Model A job

Started by idrivejunk, July 25, 2018, 08:54:51 PM

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Quote from: idrivejunk
Quote from: "UGLY OLDS"
Quote from: "idrivejunk"Did I hurt eyes again with the Eddie Bauer Edition "Modern A" :?:  :shock:

When did the project turn into a 4X4   :?:  :?:  :shock:

 From the illustration , you can see clear under the the thing .....  :?   Front & rear tires the same   :?:  :?:  :roll:

Bob... :wink:

 HHHMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM....................... :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :?  :?  :?

Bob... :wink:
1940 Oldsmobile- The "Ugly Olds"
1931 Ford sedan- Retirement project

***** First Member of Team Smart*****


Quote from: UGLY OLDS
Quote from: "idrivejunk"
Quote from: "UGLY OLDS"
Quote from: "idrivejunk"Did I hurt eyes again with the Eddie Bauer Edition "Modern A" :?:  :shock:

When did the project turn into a 4X4   :?:  :?:  :shock:

 From the illustration , you can see clear under the the thing .....  :?   Front & rear tires the same   :?:  :?:  :roll:

Bob... :wink:

 HHHMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM....................... :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :?  :?  :?

Bob... :wink:

I knew you would prefer a cinder blocks picture to an all IDJ-y explanation. :roll:

Color and wheel choice, fender height. When did this thread say tire size and ride height had been established? Durf. :lol:

I would have put a forest in the background but all you would have been able to see is trees. :roll:  :roll:  :roll:


I had a bit of the grump on last night... and how long did you guys think it would be before a non-serious edit for yuks would pop up?  Didn't save my edit for the better part of an hour and the ancient program zonked out. Last save had all the tire and stance pretty much fixed. What I lost was the making the paint look better part. :roll:  I was zonked too, no way to make it up then but I had five minutes and had taken a cinder block pic...

So you have what we have which beats snotty paragraphs that don't belong. Be it known that I fixed the real edit up before my attempt at humor.

Bob has recently made every effort to help me along.  8)  :arrow:

I'm happy but we are now in a rainy weather pattern. :)

Pics ahoy, stand by.


All they had to do was cover that floor before primer, she was beautiful once upon a time. Sniffle. :(

Can't complain about her showy flanks.

Mike's hybrid new / old wheelwell creation, left side-

The Bronco bed flor job-

Fastback- mud has begun out back.

All that, just to make the following "my first" gas tank enclosure more candylike to the metal man's eye.

Front of the front, all bolts in-

Back of the front. Left side panel can get a gas filler hole later.

Heres the back of the back. None of the nut strips are made yet for it, that across the pan and up the tubs.

I'll have to make some boxes around the hinges also, and I plan to...
Where the top attaches here, box that underneath to the front nut strip and with that panel, provide a nut strip for the top of the access panel. And I believe I would like a vertical sheetmetal brace on the tank side of this panel.





Quote from: "idrivejunk"

 Whew  :!:   Good thing that got resolved ....The poor thing needed a tissue dispenser to help the driver with nosebleeds  :!:  :roll:  :roll:

Bob... :wink:
1940 Oldsmobile- The "Ugly Olds"
1931 Ford sedan- Retirement project

***** First Member of Team Smart*****


Maybe it was Buford Pusser's Model A.... y'know... walking tall.  :lol:

Sure would have needed to consult the high altitude tuning tables had I not slammed 'er down on a dirt road. Heck, alls I done was load it with shine and thats how it sat.

I made patterns for the overhead filler between hinges over the tank (just the end, I'll use math for the middle), and for hinge pockets.

Then I actually made one of these, which extend to the hinge pocket-



Hope thats all making sense to ya. Mike sez the "overly complex" boat sailed long ago. :roll:  But I am still just tyring to act like I know what I'm doing.

Been rainy, might do some more edits. Over the last couple years I have done some for buds on the dark forum and a few are on the bench for health or family reasons so I put them all in one place as a cheer-up gag-

Friends still ride free on that so if you want something and my inclination is there, I'm hip to doing simple stuff. Theres still a couple things I want to see on the A... like do widened tan fenders look wierd from behind and how does a 56 Ford truck cluster look in the center? Anybody got a truck they can measure for width of the speedo, as a reference?

Oh, and also I do want to try other tail, like the 48s CK likes but also I would like to revisit my initial tail light idea which was quickly swept under the rug.

Last weekend I griped to Dad that they dropped insurance on my spare ride and their second vehicle, the GT. Its insured again now. I'll putt around in it enough to know if theres any new problems and get it back clean eventually. A new guy at work wants to buy it. I have about concluded that I just need to stash it in my back yard with the 72 so everybody will forget I have it. I'll have owned it ten years come this July. :arrow:

That Mustang front structure got epoxy yesterday but the shop lights were out by the tme I noticed. :)


Hey Matt ...Those tri-angular shaped braces look neat going to the floor like that ....It's starting to look like an automobile again.... 8)
The fuel tank will mount behind those ....Correct  :?:  :?:

Bob.. :wink:
1940 Oldsmobile- The "Ugly Olds"
1931 Ford sedan- Retirement project

***** First Member of Team Smart*****


Quote from: "UGLY OLDS"Hey Matt ...Those tri-angular shaped braces look neat going to the floor like that ....It's starting to look like an automobile again.... 8)
The fuel tank will mount behind those ....Correct  :?:  :?:

Bob.. :wink:

Thank you sir.

Depends on where you're standing. I believe tank R&I will have to be through the interior. Because tank ahead of tubs. Tank house is between seat and trunk, between the bolted (but could be welded) access panels / compartment dividers. This was chosen over dual saddle tanks during an early customer consultation because it sounded safer to the owner and avoids potential dual tank headaches. Mike offered little resistance but is from the saddle camp. My guesstimation of the compartment separation measures required stems from reading the NHRA and Tulsa strip rules years ago. We don't expect my structure to pass any rigid fast drag car rules, but I do expect him to be able to hop right out after mishaps that might spell death in a plain A.

The triangle pieces are key indeed! They hold tubs upright and hinges up, mainly. But they link sections of the body as a by-product and thats where the strong is. The removable panels are absolutely part of the structure. You'll see me find another spot to do something similar (gusseting) farther rearward on the tub. Thats when the body will be able to hold itself straight (and lose the jackstand), stem to stern.

Its so strange how all this happened... the A structure as a whole. The entire project has been such a reactionary, necessity-mothering-invention endeavor...
that being honestly a first time body "builder"... I look at it and marvel at how I've reached this point. As far as the construction planning vs result. There are just now starting to be enough parts there, to embark on the task of turning a couple rough old quarters into what does seem to be a thought-through design. Whether it actually is or isn't that is subjective. But sometimes I'll be figuring out the next step and the bigger picture hits me and I give a snort of shock and disbelief and look at my hands as if to ask them how they did it. Then I look to the sky and get a little choked up and think about Grandpas. And I give thanks for the opportunities I've been given and try to hold up my end. All the times the youngers come through my stall, peek, and go "Thats bad- ***!" mean nothing. Peer praise from seasoned talent is taken as "You've done your job. Now continue doing so.". When I amaze myself, thats more profound. Its only me that did it. And I never grew up, so its a wonder that I have the position I hold. Amazing. I'll take it!

That interlude certainly wasn't necessary but I have wanted to share those thoughts. I don't know how I got here or how I do this but it seems like the thing to keep doing. I just may never get used to the ways people react to stuff I make with no grand plan. One thing I am certain about is that observations made during a decade of crash fixing are not going to waste here. :)


Before you disapprove, look twice! :arrow:

There is no equine influence in that, its just three 41-8 Chevy tail lights mounted vertically and closely spaced. Catch somebody saying Mustang while standing behind the car and you have yourself a five finger "conversation starter". Probably with a Ford guy. :wink:

Now... if that were done while keeping the (to me, very) unsightly tag pocket, of course it looks like crap-

After the year or so of total immersion in Model A plus the research I have done... I don't like tag pockets. I would think they are a huge turn-off for anyone with traditional tastes but not a soul ever said a word for or against it. This week, boss man justified his choice of solid colors by saying "its a period build" and also suggested a mid-1950s dash. I haven't spoken to the owner since then but it seems theres been a big styling change in direction and to me that creates some conflicts but "whatever" is cool with this metal man.

The picture at the top of this post might be what I would ask for, myself. Then I might go home and stick an emblem on it. The kind that goes with the one on the engine and the car it came in.

While editing, I meant to put the roll pan's tag pocket a little higher but forgot because neghbor dogs started barking, breaking my concentration so I'm done for now. :)  If you want to paint the tail light panel flat black now, you're just plain hopeless. :roll:

Hit me with your best shot, fire away! I seriously don't care what happens with tail lights. I'd rather it had stock ones than cliche ones, and I'd rather let our hero have his Mustang cue desire fulfilled than to have him getting cowed by anyone. What I haven't done until now is nix the license indention. Let the opinions rip if you got 'em. Just don't remind me that the fenders are still black, I have that info. :lol: And I plan to do a rear view with tan fenders, another brand new edit from scratch.


Tag to the lower pan... 8)
6 taillights  :?:  :?:

Ahhhhhhhhh.... :?   NO :!:

Oh ...I looked 5 times ...Do I get extra points  :?:  :lol:  :lol:

Bob.. :wink:
1940 Oldsmobile- The "Ugly Olds"
1931 Ford sedan- Retirement project

***** First Member of Team Smart*****


I am with ya on tag to pan, but that pocketed tail panel was a choice early on so who knows but I'm gonna throw the thought on the porch to see if the cat licks it up.

Six tails wierd? Sure. :)  Extra credit? OK, but for not re-posting the ugliest one. :wink:

Customer might like it but so as not to confuse or conflict, I'll filter it through the boss. 8)  If he likes it, he can show it and thats been the deal all along. I had a strong will to use chevrons but CK's favorite lamp, sideways and in triplicate, is THE only one so far, in my opinion, that has anywhere near enough tail light for night driving in modern conditions.

chimp koose

I really like the 3 tail lights with the licence pocket version . It does not look like mustang but it does have a bit of a modern flair . The licence pocket gives a bit of balance to the 3 lights per side . I think the emblem is a nice touch .


That one with pocket didn't look as bad to me today. Mike liked my favorite, the one with tag in pan, but no emblem. We may be onto something but I haven't heard from the boss on it. Sent him all 3. I kinda hated to even rock that boat but tails are still undecided and I thought it may be strong enough to present as an option.

I am about to get some nuts and bolts for the rear access panel going-
