an expensive buy in. Thus we have many of them building 50s and 60s cars, and being excluded from our ranks.

I feel more than any other reason, many feel cheated because of the work they put into building a pre 49 car, and then the rules are changed so others don't have to make the same sacrifices. It goes back to my HAMB tag line, " you can't be part of the elite unless you have someone to look down on".

As for a big influx of late models, tuners, ect., It's not going to happen, they don't want to hang with you, any more than you want to hang with them. But if you did, and I have, you will find they are just as knowledgeable, dedicated, talented, and passionate, as you are. Some of the innovations they have done are wonderful.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.

phat rat

Does anyone else feel that this thread is going nowhere? We're not going to change a thing no matter which way or how long it's hashed over
Some days it\'s not worth chewing through the restraints.


Quote from: "40chevy"George, are you going to be at Louisville this year? My friend from Vicksburg, MS with his '31 Chevy Truck will be there for his 2nd year. He got hooked on the Nationals last year as his first year up there. He just bought a 1930 Model A Sedan so he will be shopping for parts up there.
Hi Al,
No I'm trying to figure out a way to go to Bonneville without a room and won't have the time or money to do both.

Your friend will enjoy the landscape in the sedan. There's not much room in those trucks.

Sometime when I get down your way I'll have to stop by for a visit.

Fat Cat

Quote from: "phat rat"Does anyone else feel that this thread is going nowhere? We're not going to change a thing no matter which way or how long it's hashed over

Yea I have felt that way for about 3 pages.


Quote from: "purplepickup"..to me the year change doesn't make any difference whatsoever.  I think that, as a business, NSRA can change their business plan any time they want.  If I don't like the change, there are plenty of other organizations and shows to give my money to.  

My primary interest in attending most any show is to spend time with friends, participate in activities if offered, and spend some time in the swap and vendors areas.  I'll continue to attend NSRA events and see what happens.  I just hope they control, or don't allow, loud subwoofer music.

I've always felt that there is too much territorial behavior amongst enthusiasts of different facets of our hobby anyway.  Sometimes I fear what the future might bring and if we ever need to fight to keep the freedom to enjoy cars like we do now, ALL of us will need to stand together.

I'm focusing my attention on something that really worries me.....government involvement in my life.
George, are you sure you don't have an illegitimate Australian love child?

How do you feel about glass windows?

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift.


Quote from: "Centerline"I'm looking for some opinions here.  

There's a few things some people have said on this subject that I'm having problems understanding. Never mind the year change. Its the aftermath and cover up I need to understand.  Here's the question:

How can you (I'm using "you" as a generic term here) overlook the lies and still feel the need to support the NSRA?
I'm not cvonvinced anybody has lied to me.  If I'm to believe what you have written here, everybody is totally against the decision made by the NSRA.  I'm sure that's not true but I'm equally sure that's what you believe based on your own 'investigation' discussions with people.

I'm quite confident that the NSRA management believe that the majority are for change.  Even though I don't know exactly how they came to that conclusion.

QuoteWhen I was growing up I was always taught that lying was a serious breech of trust.
So you've NEVER told a lie?  Not even a little fib to cover your * when you've made a mistake?

QuoteIs their some underlying reason we should ignore the lies and support and associate with people like Vernon Walker????
See my comment above, if I believe I've made a correct assumption and communicated that top others, and someone else has made another assumption and callled my assumption a lie, who is right?

QuoteI'm just asking the question since I don't understand why some people feel its OK.
I was taught the same thing as you, but at the same time I was also taught that forgiving my fellow man his sins, is equally important.

QuoteDo I just have a lower tolerance for that sort of thing or is it something else??
Everybody has a different level of tollerance to all things.  I hold in higer esteem those who can discuss their opinions openly and rationally, than I do those who cannot, or who would take alternate (sometimes even violent, most times ill concieved) action as a response to things they do not agree with.

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift.


Quote from: "enjenjo"As for a big influx of late models, tuners, ect., It's not going to happen, they don't want to hang with you, any more than you want to hang with them.
How can I be sure this is not another lie?  
Where are the survey results?  
Did you ask all of these people?

QuoteBut if you did, and I have, you will find they are just as knowledgeable, dedicated, talented, and passionate, as you are. Some of the innovations they have done are wonderful.
I do on a regular basis so I know you are not telling lies here.

And on the opening statement that the late models and tuners etc. don't want to hang with us, I can verify the truth of that from personal experience.  Locally, we have an event called John's Rod and Kustom Picnic, it's well known that pretty much any neat modified car will be allowed entry to participate.  We even send out invitations to all the car clubs.  Yet despite this we never see any tuners (unless you consider my daily drive as such) and even the American Muscle Cars and late model Street Machines stay away.  The reason usually given for this is because "Those Street/ Hot Rodders are such a bunch off rude arrogant car snobs that we'd could never enjoy the event, listening to them pick on our cars as they do or saying we have no right to participate in 'their' event." Or words to that effect, no spin, just the truth.

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift.


Quote from: "Fat Cat"
Quote from: "phat rat"Does anyone else feel that this thread is going nowhere? We're not going to change a thing no matter which way or how long it's hashed over
Yea I have felt that way for about 3 pages.
Maybe so, but it's a great learning experience.   :wink:

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift.