What are you doing today? 2018

Started by enjenjo, December 31, 2017, 03:15:02 PM

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C.K., there should be some video of that. :)


The mental image is entertainment enough! :lol:

chimp koose

last lap of the parking lot we came upon the driver ed instructor with a student driver , he was quietly amused :roll:


A quik lap around the back yard saturday eve: I killed 3 scorpions.

Monday evening : killed one gopher.

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


After over a year and a half, a lot of money and time, and over 10,000 miles, the engine in my 54 Chevy is running as it should.  During this time I have replace nearly every component once and some of them multiple times.  It has had poor performance, misfires, and sometimes the engine would die when you decelerated or stopped at a stop sign.  A $5.00 can of Berryman's Fuel Injector cleaner has apparently solved whatever problem it had and I have no idea what it was.  I have always used, and been a fan of a similar product called Seafoam fuel injection cleaner, but it did not work in this case.  A friend told me to try Berryman's and it was an overnight sensation. Many times I wanted to remove the throttle body injection and replace it with a carburetor but I did not give in.  It would have been easier and cheaper but I just could not give up.  Mine is every piece a factory system and I knew that some little defect was causing the problem.

This last week I recieved the check for the damage that the gravel truck did to the car.  Now I can start to repair that damage. However, tomorow I intend to get the old truck out, do its yearly service, then take it out for a couple of white knuckle launches.  I want to put some fun into driving agian.

Chopped 48 Chevy Truck
Former Crew chief #974 1953 Studebaker   
Past Bonneville record holder B/BGCC 249.9 MPH


John, I understand everything you didn't say. :) I'm giving the 32 the once over in preparation for the Pueblo jaunt. I was thinking about taking the 51 but for those of us that remember when NSRA was pre 49, it makes a little sense to take the oldie. Am I wrong in  my sentiment? :)


Quote from: "kb426"John, I understand everything you didn't say. :) I'm giving the 32 the once over in preparation for the Pueblo jaunt. I was thinking about taking the 51 but for those of us that remember when NSRA was pre 49, it makes a little sense to take the oldie. Am I wrong in  my sentiment? :)

I understand.  I have had issues myself driving the 54 to an NSRA event.  I was really upset when they changed the rules and allowed the newer entries.  I have adjusted but I am not happy about the change.

Some of my friends left for Pueblo this morning.  I want to go someday soon but this was not the year.  Salina is on my list too.

Chopped 48 Chevy Truck
Former Crew chief #974 1953 Studebaker   
Past Bonneville record holder B/BGCC 249.9 MPH


I was gonna drive the 69 today but it was dripping gas on the grass so I passed. Weekend undercar drudgery ahead.  :roll:


Oh and I had a friend in the 90s who was at Berryman in the DFW area, he swore it will do stuff others won't but I never believed it much. Until now.


The car started to misfire again today after I added 4 gallons of gas to the tank.  I gave it 4 ounces of Berrymans and sent it to timeout.  We will see how it does tomorrow.  I knew it could not be fixed.

Chopped 48 Chevy Truck
Former Crew chief #974 1953 Studebaker   
Past Bonneville record holder B/BGCC 249.9 MPH


John, I sympathize with any thing that is a sporadic problem. Are you aiming towards electrical or something mechanical?


Welp,,, doggone it. Nagging problems just nag, thats what they do. :cry: Dang them.

I fixed my junk. Fuel pump inlet hose swollen. So soon? Too much corn in her diet, hose got fat quick! :shock:  But I had more. Hose. All dry now, back in V8 Pontiaction. 8) :0-0


Replaced the 9 year old battery in the old truck. Walmart stuff is just junk.  They would not prorate me a new battery.  Even charged me more for the new one than they did for the original 9 years ago. This new stuff does not last long and the customer service today is terrible.  :lol:

Chopped 48 Chevy Truck
Former Crew chief #974 1953 Studebaker   
Past Bonneville record holder B/BGCC 249.9 MPH

Charlie Chops 1940

9 year old battery???and you're whining....I sense your tongue in cheek attitude, although you're right about batteries and customer service in general.
A good friend will come and bail you out of jail...but, a true friend will be sitting next to you saying. "Wow...that was fun!"

Poster geezer for retirement....

A Hooligan!

chimp koose

I picked up my abused Drag racing roadster chassis today. This one hit a retaining wall 60' off the starting line and flipped upside down . I need to do a front half chassis on it as it is bent forward of the engine mid plate . Solid front axle and 4 link rear 125" wheel base . Still have not decided what body to put on it but that will be a long time from now . My T coupe is still the priority but this is a project to go to when I get frustrated with the coupe