What are you doing today?

Started by enjenjo, April 23, 2010, 04:57:12 PM

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Sorry to hear that Bob. Pictures, or it never happened, :roll:
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


Quote from: "enjenjo"Sorry to hear that Bob. Pictures, or it never happened, :roll:

  The one's I got on my phone cannot be downloaded to the PC .. (Old technology phone ...Older PC ..)
I will snap some of the truck tomorrow ... ( My undies went through "refurbishment "already.. :oops:   No photos available.. :lol:  )  ...
I will see if my lovely Wife will snap one of the bruise on my noggin ..  She said the bruise was caused by a lack of "cushioning material" on impact... :?    Wonder what she is talking about  ...  :?  :?:

Bob...... :wink:
1940 Oldsmobile- The "Ugly Olds"
1931 Ford sedan- Retirement project

***** First Member of Team Smart*****


Well it kinda falls into that old pilots saying, 'any landing you can walk away from is a good landing'.

Heck of a deal though, any idea what had started it all up ahead?


I have the sandblaster back in service, it works better than it has in years.
It amazing how it slowly degrades over time, and you don't even notice it.
I welded up a trailer hitch for the new to me van. Then I finished welding up the bottom side of the trailer I am working on, a little paint, and I can flip it back over.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.

phat rat

Quote from: "UGLY OLDS"Interesting ride to work this AM .. Left as always with my pickup..
( Pickup is ALWAYS used on "Garage sale Friday" ) ..  :D

Driving along the interstate at about 75/80 in the left lane with all the other commuters , saw about 1/4 mile ahead everybody slamming on brakes , going for the shoulders , etc ..  I started braking early , ( the cars in front of me had no idea yet about the back up ), & the pedal went to the floor ... :shock:     I hit the pedal again & locked up the rear brakes.. Slid/Steered the truck to the left side shoulder & thought I was going to make it ... Then 2 cars dove on to the shoulder in front of me .... :roll: .. I had no choice but to hit the barrier or hit the cars ...

I hit the barrier as "flat" as I could  but the L/F wheel caught the tapered bottom of the barrier & up the wall we went .... I remember banging my head on the upper door jamb & the truck coming back down .. A car was still in front of me so back into the wall we went ...
  This resulted in another "Head Bang" into the door jamb .... :(U)

Long story short ... I missed the cars...( Thank God !!) .. The skid marks showed the truck "Air born" for about 20' & then hitting the wall again ...

The marks on the barrier show that the L/F tire went to within about 4" from the top of the wall before the truck came down ... :shock:
 The police never stopped , ( or slowed down) , I got AAA to sent a flatbed to fetch me ....

The L/F corner of the truck needs some ,  aaahhhhhh,  "attention" at this point ... :oops:    What shocked me is that the truck twisted so hard it broke the fiberglass in the R/F corner of the bed &  tore the cap loose in the R/F corner ... :shock: .. No other damage on the right side & I KNOW that I hit nothing on that side ......

Parts are ordered ..All the FRONT brake lines get replaced this time ...  Life will go on... I hope the knot on my head goes away soon .... :lol:

Bob ...... :wink:

I bet the truck is a Chevy right? I had to replace those on my 02 Chevy before 100,000 mi because or rust
Some days it\'s not worth chewing through the restraints.


QuoteI bet the truck is a Chevy right? I had to replace those on my 02 Chevy before 100,000 mi because or rust

It's an '89 GMC.. Was a nice truck .. Just turned over 114K  8)
I have replaced every piece of tubing from the firewall back at least twice ..
The front lines have always looked good & shiny ...( No rust) ..  It let go at the connection from the steel line to the R/F brake hose ..

I thank the Lord that this happened while I was driving & not my wife.

I don't want to think about what the outcome would have been ...  :roll:

I have to spend some time looking at the truck today & decide if it worth fixing ... The rust issues are REALLY starting to get old .....( This is the truck that had the never used ..Never removed spare tire wheel rust through)

 The up side ...It is an "Old fashioned" truck that runs GREAT that I can still repair .. 8)
( No "push button gizmos" ) ..  

It is paid for ...   8)  8)  8)  8)  :lol:

The down side ... This chassis rust thing is gettin' kind of old ..... :(

Time to inspect ......

Bob ..... :wink:
1940 Oldsmobile- The "Ugly Olds"
1931 Ford sedan- Retirement project

***** First Member of Team Smart*****


I missed a Deer on the way to town this morning by this much - I think my eyes were bigger than hers. The old Coupe doesn't stop as fast as I think it should but it stops straight.

phat rat

- might not be much but it's as good as a mile. Glad you were able to miss it.
Some days it\'s not worth chewing through the restraints.


We have a local snow burd RV park a few miles away, they seem to bring in old cars,  try to sell em.

Some of these were at Goodguys events in Snottsdale AZ , I guess they did not sell

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


Wow Bob, glad you're OK. No fun at all in that!
Rudeness is the weak man's imitation of strength. Eric Hoffer  (1902 - 1983)

Boyd Who

I did a little messing around with a cardboard box this evening. This is just a rough first shot at what I want the new box to look like. It's almost 6" taller and 10" longer than the one I took off the truck. I always thought the old one looked odd and out of place.




The proportions look pretty good on that. I would make it about 5" shorter, but that is just my opinion.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


Quote from: "enjenjo"The proportions look pretty good on that. I would make it about 5" shorter, but that is just my opinion.

+ 2


Here's a quick photoshop Al.  I added height but no length.  I agree that it needed to be taller but shorter than the old one would look out of proportion IMHO.


Here's what a local 27 Essex pickup bed looks like, don't know if it's original or not.