What are you doing today? 2017

Started by enjenjo, January 01, 2017, 12:11:07 PM

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They pick strange places to build. One car at the shop had thousands of wasps.

The current pest dilemma has me at my wits end. I'm ready to stomp a mudhole in the neighbor's face then walk it dry. Barking is all I hear when I try to go to sleep and its what wakes me up. Daily. Try to balance the checkbook? No, dog barking. Want to sit outside and enjoy the pleasant weather? No, dog barking. Need a nap because of sleep lost to barking dog? No, dog barking. Every day when I get in my car to commute I am trembling with anger and hoarse from screaming profanity. I know snitches belong in ditches but it looks like the only option is nuclear... filing a complaint. I will never understand what makes people think dog noise is OK. It's a neighborhood ruiner. Been here almost 20 years and thought I had lived throughout the world's most inconsiderate dog owners but nope. There's two near me now, and as time goes by they feel more and more entitled to disturbing everyone. Hope they go to hell with festering boils.


I agree with the pet owner statement. I've heard forever that the first thing a dog owner does is go deaf. :) I know there any many wonderful pet owners but I've lived next to barking dogs for 30 years. Fortunately it's not ever night. :)


I hate being the ranting lunatic so I keep a lid on things best I can. That dog woke me up this morning. I stumbled to the throne, sat down and the dog erupted again. So did I. Threw clothes on and ran into the yard yelling bark bark, you wanna bark lets fn bark bark bark! Grabbed the bark genie device I just bought and slung it against my parts car while the neighbor commanded me to go talk to him. NO, too mad. Came in and cranked death metal to the max. Next thing I knew, cops are beating on the door. I told my side, showed them vids of midnight barking, and signed a complaint. Dog is barking as I type this. I am supposed to be ready for action in the morning but feel used up in every way. Bum wrist throbbing. Arg!

Time to go sit down to a patio meal with my family and a sick friend. It is difficult for me to change gears from mad as hell to gentle and supportive. I think my synchros are getting miled out. :idea:


I can relate to the dog barking problem.  Please keep in mind:  We live on 1 acre lots here.  Not a tight house to house setup

My neighbor rescues dogs as a volunteer...  It started just after we moved here.  her house was not finished... then she moved in

She keeps 5 to 8 dogs around. They live in a bedroom of the house and have large door access to the outside.  Some times littler of puppies in the garage.  They were loud too. Her other neighbor complained about the noise too

She had one large mutt that once the sun would set.. he started barking.  His echo would trigger more of his barking. He would bark for hours.  SOme of the others dogs would join in.  then the neighbors dogs joined.

I talked to her till I was blue in the face.  We were on county land ( non city) at that time.  I would call her house and leave a voice message as I stood near her barking dogs... begging her for help with the noise.

She finally bought dog bark collars which worked well.... .....  when she would put the collars on the dogs.

The various electronic products on the market to control neighbor  dogs that bark...  Do not work.  I tried a few of them devices.

Then the city annexed us...  then more neighbors complained.  Then the large yappy mutt died

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


A good friend and fellow hot rodder John Umlaugh crashed hard at MOKAN yesterday in his fuel altered.  He is okay but it was a spectacular crash and the car is destroyed.  His wife fell on the way to the crash scene and hurt her leg and is on crutches.  Hopefully she will be well soon.  The car has been a family project and everyone has been involved.   You tube at  

John, my brother, and I have been on many road trips in street rods and attended many events together.  Some of you may have met John when we were all together at events.

Chopped 48 Chevy Truck
Former Crew chief #974 1953 Studebaker   
Past Bonneville record holder B/BGCC 249.9 MPH

chimp koose

Back to work today after summer break . Two months off and then back to work at the busiest time of year .

Old Blue

Speaking of dogs there was a news story just recently where the court in Oregon ordered the dog owners to either get rid of the dogs or have them de-barked.




Packing and pricing for Kal. swap meet.


Quote from: "WZ JUNK"A good friend and fellow hot rodder John Umlaugh crashed hard at MOKAN yesterday ....
Holy cow, John! That was a hard crash. Really good to hear John is ok. The car sure is toast but that can be rebuilt. I've met John through you and Sam. I bought a '30 Chevy from him years ago.


Quote from: "WZ JUNK"A good friend and fellow hot rodder John Umlaugh crashed hard at MOKAN yesterday in his fuel altered.  He is okay but it was a spectacular crash and the car is destroyed.  His wife fell on the way to the crash scene and hurt her leg and is on crutches.  Hopefully she will be well soon.  The car has been a family project and everyone has been involved.   You tube at  

John, my brother, and I have been on many road trips in street rods and attended many events together.  Some of you may have met John when we were all together at events.


Yowza! Glad the race car did it's job and he was alright. Hope the wife wasn't injured seriously.


Quote from: "Old Blue"Speaking of dogs there was a news story just recently where the court in Oregon ordered the dog owners to either get rid of the dogs or have them de-barked.



I learned a new word and I like the sound of it. Veeery interestink. Thanks :)  Gathered more evidence today. Sure am glad its not a mastiff, those things gotta be loud. For the record... Dog owners, no offense intended. Its city life.

chimp koose

Bought a rad shell for the T tonight . Saw it on kijiji , turns out it is the right one for my car and that the one that I had was the earlier shorter one which was wrong for the car . The guy I bought it from is building a prefect so I may have a bunch of old Anglia parts he could use .


Took the Marlin out and washed it. I wiped it down, and hit it with detailer. Then it started raining before I could get it inside. :x
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


Quote from: "enjenjo"Then it started raining before I could get it inside. :x

It,s Kzoo Frank, it was going to get wet anyways.    :)
You never have time to do it right the first time but you always have time to do it again.


I'm with Frank today. I just cleaned up the 51 for leaving tomorrow. There has been soot in the air from all directions the last 2 days. Sure makes a white truck look good. I'm off to see Three Dog Night tomorrow evening and the Starliner car show on saturday. It won't be a clean vehicle weekend but I'm planning on a great weekend. :) I hope all the rest of you have great stories come monday. :)