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Messages - ice1272

Quote from: "Deuce"Most Model A guys use the V8 Maverick/Comet rear end. It is 56 inches wide ... measured this way.

Measuring from the backside of the backing plates is SO WRONG because the brake widths vary.

The V8 Maverick rears run $150 to $200 in my area ... much cheaper than changing axle shafts and such ... on a 4 lug rear ...

Look at this thread ...

Where's your area?
On the Mustang II rear end how hard or exspensive is it to replace the axles with a five bolt pattern?

Your right, I have stayed and for the most part like it here. Im a cop and have to deal with attitudes all the time, (Can you believe that some people even accuse cops of having an attitude as well, whats the world coming too)  :D . Anyway prior to moving here we visited for about eight years and the living was easy and affordable but it has changed drastically. I have many native friends here who have accepted us, but they still have the feeling that people from the north and florida have caused the realestate values to climb to where the locals cant even buy "their own land". We recently had an election for Sheriff and one of the candiates made it very clear that he blamed the "Imports" for many of the economic problem in western N.C., keep in mind this guy was one of my best friends. When I asked him about it directly he replied, "Chris I like and respect you very much but the fact is its the truth" I asked him if he wanted me to go back to florida and he said No, your here already besides I wounld'nt want you to get lost". we both laughed and left it at that, it may sound harsh but despite that one attitude he has always been there for me so I guess we agree to disagree. None the less I just felt to share some experiences I have had. I should say though that I attended a wounderful church and the people have been very good to us, and you can win the locals over but it takes time and down deep inside I think they still blame us for many things.
The cobra rearend was a 4 bolt pattern the yard wanted $250.00 for it, the same yard had two mustang 65-66 models for $250.00 as well, I think they were 8" but couldnt really tell the were covered up with brush pretty bad while the cars are sitting on the ground. I did however find a 9'in a early 70's pickup for $100.00  and another one in an early 60's pickup for $250. they seem to be plentifull in this area  its just a matter of finding the right width.
Rodder's Roundtable / Re: Me to kemo-sabby
August 16, 2006, 01:26:40 AM
Quote from: "slocrow"Hey wait a minute boys! Don't put all that Carolina info into personal e mails. I also would like too see the info.
My wife and I have been talking about a Carolina move too. She already has some info about the Hendersonville, NC area, near Ashville.
I won't handle hurricanes either so it's inland for me and Florida, although nice, is just switching pants, with that Summer heat.
What's this reference to a homestead act in SC and does NC have anything similar.
I'm getting really tired of these Northern (stick it to um) taxes and heating bills..........Frank

Frank I have lived in Hendersonville N.C. for about ten years and work in Asheville. I like Hendersonville but land is no longer cheap, and houses are going up by hugh leaps. The average 3/2 house is going for around $250,000. An acre around 25-35. The real down side to all of this is, truth be known, the native (north carolinians) absoultey resent Northerns and Floridians and they are pretty vocal about it. Floridians are known as Floridiots or Halfbacks, meaning you left the north went to florida and only made it half way back!

Before anyone asks I've stayed this long because the wife has family here and generally I do like the place, although you have to be able to deal with the few prejudices that are still around, so if you move here just be prepared.
You guys have been sooo helpful in the past I'm going to throw another question at ya. What width 9" rear end would you use on a model A with fenders. i understand it depends on tire size , off sets etc. Im just trying to figure out while I'm searching in junkyards what size rear end I should be looking for and what vehicle might I find it under. I went looking yesterday and in two yards found several (I believe) 8" under two 65-66 stangs, and a 70's mustang cobra II and several 9" in some 70's model pickup. My build is presently in the gathering parts stage and I'm laying out my frame now so I can play with widths a little right now.
Rodder's Roundtable / Hole in block
August 14, 2006, 08:06:05 PM
Well I appreciate all the information and Im glad that I've got a motor I can probably use. :b-d:

Rodder's Roundtable / Hole in block
August 14, 2006, 12:56:32 PM
Thanks Don, now my next question what is the hole for and why did'nt Ford due for the lack of a better word, a prettier job ?
Rodder's Roundtable / Second pic
August 14, 2006, 10:39:32 AM
Here's the second one
Rodder's Roundtable / Hole in block 351 windsor
August 14, 2006, 10:35:48 AM
I believe that is where the holes lead to but not sure Ill go check. Here's two pictures I got off the web showing the same hole I guess its suppose to be there , but like you said it looks ragged as H*^%!

Rodder's Roundtable / Hole in block 351 windsor
August 14, 2006, 07:51:33 AM
Here's a picture of the hole in the block . Thanks for the suggestion Don.
Rodder's Roundtable / Hole in block 351 windsor
August 13, 2006, 11:58:42 PM
a friend of mine gave me a 1969 351 windsor 2bl motor. The engine was running when pulled out of a Galaxy about eight years ago. Since I needed a motor for my Model A I took it home and tore into it. My friend who I absolutely trust in everyway insisted the engine ran great when he pulled it out of the car. However I found a dime size hole  :cry: behind the Distributer in the valley where the lifters are, I felt this block was a goner. However looking around on ebay I have seen at least two sbf blocks with nearly the same hole, is this a flaw or not :? ? The hole is not regular shape as if it had been drilled but looks like something went through it?
Quote from: "donsrods"Chris:  I know exactly what you mean about the $ issue.  Don't you just hate it when stupid stuff like food, rent/mortgage, etc get in the way of building a car? :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

There are a few companies now selling stamped '32 siderails, and they are going for about $ 700.00 a pair.  They look really good, and you could add a Model a front crossmember to get an additional inch of drop, then add a custom rear crossmember for what ever spring set up you choose.

I have a 30 over 460 sitting on a stand just waiting for some project. I was building it for a 84 Capri, but ended up selling the car to my one Son. It is a pretty good engine with lots of machine work and a roller cam and rockers, good heads, etc.  I also have a built C 6 that is brand new, and will probably use the two in a t bucket kit I have sitting until I get two other cars out of the way.  In a light car like the bucket or your Model A, the BB should run really well. Biggest issues are the size and weight, but an aluminum intake and maybe even aluminum heads will drop that down. I have reworked steel heads for mine, because the aluminum ones didn't fit into my budget, but mine have SS valves, guide plates, ported, etc. and should be ok.

Good luck when you start building your A.


aint that the truth I keep telling my wife that we really dont need airconditioning in the house !!! :lol:  ....... She said she really did'nt need a husband :shock:  :shock: ........women have no sense of humor when it comes to such things. :?

Thanks for the ideas, I have a question for you in reference to the 460, back in the 80's the thing to do with the 460 was to get a good street cam, single 4bbl intake and use a set of 429 heads. Is this still a decent budget combo?
Quote from: "donsrods"Chris:  I know exactly what you mean about the $ issue.  Don't you just hate it when stupid stuff like food, rent/mortgage, etc get in the way of building a car? :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

There are a few companies now selling stamped '32 siderails, and they are going for about $ 700.00 a pair.  They look really good, and you could add a Model a front crossmember to get an additional inch of drop, then add a custom rear crossmember for what ever spring set up you choose.

I have a 30 over 460 sitting on a stand just waiting for some project. I was building it for a 84 Capri, but ended up selling the car to my one Son. It is a pretty good engine with lots of machine work and a roller cam and rockers, good heads, etc.  I also have a built C 6 that is brand new, and will probably use the two in a t bucket kit I have sitting until I get two other cars out of the way.  In a light car like the bucket or your Model A, the BB should run really well. Biggest issues are the size and weight, but an aluminum intake and maybe even aluminum heads will drop that down. I have reworked steel heads for mine, because the aluminum ones didn't fit into my budget, but mine have SS valves, guide plates, ported, etc. and should be ok.

Good luck when you start building your A.



Thanks for the ideas, I have a question for you in reference to the 460, back in the 80's the thing to do with the 460 was to get a good street cam, single 4bbl intake and use a set of 429 heads. Is this still a decent budget combo?
Quote from: "donsrods"If you use a '32 frame you will pick up 3 inches , as the WB is 106 vs 103 on the Model A. Don't know what look you are after but either a Deuce frame or one out of 2 x 3 or 2 x 4 rectangular tubing would be strong enough.  I wouldn't even think about it on an A frame, except a repro frame. But you are going to need some extra room up front to accomdate the BB.

One thing though, it will be different and certainly have enough HP. :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D


well, thats what I was thinking. I really like the looks of a "32 frame with a Model A ,but my money comes and goes so this will more then likely be a long project. I was strongly thinking about building a 2 x 4 frame out of rectangular tubing, my plan was to use a mechanical drawing of a model A frame I have , and with my present model A frame I would basically copy them, adding about 3-4 inches out front or recess the firewall.

I like being different, but i have always loved the bigblock ford and just thought the coupe and the BB would be alot of fun!! Building this car is a life long dream for me and I want to do it the best that i can.

Keep the ideas coming guys I can really use you knowledge.
