What are you doing today ? 2019

Started by Crosley.In.AZ, January 01, 2019, 10:18:58 AM

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Tuesday evening:  Killed 5 scorpions out in the yards.  Mayb I have not been on task as often as needed with these buggars.

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


I've been doing a lot of these cartoons lately, takes me back to high school, or even before. This one is for my nephew, he has a '78 Fairmont wagon, with blown SBF in it. His is a sleeper though, looks like Grammas car.






I have been attacking that little crap we let go sometimes: today saturday.

Lawn tractor oil: little low. Dont recall when I changed the oil & filter on the V twin.  Likely 2018.  Ordered up a filter after I mowed the upper lawn..  it is small  lawn area, quik mow job

Ready to eBay my very  olde Mag Light  D battery flash lights, maybe someone  wants them for parts? I check the one LED Mag Light D battery flashlite I have, in my truck consul .. still works.  Batterys are good to March 2016.  I changed them.

Air in tires on car trailer that has not moved in 3+ years... tires are near empty.  LOL  Tires are junk ....    still.  No need to replace.  I dont use the trailer at this time.  It likely needs the wheel hub bearings grease repak.  I;ll do that later.  LOL

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


Hey Matt, I guess we were as close as we have ever been to each other today.  Funny that we live within an hour of each other and that we have visited on the net for a few years, but we have never met.  The picture means we were within 100 yards of each other today.

I drove a lot of the Arkansas 100 today, but I pulled off of the route to a Ford car show at Anderson, MO.  From there I drove over into Oklahoma to another show.  Then we rejoined the Arkansas 100 group for a late lunch.  I could go now to a local cruise night, or to the drags this evening for an all Ford day at the drag strip.  Or I could take a late afternoon nap.  I am going for the nap option.

Chopped 48 Chevy Truck
Former Crew chief #974 1953 Studebaker   
Past Bonneville record holder B/BGCC 249.9 MPH


Missed you by three cars, John. My touring instinct is rusty so I miscalculated. But our cars got a sideways glimpse of one another. 3,800 RPM to hang with traffic just ain't my bag though, man. Not with a poked and tired 455. It was a loud fun outing though... nothing flew off, seized up, or caught fire.

:lol:  I also opted for nap after.

There sure were quite a few rides that were too new.  :-o




I spent the day with Hooley at a nostalgia race.   Hooley won the gasser class with the "Okie Twister" Henry J.  He is a  fast, old,  one eyed Okie.

Chopped 48 Chevy Truck
Former Crew chief #974 1953 Studebaker   
Past Bonneville record holder B/BGCC 249.9 MPH


While at the drag strip today I spent some time with the starter.  I sat just behind the starter between the two lanes.  It was very interesting.  I took this shot of a tray full pieces that they had picked up off of the strip when they have made trips to check the surface of the strip.  I though it was an interesting collections of parts that have either falling off of race cars or falling out of race cars.
Chopped 48 Chevy Truck
Former Crew chief #974 1953 Studebaker   
Past Bonneville record holder B/BGCC 249.9 MPH


Hopefully ,  I dodged an expensive repair on the heat-pump on  my  shop today..  

It warmed up a bit here.  So:  I decided to fire up the a/c ..  See if it would function & kool the shop down.  The unit worked fine the couple times I ran it during the winter.

The unit ran , it was pumping out heat into the shop.  This told me the reversing valve on the system was not switching over to cooling.

For what little I know: I checked the wires on the switch.  Ran some voltage tests. The switch was clicking..  After fooling around for about 30 minutes.  The valve switched and the unit started to kool the shop down.

It is an R-22 unit.  So:  getting it repaired  in the future may be interesting with the full ban on R-22 coming in to effect.

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


We had a brand new Navy ship pass by here yesterday on her way to Key West. It was built in Marientte Wi. It is the USS Billings, named after the city of Billings Montana. She is 378 ft. long and is capable of 52 m.p.h.!!! Much armament, guns, .50 cals, and carries several smaller crafts too. Quite an impressive sight, there were hundreds lining the lake/river to watch her. She gave a Captains salute under the bridges, and another to the crowds further south. Not a big ship by local standards, but very impressive.


Naval hot rod.  8)  Mighty impressive.

What is the salute, all hands saluting? Horn toot? Blanks? How much crew do you reckon it takes to man a 378 footer?


Quote from: "idrivejunk"Naval hot rod.  8)  Mighty impressive.

What is the salute, all hands saluting? Horn toot? Blanks? How much crew do you reckon it takes to man a 378 footer?

Yeah, I cannot imagine something that size going 52 m.p.h. The salute is done with the ships horn, or "whistle" as the sailors say. They blow one long, two short. It is listed as having 15-50 core crew and up to 75 mission crew. Power is by two Rolls Royce gas turbine and two Diesel engines through four Rolls Royce water jets! It carries 11 40' high speed attack crafts, and is also fitted with missles. If you're a bad guy, you don't want to see her coming your way...

chimp koose

more work on the T saddle tanks . this time of year its hard to find time as the school year winds down.