Just got home from the hospital its 11:45..

Started by Dave, June 03, 2007, 12:06:56 AM

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Sue and i took the bike to kzoo to watch the sprint races and we got to battle creek and it started to rain cats and dogs and other things. We stopped and had a bite to eat and waited for the storm to pass. I called my son and he called the track and then called me back to tell me they cancelled. Sue and i headed back home. I got off and hit michigan ave and we took the back way for a while. i messed up and couldnt find michigan ave again and sue wanted me to stop so she could put her leather on as she was cold. We stopped and she asked me if i was gonna put mine on and i told her no i was gonna go like i was with my tank top. we headed back on the eway and i was at about 40 mph when the whole thing washed out from under me :twisted: I said S%^T and down we went. I was sliding on my * and i didnt see the bike or anything. something hooked and i tumbled into the grass. I remember thinking this is gonna leave a mark :!:  As soon as i stopped i got up and went looking for sue. She was standing on the other side of the bike looking at me and i asked her if she was ok> She said yes and asked if i was and i told her no i was F&*())D UP :!: A nurse saw what happened and he stopped and helped us out. He also called the bambulance and the cops for us cause we were kinda lost for a bit :cry:  They washed me down good cause im pretty tore up . A severe case of road rash and a nice hole im my elbow. Sue is fine but her butt is bruised. She called a friend and he came and hauled the bike home for us. I owe him.. So after 4 hours for xrays and a cleanup im home. Oh the bike is trashed. looks like it high sided after we fell off and it got both sides of the bike. I got a dam ticket too but the cop told me to fight it and i will because i didnt do anything wrong :!: He said he had to write me?  Oh ya they strapped me in the bambulance and i insisted i walk into emergengy and I did. My reasoning was the last time i was in a meat wagon i dont remember nuttin and i wasnt going there again.. I shoulda known better rain and on ramps can = disaster.. Im bummed my bike is junk.. But we are ok. Ok as we can get..  Maybe ill have sue take some road rash pics tomorrow. No im not gonna stop riding :lol: I got 2 vicadin and im having a cocktail.. I need rest.. Dam this sucks. Kinda messes up my trip on the scooter in 3 or 4 weeks.. Sue said every time we get a little ahead money wise sumpin happens. Sold dads house paid off mine bought the bike - heart attack. Sold the coupe - wreck the bike. If it wasnt for bad luck??????????????????
Dave :?:


Dave..... sorry to read about this.  Glad you 2 are OK.

You never know when this stuff will happen and a wet road is the worse

I try to wear my cycle jacket all the time on the bike (when i own one) , even in 110 degree temps.

You 2 will be fine........ keep yer head up as you move forward


 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


Sorry to hear about the accident Dave.  Good part is you are both ok pretty much.  Bike can be replaced, you and Sue can not.

Cop has a hell of a lot of nerve writing a ticket.  Like you did something wrong.

Just count your blessings tonight, could have been a whole lot worse.



Thanks guys its 6:32 am and holy s$%T am I sore :lol: Sue has a bruise on both sides of her butt :cry: The hole in my elbow really hurts today. Ive got a script for vicadin and something to stop infection but i really dont get anything from vicadin. I can handle the pain. Somewhere i lost my 400.00 prescription sun glasses and that really * me off. I hope insurance covers them cause ive never had a pair before and i liked em. I dont have optical so you know where the money came from. Ill get moving better later and ill get pics of the scooter but its crashed good. Thank god again but this is 2 times  :?: I hope I get 9 like a cat..
Dave :oops:


Glad you're ok. (with in reason) Everytime you ride you take a chance. I ride alot all year long. I've been lucky. Deer, bad drivers, cell phones, storms, you pick.


WOW Dave,

The good news is that sounds like you and Sue walked away pretty lucky, no major damage.

When I first started driving, as I left the house with car keys in hand, my Dad would often say, "Cars fix, people don't".

Again, I am really glad to hear that for the most part you two are ok!
Would plastic be okay for you today?

Proud Member of Team Smart


Quote from: "msuguydon"WOW Dave,

The good news is that sounds like you and Sue walked away pretty lucky, no major damage.

When I first started driving, as I left the house with car keys in hand, my Dad would often say, "Cars fix, people don't".

Again, I am really glad to hear that for the most part you two are ok!

Thanks Don.. Ya we will heal. Ill get pics later . Ya when the emergency people and the cops showed i was walking around looking at the damage and the nurse that stopped had my wounds washed pretty good and we had a t shirt to wrap my elbow. I didnt want an amblulance ride and they knew it  but they won.  Hell I didnt have a ride anyway.  Ya know its funny I dropped that big ol hog last summer and they usually dont fall too far cause of the crash bars. I had help getting it up then i saw on the hdforum a post on how you really do it. You grab the bar and the bag guards  while backing into the seat and walk it up. That sucker was on its side this time and i walked it right up.  :lol:  Hell of a way to practice that :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

phat rat

Glad that you and Sue are basically OK. As far as the sunglasses take a run over there today and walk around where you dumped they are there someplace.
Some days it\'s not worth chewing through the restraints.


Dave, glad to hear that you didn't get messed up any worse than you did. It's a good thing your wife had the leathers on! I hope the bike can be fixed, or that the insurance company is good to ya!

58 Yeoman

Geewhiz, Dave.  You're getting as bad as me beatin' myself up, what with me whacking off part of my thumb and tearing the miniscus in my knee.  I've stopped doing it, now it's your turn.  Glad you're both okay.  The Harley....well, now it's a good time to test drive a Wing. :wink:

Hang in there.
I survived the Hyfrecator 2000.

"Life is what happens when you're making other plans."
1967 Corvair 500 2dr Hardtop
1967 Corvair 500 4dr Hardtop


The bike is just " STUFF "
Stuff can be replaced. People ... that is a different story.

Be thankful you and the "better half " have no serious injuries.
RETIRED.....no phone, no work and No money  :?


glad yer ok....baggers get REAL expensive when they go down but there's always another bike....people are hard to replace....well, there's a few... :wink:
The last thing I want to do is hurt you. But it\'s still on my list


Glad to hear that,for the most part,you guys are OK.After 17 years of riding Harleys,I was lucky to never go down.At a car show in Grand Haven,a city cop showed me that trick to stand the bike up.He was probably all of 150 lbs.,and walked it up no problem.Anyway,glad you're alive and still kickin'.  Fuzz
No billet for this kid!


Glad to hear Sue is Ok. Dave, start listening to her.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


Quote from: "enjenjo"Glad to hear Sue is Ok

Ditto. You could bounce your concrete filled head off the road without much chance of damaging anything other than the road. On the other hand,  your wife must be a fine woman if she puts up with you.... :wink: