O/T - Question for N./S. Carolina folks

Started by Bob Paulin, August 14, 2006, 06:38:30 PM

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ice 1272, yeah, you are right about the way some people in NC feel about us carpetbaggers who move in.  I hadn't lived there since 1980, so I had forgotten about some of that, but it definitely did exist. There was a certain amount of standoffishness because we were from the North and "different'.

But I am sort of the kind of guy who doesn't let that get to me, and I just ignored some of the attitudes we got.  They weren't putting any bread on my table, so I didn't really give a hoot. And for the most part, people were ok.

One funny instance though was right after we moved in.  A young black guy came to do some carpentry work on our new home, and he was a really nice guy, and we had a lot in common.  He mentioned he and his wife were going to the Wake Forest football game that week, and my wife and I asked if we could go with them.  He was a little shocked, and said (YOU want to go to the game with US??"  We said we would love to go with them.

Now, you have to understand Wake Forest football to understand this story.  People don't go (at least they didn't at the time) in shorts and tee shirts.  It was a dress up affair, very formal.  So we all got dressed up and we walked in with this black couple beside us, and you could feel the place come to a stop.  People were looking at us like we were the Devil himself.  My wife and I didn't understand it, because we had lots of black friends up North, but evidently, even in 1980, this was not the thing to do in the deep South.  The whole time we were there we could see people glaring at us, and the black couple asked if we would prefer if we left.  We said "hell no" and enjoyed the game.

The next day, my wife called me. Someone sugarred our gas tank the night before.  I guess they were sending us a message.  At least they didn't burn a cross on our front lawn. :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

When we were moving from NC to California, we had a garage sale. A guy came up to me and started shooting the breeze. He said, "we've been watching you, and you seem like a good ol' boy."  I thanked him, then he said " have you ever had one of those pizzas they sell?"  I told him I had. He then said " I don't think anybody likes them the first time you try one, but you have to get used to them."

Maybe things have changed in the past 25 years, but like I said, for the most part, we loved it, and the weather is great.




Your right, I have stayed and for the most part like it here. Im a cop and have to deal with attitudes all the time, (Can you believe that some people even accuse cops of having an attitude as well, whats the world coming too)  :D . Anyway prior to moving here we visited for about eight years and the living was easy and affordable but it has changed drastically. I have many native friends here who have accepted us, but they still have the feeling that people from the north and florida have caused the realestate values to climb to where the locals cant even buy "their own land". We recently had an election for Sheriff and one of the candiates made it very clear that he blamed the "Imports" for many of the economic problem in western N.C., keep in mind this guy was one of my best friends. When I asked him about it directly he replied, "Chris I like and respect you very much but the fact is its the truth" I asked him if he wanted me to go back to florida and he said No, your here already besides I wounld'nt want you to get lost". we both laughed and left it at that, it may sound harsh but despite that one attitude he has always been there for me so I guess we agree to disagree. None the less I just felt to share some experiences I have had. I should say though that I attended a wounderful church and the people have been very good to us, and you can win the locals over but it takes time and down deep inside I think they still blame us for many things.

Bob Paulin

Quote from: "ice1272"Frank I have lived in Hendersonville N.C. for about ten years and work in Asheville. I like Hendersonville but land is no longer cheap, and houses are going up by hugh leaps. The average 3/2 house is going for around $250,000. An acre around 25-35. The real down side to all of this is, truth be known, the native (north carolinians) absoultey resent Northerns and Floridians and they are pretty vocal about it. Floridians are known as Floridiots or Halfbacks, meaning you left the north went to florida and only made it half way back!

Before anyone asks I've stayed this long because the wife has family here and generally I do like the place, although you have to be able to deal with the few prejudices that are still around, so if you move here just be prepared.

I'm currently from Maine. Even though I have been here for more than 30 years, I am not a "Mainer" - at least not according to some of the old Yankees up here.

I would have to have "....three generations in Maine and no relatives in Massachusetts...." to become  a "native", according to one of my friends.

And, as one Maine comic said when asked about the status of kids born in Maine to "flatlanders" who moved here, " If your cat had kittens in the oven, you wouldn't call them 'buns'. "

I once did a story on a Maine native who packed up everything, moved to the Carolinas in the mid-'60s, and raced for a year on the NASCAR Grand National (now NEXTEL Cup) circuit.

He said he ran into some resistance, but one of the natives down there said to him, "Don't worry...You're from Maine, and ANYTHING north of New York is headed South again."

He just moved back to North Carolina a few years ago to work for one of the major NASCAR teams, and I assume he's doing fine.
"Cheating only means you really care about winning" - Red Green


Jack, sure I can! I'd just have to move to Tennessee..............

Randy, Ya got me chuckl'n and you did make it sound tempting.

Vance, not worried about drowning in the river or that "hot" BBQ with such talented emergency folks always handy.

Dave, good to see that work still agrees with you and your down time hasn't dulled that razor sharp twitt.

Don, I think them there supplies are runn'n low.

Ice1272, thanks for the knowledgeable input and the realistic warning. I can understand how increased values are a double edged sword. That in itself should be enough to agitate the locals, not to mention growth necessary services.
In my opinion, unlike Florida's real estate boom, which I think was based on speculation, the Carolinas have and will continue to see some serious growth, based on transplanting.
The infrastructure up North has and is worn out. It needs replaced and upgraded but the political arena isn't ready to address belt tightening. The bigger city leaders keep being replaced by even more generous social program advocates. You know, "vote for me and your house, medical, childcare, etc is free". A different set of values then I was taught. Where is the money going to come from for this necessary maintenance.
I'd like to think I know where it's not going to come from, hence the view South.
I'd rather spend those excessive tax dollars on restaurants and shine'n :roll:  cars (get it).
We'll see, for as most of you folks, I've got a lifetime of stuff that would need moved. Seems impractical but knowing your options can't hurt.

Thanks y'all for the input and Bob, thanks for letting me jump on your thread............................Frank
Tell the National Guard to mind the grocery store...


My Father owned his own real estate business for many years. I helped my Father the last few years of his life in the business ... to make a few dollars $$$ and he needed me. He was in his mid 70's when I started helping him... until be passed at age 83.  A Lot of northerners have moved South ... and IF they act like most everyone else ... they blend in and get along well.

If the act like D@^* YANKEES ...
they do not do as well.

1) being loud and obnoxious
2) pushy ...
3) ME FIRST ...
4) making fun of folks ...
5) trying to impress folks with your money $$$
( a Lexus really impresses a man with a 200 grand tractor and combine --- with 500 acres of land  :lol:  )
6) and the worst ...
Trying to change the way things are ... if you like the way it was up North ... I-95 runs BOTH WAYS ... pack your stuff and get back there ...

RETIRED.....no phone, no work and No money  :?


f the act like D@^* YANKEES ...
they do not do as well.

1) being loud and obnoxious
2) pushy ...
3) ME FIRST ...
4) making fun of folks ...
5) trying to impress folks with your money $$$

Just a guess, but you must not get a lot of New York City cab drivers retiring down there, huh. :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:



Oh, you mean this guy; Emerging from the shadows near the entrance and rudely pushing forward through the crowd, appears the newly transplanted Yankee. He obnoxiously and loudly shouts, "out of my way you grits grinders, I can afford to buy the best you've got".  Thus propitiating his endearment with the locals.:wink:
Tell the National Guard to mind the grocery store...


Quote from: "slocrow"

Vance, not worried about drowning in the river or that "hot" BBQ with such talented emergency folks always handy.


Thanks!!!..............I think :?:  :?  :lol:

"I don\'t know what your problem is, but I bet its hard to pronounce"

1934 Ford 3 Window
Member, Rural Rodders
Member, National Sarcasm Society  "Like we need your support"
*****Co-Founder  Team Smart*****


Quote from: "slocrow""out of my way you grits grinders, I can afford to buy the best you've got".  Thus propitiating his endearment with the locals.:wink:

It is different down here ...
Lots of folks have OLD money .... land, investment's and such ... YET live conservatively ... and are not that pushy and flashy. I believe that the NEW money YANKEES ... who just sold their places in the north ... and never really had a lot ... come down here with their new found wealth and think they are the only folks in the world with 3, 4 or 5 hundred grand ...

They bring the Rat Race attitude with them ...

My father and I usually only sell large tracts of land and 2 to 5 hundred acre farms ... so the folks we deal with have to have Money ...  :)  :) The commission is 10 per cent and that runs 60 to 100 grand per sale ... a lot of the time . You can ALWAYS spot a YANKEE ... when showing property ...

RETIRED.....no phone, no work and No money  :?