What are you doing today?

Started by enjenjo, April 23, 2010, 04:57:12 PM

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I helped my friend Roger (T-vicky) put a new crossflow aluminum radiator in my 61 Chrysler Windsor.

Heh, heh, It ain't exactly heavy duty work but heh it's what I did.

Hope the pics aren't too much, but then again, I like to take pics.

I kinda blame the new radiator on some of you folks bragging about your aluminum radiators, so I figured I better try one out.

Sure do hope it works.

Also sorry about the junky look, the Chrysler is a 'driver' and not a show car, and we ain't exactly craftsmen, just old shade tree rodders.


Well, we're in Denver. I've read some of the happenings but I don't see well enough to type on Linda's computor so I'm at the library with my mother's library card. My brother thinks his job is to keep us amuzed so today we're going to lunch. At the Coors factory.This doing nothing is OK but I can't even think. My brother gave me an ad for a Jeep salvage yard but I can't think of anything I need unless I'm looking at it. I probably couldn't get anything in the suitcase anyway because today is 1/2 price seniors day at the DAV thrift store and my mom wants to go. I say something there the other day I might have them buy. It was an artist rendition of an Oldsmobile concept car of the early '50s. It was a two seater that had a '53 Corvette tail section and the front end had the '57 Olds bumper grill assembly. I'm running out of time. GPster


Finished up wiring the 32 today. It's ready to go. Just have to install the distributor and radiator and the 50 Chevy is done. Back on the Ghia now.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


Had an expensive pump develop problems on the dyno... located the trouble, corrected it.

Re-dyno this morning, works great..

Dentist visit this afternoon.  Went smooth.  Voices are still in my head though  :idea:

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


Quote from: "Crosley"Had an expensive pump develop problems on the dyno... located the trouble, corrected it.

Re-dyno this morning, works great..

Dentist visit this afternoon.  Went smooth.  Voices are still in my head though  :idea:

well, at least YOU got somebody to talk to, all i hear is ringing (and it ain't the phone)
The last thing I want to do is hurt you. But it\'s still on my list


well, at least YOU got somebody to talk to, all i hear is ringing (and it ain't the phone)

Went to the Dr yesterday. He asked if my ears ever buzz. I told him I didn't know, I can't hear it over the ringing.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.

phat rat

Quote from: "enjenjo"
well, at least YOU got somebody to talk to, all i hear is ringing (and it ain't the phone)

Went to the Dr yesterday. He asked if my ears ever buzz. I told him I didn't know, I can't hear it over the ringing.

Some days it\'s not worth chewing through the restraints.


Quote from: "tomslik"
Quote from: "Crosley"Had an expensive pump develop problems on the dyno... located the trouble, corrected it.

Re-dyno this morning, works great..

Dentist visit this afternoon.  Went smooth.  Voices are still in my head though  :idea:

well, at least YOU got somebody to talk to, all i hear is ringing (and it ain't the phone)

yuuup.  My noise in the ears is ramping up.  I noticed this a few weeks ago.  I try to explain to my wife the volume  level of ringing in my ears by comparing it to noise that is around us at any given moment... like road noise in the daily driver  car and my ears are slightly louder.

I am having more difficulty understanding words from more people. My concern with hearing aids is will they increase the volume of ringing in my ears as the volume of the hearing aid speaker is raised so I can understand words easier?

I may buy a set of the TV ears. Some nites I have the TV so loud .... just to understand the words

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


TV ears are great! I take out my hearing aid and use just them in the evening. The ear phones muffle out all background noise so that you can concentrate on just the TV sound. Unfortunately most showes have so much backround music for me it's hard to understand just talking.The new style of hearing aids are tuned to filter out (quiet) loud noises. Unfortunately only one of my ears works and the hearing center of my brain is slow (TBI) so I can only tell what's making the noise if I'm facing it. My wife's in line for a pair of hearing aids because both of her ears are failing (years of riding Harleys) so sometimes her ignoring me is not because I don't talk loud enough. GPster


Quote from: "GPster"TV ears are great! I take out my hearing aid and use just them in the evening. The ear phones muffle out all background noise so that you can concentrate on just the TV sound. Unfortunately most showes have so much backround music for me it's hard to understand just talking.The new style of hearing aids are tuned to filter out (quiet) loud noises. Unfortunately only one of my ears works and the hearing center of my brain is slow (TBI) so I can only tell what's making the noise if I'm facing it. My wife's in line for a pair of hearing aids because both of her ears are failing (years of riding Harleys) so sometimes her ignoring me is not because I don't talk loud enough. GPster

Joe.... agreed on the back ground music on TV shows.  

Dont tell any one, I have been using 'closed caption' on many TV shows the past month. Some of the mis-spelled words is interesting.


 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


Eh?!?  Whatzat ya' sayin'!?!???  Cain't hear ya' fer this motor runnin' in my right ear; left one's volume is turned to low.

:P  :P  :wink:    :)
Rrumbler - Older, grouchier, broken; but not completely dead, yet.

58 Yeoman

A local hospital had a deal going on a few years ago; try new digital hearing aids for 90 days, and if not satisfied, return them for a refund, minus $100.  I tried them ($3400) in both ears, had them fine tuned a couple times, but just didn't seem to help understand what people were saying.  I got my $3300 refund.  I'd rather be able to hear.

The other day, my wife said her ears started to ring for no reason.  I told her mine do that 24/7.  We also use close captioned tv, and make fun of the mis-spelled words.  It's also amazing that many times there are captions, but no one is saying anything.  Sometimes I want to say "HEY, FOLLOW THE SCRIPT."   :lol:
I survived the Hyfrecator 2000.

"Life is what happens when you're making other plans."
1967 Corvair 500 2dr Hardtop
1967 Corvair 500 4dr Hardtop


I want to know why women  talk loud to get your attention and then turn away and talk once they have it?      So this ringing is normal? I just figured my hearing was ok because the ringing get louder. :(

58 Yeoman

Mine have been ringing as long as I can remember.

True story.  When I was in VN, I was on an air base (I was Army).  They sent me to the AF dispensary to have my hearing checked.  That was a first for me, sitting in a booth with the button.  The guy told me to just push the button every time I heard a tone.  It was a LONG time later when he came back and told me he forgot that I was in there.  Geez...and I had just kept pushing the button.  They still said that my hearing was okay.
I survived the Hyfrecator 2000.

"Life is what happens when you're making other plans."
1967 Corvair 500 2dr Hardtop
1967 Corvair 500 4dr Hardtop


A fellow I know, I think he can hear a fly break wind.  For the better part of 10 yrs I have asked him to speak up  and he says ; " I forgot"


 Plutophobia (Fear of money)