What are you doing today 2016?

Started by enjenjo, December 30, 2015, 07:08:28 PM

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Years ago I built a "buggy" using a  Corvair engine and automatic  trans axel In this area of the country there is a shortage of dunes so mine was more of a woods vehicle that was also good for "strip mines", logging roads and drilling roads. Used the automatic trans so I wouldn't have to shift gears to find power when I wanted it. I didn't mind the Corvair engine and It would keep you air cooled and simple. If you were going to use that one like I used mine I'd put front brakes on it though. How bad is the engine that came with it? They used to use them with just two cylinders o power ultta-lite airplanes. If nothing else Bob Klessig liked to burn WV blocks at the wide spot camp at Bonneville. GPster


Still slowly (Dr's orders) plugging away.

I found a little surprise. Sure glad no one was home.


Not really fun job of the week, eh George?

We had a bit of a possum traffic jam on the powerline to the house last night, seems it's now the only access route to the roof.

If they are upset with me now, the furry little blighters are gunna be really P*$$ed when the house vanishes!  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Got another week of packing coming up, it was always nice to have a good library with a bit of variety in the reading.  After packing 60 half tea chest sized boxes with books I'm not even halfway done and not looking forward to the unpacking and putten em on the shelves in the new library.   :cry:

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift.


It sure changes the way your yard looks George. I was up to Centerville yesterday, I thought of stopping by, but ran out of time.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.

58 Yeoman

George, we had a hornets nest like that in a 40' pine tree in our front yard last year. We cut the tree down last week, and I tried to make it land so the nest wouldn't get damaged, but it was already falling apart from the weather. There were three layers of nest inside, each about 6 to 8 inches each. I was surprised at how light and soft the outside of the nest was.
I survived the Hyfrecator 2000.

"Life is what happens when you're making other plans."
1967 Corvair 500 2dr Hardtop
1967 Corvair 500 4dr Hardtop


Got door gaps knocked out on the Camaro today :)

After a week of blissful metal work there, the Mustang assembly task follows. The customer wanted this hood stripe which echoes an original prototype Mustang's.



Today I'll work on a shopping list for a "Swap Meet" tomorrow on Sunday. This is a trip to Lancaster, Ohio. It's a swap meet at a fair grounds that is normally not any specific year or style so it's not all racing or restoration parts. I'm hoping it to be more a seller's spring cleaning sale. I'm looking   for a cut-down fiberglass cooling fan or a small electric radiator cooling fan and maybe a flatter steering wheel for the tilt steering column I'm using in the Jeepster. GPster (the other spelling)


Collecting parts for a twin engine go kart project. This got put on the back burner after I started on the 51. I'll start a project page when I get started fabbing the frame. I plan on this being a summer project. This may be really entertaining. No rules. :)


Quote from: "kb426"Collecting parts for a twin engine go kart project. This got put on the back burner after I started on the 51. I'll start a project page when I get started fabbing the frame. I plan on this being a summer project. This may be really entertaining. No rules. :)

Sounds like fun!

chimp koose

went after the coupe today . wire wheeled all the loose and not so loose rust on the body framework on the underside. had a few cracked and bent cross braces so had to weld and straighten , then grind .Welded and ground down the holes in the rockers or lower door frame where the little FORD sill cover attaches , not going to use it , don't want the holes .All looks good now . also cut away some of the rusty rear wheel wells only to find rust perforation on the body frame behind   . More welding with a copper backing plate to fill the holes tomorrow . Got more of the trim screws out also . They have been sitting with rust release for about a month . Hopefully I will be able to coat the bottom of the body frame with POR15 tomorrow . After that the body gets flipped back to upright and the other side of the framework gets the POR treatment . I made floor pans last weekend and maybe they will be going in this week . I have had a busy month with other things including moving my son to another province and 2 family members in hospital . Kind of hard to work on a hobby thing when your wife is missing her son . First kid to move away , feels kind of weird , the house seems so big and quiet now .


Sue and I worked all day Saturday on stacking 9 huge piles of brush so that I could load trailer loads easier and haul them out back to dump. I was going to do that tomorrow after a little rest.

This evening out on the lawn there arose such a clatter, I sprang from the couch to see what was the matter, and what to my wondering eyes did appear?... my neighbor attacking the brush piles with his loader and claw.

I thought about hiring him earlier but didn't want to impose on him because he has a business to run and I'm pretty stubbornly independent.  He just did it as a neighborly gesture and won't accept payment. He said to pay it forward. Somebody's gonna get a big one!

Tomorrow I'll pick up what's left myself and plant a couple of more appropriately placed trees.  Later on I'll rent a stump grinder.



That piece of equipment I can operate and not hurt my back. Glad to see the end is near. :)


We made a short sashay to SoCal Friday thru Sunday to watch a play that one of our granddaughters was in at the San Juan Capistrano Community Theater.  Had a good visit with that part of the family, but the trip really wiped me out.

On the way home Sunday, we were going north on I-15, and the southbound side was one solid, crawly creeper traffic jam for over 250 miles between Corona, CA and Las Vegas and beyond.  Our northboubd side was wide open, only took us a bit under four hous for the 290 mile trip, including a couple of "get out and loosen everything up" stops.
Rrumbler - Older, grouchier, broken; but not completely dead, yet.


Hey George, that is one wicked neat machine.  Please let you neighbour know I have a couple of small jobs for him if he's interested.     :D

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift.

chimp koose

Now that is a good neighbor ! That kind of help is a show of appreciation for the kind of neighbor you must be .