What are you doing today?

Started by enjenjo, April 23, 2010, 04:57:12 PM

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Quote from: "idrivejunk"


I think the springs are to short. :)
Other then that. It looks great.
You never have time to do it right the first time but you always have time to do it again.


No thats those Stealth-Springs from the muffler bearing isle ... ha! Ones in the kit sat WAY too high, shortys on the way. Good eye! :wink:


Quote from: "idrivejunk"No thats those Stealth-Springs from the muffler bearing isle ... ha! Ones in the kit sat WAY too high, shortys on the way. Good eye! :wink:

Your guy does nice work. I made it home, three days 2050 miles.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


Quote from: "enjenjo"
Quote from: "idrivejunk"No thats those Stealth-Springs from the muffler bearing isle ... ha! Ones in the kit sat WAY too high, shortys on the way. Good eye! :wink:

Your guy does nice work. I made it home, three days 2050 miles.

 Good on you..I couldn't drive 150 miles..forget that..110. Ya..if it is more than about 20-30 miles for me up here now..ya forget that..I don't feel like driving.
 I am still recoverring from the winter from hell.


Good to hear you made it back Frank. Hope the knee is feeling better.
When you said you hurt it I was going to post "Walk it off Snack Fairy" :) but you didn't seem like you would have been in the right mood for it.
You never have time to do it right the first time but you always have time to do it again.

phat rat

Quote from: "enjenjo"
Quote from: "idrivejunk"No thats those Stealth-Springs from the muffler bearing isle ... ha! Ones in the kit sat WAY too high, shortys on the way. Good eye! :wink:

Your guy does nice work. I made it home, three days 2050 miles.

Three days!!! Where all did you stop too take that long!
Some days it\'s not worth chewing through the restraints.

phat rat

I spent the day with a local car guy from Kalispell showing me around some yards in the area. So far this trip has been pretty good for finding stuff. I have the front half of 2 touring cars, they make nice roadster buckets, 2 Diamond T coe's, 40's International cab, 40 Chevy sedan, 400 sbc and 406 sbc. At this time I don't have room to bring it all home. I'm going to a local swap meet tomorrow and maybe I'll get lucky and sell some things. If not 1 roadster body and the International cab are staying here at my sons place
Some days it\'s not worth chewing through the restraints.


Quote from: "phat rat"
Quote from: "enjenjo"
Quote from: "idrivejunk"No thats those Stealth-Springs from the muffler bearing isle ... ha! Ones in the kit sat WAY too high, shortys on the way. Good eye! :wink:

Your guy does nice work. I made it home, three days 2050 miles.

Three days!!! Where all did you stop too take that long!

Santa Rosa NM, and Muskogee OK. 2156 miles, $1053 for fuel, 7.78 MPG. I left Las Vegas tuesday at 7am Pacific time, and arrived in Swanton at 230Am Eastern time friday. I spent the day yesterday unloading. Now I have to sell some of this junk.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


I am spending the day with Sumner and Hooley at El Mirage.  Life is good.

I am glad to hear that you made it home Frank.

Chopped 48 Chevy Truck
Former Crew chief #974 1953 Studebaker   
Past Bonneville record holder B/BGCC 249.9 MPH


Quote from: "416Ford"Good to hear you made it back Frank. Hope the knee is feeling better.
When you said you hurt it I was going to post "Walk it off Snack Fairy" :) but you didn't seem like you would have been in the right mood for it.

  See a Dr. Now,get x-rays and an mri.If the doc won't do it(like mine) get another doctor,go to a hospital.See a specialist.
  I banged mine in Jan..my doc(new) wouldn't x-ray it..neither would the local hospital. I had to drive to Toronto to stay in Hotel to wait and see my OLD Gp.On the way I stopped it a Toronto hospital. I was in some serious pain..and had been..on and off..for like a few months.I had d/h skiied a few weeks earlier..then I had another "attack" that I thought was either gout or a broken bone.The Toronto hospital could not understand why the other doc and the hospital would not x-ray it.Anyway..broken piece of bone in the joint.

  As I have painfully learned all about knees and being disabled for the last few months.I walked with 2 canes for about 6 weeks.I celerbrated walking without canes 3 weeks ago..and right away I was barely able to check the oil in my truck. I

  It is..as I found out through talkikng..and reading..A LOT! not really all that uncommon for someone to bang their knee..and cause some very serious pain and damage.Pieces of bone chips..break off for a whole bunch of reasons. Banging is right up there. Wow. You may have no idea something is wrong. I had no idea other than I banged my knee.Then I got 100% better.Then I spent a few months in hell

   I have had 2 shock wave therapy treatments to break up/take the sharp edges off the bone chip/remove any calcification. The last one was stupid painfull...too painful. But I am much.much better.I still might need knee surgery..not sure.I saw my rhuematologist(gout)..and he said..2 months ago..that it would do no harm to try this for a few..several weeks..so I gotta get this knee checked out again.

  Tearing a piece of cartiledge out..if it is a tiny piece..is no big deal if it is a small piece..you won't feel yourself do it.If it is big enough and gets poking around..ya that can be problematic.Worse part of that is an x-ray won't show cartilege. Other tests will but by the time you get them the cartilege has decomposed.A piece of bone may be attached to the cartiledge..they decompose at very different rates.This can get jammed up somewhere..then all of a sudden the little bone chip is free to move around again.

  Right now..as far as knee injuries,banging them etc..I think forget whatever Dr.,health plan/services you have etc..and just go and pay whatever it costs to go to a sports clinic and see a Dr that specializes in knees. They see this stuff all the time.I wish I had done that. At the very least get his opinion.This bone head Dr. and the first hospital I went to. I knew there was something terribly wrong..I just should have gone to a sports clinic right away.

 From seeing a Dr to knee surgery here is 7/8 months..to a year and a bit.
  Private knee surgery can be done in a week or two..$6000.
Yikes. Nice decision to have to make.

  At least we have a govt. health plan that does not cost that much.Problem is..you get knee problems..it is going to be several weeks to several months before they can see you.The wait times for surgery are so stupid long that ther govt has a wait time website. Haha.

  I hope your banging your knee is nothing at all. But I would thoroughly check it out.


Glad you got there ok, Frank.  How did the S-10 ride?
Rrumbler - Older, grouchier, broken; but not completely dead, yet.


Quote from: "Rrumbler"Glad you got there ok, Frank.  How did the S-10 ride?

No problem with the S10. The tie downs worked fine.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


took Falcon to Tucson AZ drag strip.  AKA Southwest International Raceway.  IHRA track.

Falcon did not like the heat or the air too much.  15.63 at 86 mph was all I could beat out of the car.  Near 5 tenths slow.

For those that may wonder:  headlight is out for fresh air intake to carb.

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)

wayne petty

Quote from: "Arnold"
Quote from: "416Ford"Good to hear you made it back Frank. Hope the knee is feeling better.
When you said you hurt it I was going to post "Walk it off Snack Fairy" :) but you didn't seem like you would have been in the right mood for it.

  See a Dr. Now,get x-rays and an mri.If the doc won't do it(like mine) get another doctor,go to a hospital.See a specialist.
  I banged mine in Jan..my doc(new) wouldn't x-ray it..neither would the local hospital. I had to drive to Toronto to stay in Hotel to wait and see my OLD Gp.On the way I stopped it a Toronto hospital. I was in some serious pain..and had been..on and off..for like a few months.I had d/h skiied a few weeks earlier..then I had another "attack" that I thought was either gout or a broken bone.The Toronto hospital could not understand why the other doc and the hospital would not x-ray it.Anyway..broken piece of bone in the joint.

  As I have painfully learned all about knees and being disabled for the last few months.I walked with 2 canes for about 6 weeks.I celerbrated walking without canes 3 weeks ago..and right away I was barely able to check the oil in my truck. I

  It is..as I found out through talkikng..and reading..A LOT! not really all that uncommon for someone to bang their knee..and cause some very serious pain and damage.Pieces of bone chips..break off for a whole bunch of reasons. Banging is right up there. Wow. You may have no idea something is wrong. I had no idea other than I banged my knee.Then I got 100% better.Then I spent a few months in hell

   I have had 2 shock wave therapy treatments to break up/take the sharp edges off the bone chip/remove any calcification. The last one was stupid painfull...too painful. But I am much.much better.I still might need knee surgery..not sure.I saw my rhuematologist(gout)..and he said..2 months ago..that it would do no harm to try this for a few..several weeks..so I gotta get this knee checked out again.

  Tearing a piece of cartiledge out..if it is a tiny piece..is no big deal if it is a small piece..you won't feel yourself do it.If it is big enough and gets poking around..ya that can be problematic.Worse part of that is an x-ray won't show cartilege. Other tests will but by the time you get them the cartilege has decomposed.A piece of bone may be attached to the cartiledge..they decompose at very different rates.This can get jammed up somewhere..then all of a sudden the little bone chip is free to move around again.

  Right now..as far as knee injuries,banging them etc..I think forget whatever Dr.,health plan/services you have etc..and just go and pay whatever it costs to go to a sports clinic and see a Dr that specializes in knees. They see this stuff all the time.I wish I had done that. At the very least get his opinion.This bone head Dr. and the first hospital I went to. I knew there was something terribly wrong..I just should have gone to a sports clinic right away.

 From seeing a Dr to knee surgery here is 7/8 months..to a year and a bit.
  Private knee surgery can be done in a week or two..$6000.
Yikes. Nice decision to have to make.

  At least we have a govt. health plan that does not cost that much.Problem is..you get knee problems..it is going to be several weeks to several months before they can see you.The wait times for surgery are so stupid long that ther govt has a wait time website. Haha.

  I hope your banging your knee is nothing at all. But I would thoroughly check it out.

the latest in knee info videos not for the faint at heart



Well, I misread the event folder. The Midwest Willys Jeep reunion was not about Willys but about Jeeps. There was not a single Jeepster there. I saw three station wagons, five pick-ups, four cab-overs and about twenty jeeps. The event was a good get together for old jeep likers but it came short of my need. I had taken all of my Jeepster  "Won't Use" parts down from the rafters of my garage and put them in the bed of the truck hopeing that they would be trading items for anything I might find and can use. I packed them so they would stay dry which was a good thing because as soon as I got out of the truck it started to rain. The rain didn't bother me but as soon as I got to the first pile of parts it started to hail. Everyone covered up their parts and the weather made that the order of the day. What I did manage to collect this weekend was a slight bend in the rear bumper of my truck. Going to dinner Friday night I "cut-off" someone that I never saw when I was pulling in to a restaurant parking lot. I thought that I had hit the curb but while I was eating a police officer came to me and asked me to step outside. He walked me to my truck. I was expecting that my front tire might be flat where I hit the curb but seeing the cop had me wondering if I had hit a fire hydrant. He showed me the bend in the rear bumper and then took me over and showed me the front fender of a car. The car that I had cut off didn't come out as well. The edge of my bumper had caught the front edge of it's fender and cut the fender from the headlight to past the front wheel well. No one was hurt but I was so "dumb founded" that I never even thought to say I was sorry. It's all starting to sink in now. GPster