What are you doing today?

Started by enjenjo, April 23, 2010, 04:57:12 PM

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Hey Guys ....The ringing in your ears is called  "tinnitus"...  Trust me ..It ain't something to joke about ...

The guys we see in KA-Zoo probably never noticed it ,but if you are on my left side & speaking , I don't have a clue that you are even there.  :roll:  
  Mine started back in 1992ish & I went to every ear specialist that we could find ...I ended up at the University of Chicago  for a special examination by a team of Doctors that determined there was nothing that could be done .. :(

I even requested surgury to cut the nerves in the inner ear .... They advised it would do nothing to help....

( Two of the doctors were concerned about my feelings on suicide .. :shock:      They explained that some of the patients they saw with this condition had tried to resolve it with a pistol in the ear..)    :shock:

 The noise in my left ear is a cross between an ambulance siren & a bearing being blown dry with compressed air .. ( We haven't EVER done that, have we ???)  :oops:

It is there 24/7 ..Sometimes bad ...Sometimes worse ...   :(

 No mater how many ad's  you see , a good otolaryngologist ( Ear Specialist for us normal kids ) ,will tell you there is no "resolution" .. There are devices that are marketed to "help" the ringing that resemble a hearing aid ..   They are "noise generators" that will mask the ringing by substituting another noise ..( "White Noise" ) .  The Doctors at the U of C said to try listening to a radio turned "off station" so nothing but static could be heard, that closely resembles the noise ...If that helped I was to return & they would arrange for one ... I tried ..No good...

 I'm not complaining ....I just don't want to see you guys go through the same BS & $$$$$  that I did ..

 Bottom line ..If the ringing starts OR gets worse ...GET TO AN EAR DOCTOR NOW ...Don't wait to see "if it will go away" .. Trust me ..It won't ...

 What are the "T-V Ears" everyone spoke about ??  I my be interested so my lovely wife can watch TV without cotton in HER  ears ... :lol:  :lol:

 Thanxxx....Bob .... :wink:
1940 Oldsmobile- The "Ugly Olds"
1931 Ford sedan- Retirement project

***** First Member of Team Smart*****


Well, our "what are you doing" thing has got sidetracked onto a treatise on tinnitus, it seems; it appears that we all have it to one degree or another.  I'm throwing the next switch, back to the main track.

Today, we are going to observe and participate in, as much as necessary, the buyers inspection of our new (to us) house.  Situations change, and we have been forced to find new digs, so we are using our retirement account to buy this new place outright; won't be near as much left in the IRA, but without the mortgage payment, we can get along pretty well on SS and other sources - as long as "Uncle Sugar" allows.  I'm going to have to shed some weight, so to speak, most of my shop tools and toys, even my old truck, if it comes to that, but it seems that I have pretty much come to a grinding halt in my heavy activities, anyhow, so, -----  :?  :(  :(
Rrumbler - Older, grouchier, broken; but not completely dead, yet.

58 Yeoman

I'm going to rent a trencher this afternoon.  I have to dig two trenches about 75-100', one behind the house and the other behind the shop. I live on the side of a hill, and heavy rains collect behind both building, so I'm going to help it along.
I survived the Hyfrecator 2000.

"Life is what happens when you're making other plans."
1967 Corvair 500 2dr Hardtop
1967 Corvair 500 4dr Hardtop


I adjusted the handbrake on my 61 Chrysler today.

I can't remember how long ago my ear ringing started. Will a gun in the left ear really end it?

Just found a front tire on the front of my pickup blown to shreds apparently while just sitting in the garage. Heck it was only 25/30 yrs old with probably 90% of the tread left. It was a 60 series BFG T/A. I'll probably go with a 70 series BFG T/A replacement.


The 32 is gone, he picked it up about 2 pm
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


I'm restoring a 68 CL160 Honda. I'll put up some pics this weekend. It will only be interesting to guys who had the Honda love affair as a kid.


We just had a little hail storm. I didn't see it do any damage to me but it took the large window out of the the surburban across the street.


Quote from: "UGLY OLDS"Hey Guys ....The ringing in your ears is called  "tinnitus"...  Trust me ..It ain't something to joke about ...


What are the "T-V Ears" everyone spoke about ??  I my be interested so my lovely wife can watch TV without cotton in HER  ears ... :lol:  :lol:

 Thanxxx....Bob .... :wink:

Been there, done plenty of it.  I have not been to a high level joint as you mention.  I have seen 4 doctors over the years on my ears.  2 of them were very open and honest with me.

Ear specialist told me nothing to be done about tinnitus. I mentioned it would better to be deaf and enjoy the quiet. Ear doc then told me how some completely deaf people suffer with ringing in their ears.

My inner noise will ramp up n down in tone and volume. Doctors tell me : " That is unusual" LOL.

Google search TV ears ... there is a pile of ads out there on them.

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)

Boyd Who

I spent some time in the shop yesterday mocking up the new front end for the Essex. The old 'Vair front end is gone...time to get a little traditional!


Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


Quote from: "kb426"I'm restoring a 68 CL160 Honda. I'll put up some pics this weekend. It will only be interesting to guys who had the Honda love affair as a kid.

My first bike was a CB160, I had wanted an enduro type bike so i took the mufflers off the CB and put universal tires on it. Man was that thing loud, my dad said he could hear me when
I left work at Burger chef at 11:30 p.m. I know he wasn't serious as that was about two miles away!


Boyd, looking good. How does that line up with your wheel wells centers? I managed to get two old bodies over the weekend, one a 33BB truck cab and chassis and the other a 27 Essex sedan body with full frame but missing drivers side door. Any idea where I might find one?
What\'s that noise?,,, Never mind,, I\'ll check it later


as a fellow sufferer of tinitus, i have found that as the blood sugars rise, so does the volume of the ringing.
mine started in the late 80's, and is now a constant ringing. it gets worse when its quiet.


I have the ear ringing thing too.  We must face the facts, we are old.  It was not bothering me much until you guys started talking about it.

I spent the day getting the old truck ready for the nostalgia race tomorrow.  

I worked on Hooley's new air dam for the Studebaker.  I need to get it painted soon as he is to run on the Texas mile later this month.

Hooley and Sam Woodard will be doing an exhibition match race tomorrow with the Henry Js.  I will try to get a couple of pictures.

Chopped 48 Chevy Truck
Former Crew chief #974 1953 Studebaker   
Past Bonneville record holder B/BGCC 249.9 MPH

Boyd Who

Quote from: "taxpyer"Boyd, looking good. How does that line up with your wheel wells centers? I managed to get two old bodies over the weekend, one a 33BB truck cab and chassis and the other a 27 Essex sedan body with full frame but missing drivers side door. Any idea where I might find one?

I just have the front crossmember tacked in right now. I have to mount the front fenders again to double check things, but I did some measurements and mock-ups in the spring to make sure I had the axle where I wanted it.
The only guy I know with Essex stuff is Geordie Vincent, a local guy. Unfortunately he won't sell parts, just complete cars/bodies. I'll keep my eyes open for you though. Is your sedan a 2 or 4 door?