What are you doing today?

Started by enjenjo, April 23, 2010, 04:57:12 PM

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Quote from: "Arnold"Battling :!:..what I think is some sort of HORRIFIC :!: gout attack..I think.. that has gone on/off for like 2 months now. :evil:
I have a sordid history of gout..and have been on drugs for it for 15 years everyday.None of the classic triggers apply to me.
I have moved and given up my gp that is 3 hrs away..and the new doc that I was led to believe  would see me..will..BY APPOINTMENT ONLY.When appointments come I have been in too much pain to even move.The local hospital WILL see me..and do whatever tests..THE DR reccommends..AFTER I see him :evil:  :roll: .
I am trying..TRYING..right now to get rid of this new Dr..and see my old Dr..3 hrs away.
I am in very rough shape on and off.
I have not had any attacks really..since about 2005.
One of my breakfast coffee buddies has gout & he swears that drinking cherry juice helps quite a bit w/the symptoms. At least it will taste better than most meds!
grandchildren are your reward for not killing your teenagers!


Since I am still recovering from back surgery, I am entertaining myself with some woodworking stuff.  I built a harmonograph for my grand kids.  You can see one of these work if you do a search on the net or on utube.  Mine is a two axis but the three axis are pretty neat to watch.  Basically the varying swinging weights control the changing paths of a pen.  By starting the pen in different ways it will change the shape of the final design.  It has kept me busy for several hours, and I am sure it will do the same others.  

Chopped 48 Chevy Truck
Former Crew chief #974 1953 Studebaker   
Past Bonneville record holder B/BGCC 249.9 MPH

wayne petty

what amazon is planning with Drone deliveries.  has been put into effect locally for ice fishermen..



I have been working on 348tripower's Studebaker that he sold to my buddy Tom. Tom wanted some small changes made in the front suspension to ease alignment, a cover over the lower dash area to hide the wires,and move the brake pedal for his big feet. The front end work is done except for painting the hew wheels, I'll move on to the dash tomorrow.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


Quote from: "phat rat"I bet you didn't go by way of Tortilla Flats :)

A pair of Chinese Students went over the edge on the 88 above the Tortilla Flat area a few days ago ...  one dead, one survived.   They were out "star gazing"  as I recall the reason given they were  driving on that dirt road at night.

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


" One of my breakfast coffee buddies has gout & he swears that drinking cherry juice helps quite a bit w/the symptoms. At least it will taste better than most meds!"

Never had gout, in fact I'm not really sure what it is caused by.  I do know the cherry juice concentrate has really made my knees work a whole lot better - in fact I wish the rest of my body felt as good.
My project is 90% finished, with only 90% to go.


Quote from: "Arnold"Battling :!:..what I think is some sort of HORRIFIC :!: gout attack..I think.. that has gone on/off for like 2 months now. :evil:
I have a sordid history of gout..and have been on drugs for it for 15 years everyday.None of the classic triggers apply to me.
I have moved and given up my gp that is 3 hrs away..and the new doc that I was led to believe  would see me..will..BY APPOINTMENT ONLY.When appointments come I have been in too much pain to even move.The local hospital WILL see me..and do whatever tests..THE DR reccommends..AFTER I see him :evil:  :roll: .
I am trying..TRYING..right now to get rid of this new Dr..and see my old Dr..3 hrs away.
I am in very rough shape on and off.
I have not had any attacks really..since about 2005.


  Cherry juice for gout. I know a lot about gout..SADLY. I have heard that it works..tried it before..did not work for me..but others do swear by it.

   Right now I am beginning to MAYBE wish this WAS gout.

   As I had mentiontioned..I moved 3 hrs away..and switched GP's. Made sense..new doc seemed like a nice guy/good doc.
   Made appointment,saw him..(after 3 "attacks").He knows my history,I mentioned tests,x-rays (standard procedure). He did not want to do anything..other than say "come back if it flares up"..I did..would not see me..make an appointment.Another attack..phoned his office..make an appointment.Went to the local hospital egy..they would not do anything because the first doc wouldn't. Finally phoned the provincial health # to see about going to another hospital.NO..they would not see me,,BECAUSE NOW 2 Dr.s had seen me. Phoned the ambulance..non-emergency#. Emergecny or not they would ONLY take me to the nearest hospital that would not see me.
  FINALLY phoned my OLD GP. They fell all over themselves trying to help me..come now..come whenever you can..they would see to it that I got x-rays. Drove the 3 hrs to Toronto to another hospital. Told them the SAME story.
  CLEAR AS DAY. The x-ray showed a piece of broken bone in the joint.
The bump I had asked the first 2 Dr's to see about was now gone.
THAT WAS THE BIG BONE CHIP. It could have been very easily removed THEN.

   Now it has broken into more pieces. Now they do not know where the smaller chips are..they are floating around somewhere?? The need to do surgery to go digging around to find them.

   In the meantime..I did see my rhuematologist..he said it would be several weeks to several months..to get to see an orthopedic surgeon..and maybe several months to get the surgery. A few weeks of no moving the joint. Then some rehab/physio etc.

   My rhuematologists diagnosis..I have seen him for 13 years.

   "Use 2 canes at all times. Try to walk normally and only use the canes to stabilize when the bone chip pain suddenly drops you to the ground.Dont walk too hard or you may provoke it. Don't be too easy or the muscles,ligaments will become loose and leave more space in the joint for the bone chip to get into.There are NO pain meds that can help you..believe me if there were you would get some from me right now.
NOTHING you can do to stop this or deal with it or the pain. This can drop you when you get up from this chair..on your way out..or at any time between now and the few months until you have the surgery."

  I dont' recall EVER receiving such BAD medical help..from the first few Dr's or hospitals. The rhuematogist said this was not negligence..or in-competency..IT WAS WORSE..in that they just did not care.

  On the bright side..I don't recall EVER receiving such GREAT HELP! from the medical community at the end.

  I am going to try and explore the possibility of having these bone chips zapped soniclly or lasered



Wow Arnold, that's painful just to think about. Getting some decent assistance is always the first thing. Hopefully now that you know it can be dealt with properly. Good luck and please keep us posted.
Rudeness is the weak man's imitation of strength. Eric Hoffer  (1902 - 1983)


Got out today.  Nostalgia races at Wild Horse drag strip

My buddys Henry J racing a Gremlin..   Who knew it could happen?

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


Same races... Caught up with Glen at his pit area.  Been about a year since I seen him in person.  My fault.... life gets in the way at times.

Had a good chat with Laura his wife, looked at pics of house remodel underway

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


Changed a serpentine belt today that I would have SWORN had to be a bad idler bearing from the sound of it. I pulled the belt and checked everything with a pulley...all smooth, quiet, and without unusual motion. Put the belt back on and dripped a little water onto the belt, just a drop or two at a time, and it quieted right down. As the belt threw off the moisture and dried the noise would return. It showed no signs of cracking or unusual wear, but a new one completely eliminated the noise.
Rudeness is the weak man's imitation of strength. Eric Hoffer  (1902 - 1983)


Yesterday there was a classic car auction here. The only surprise to me was watching a restored 58 chevy convert with a 348 bring 78 grand. The 2 high bidders were both in the audience. They passed the online bunch at 50 grand. I saw a restored 66 SS396 bring 29 grand and a restored 70 chevy c10 with a big block bring 15 grand. Around a 35% no sell ratio. From what little I watch, that seems common.

chimp koose

Arnold, the first time I went in with my gout I wanted x rays for a broken foot. One of the last times I was in for the problem I got a foot Xray and the doctor asked me if I played soccer. Yes years ago,I have bone fragments all over around my big toe, just never really broke a piece off.By the way I have heard sea food will contribute to the problem.When I have a shrimp cocktail I usually feel it a bit the next day.


Made a heavy duty bearing retainer for a T5 countershaft, Then drilled the mounting holes wrong :evil: It can be fixed but I am not Happy , I think I am Dopey today
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


Frank, you and I drank the same water today.