well were close .. almost 4 buck a gallon gas.

Started by Dave, May 13, 2008, 05:12:11 PM

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hell we are there 3.99.9 thats 4 bucks in my book... who ever came up with the .9 crap anyway .. they should be shot .. I was plannin on paying 4 bucks A Gallon here in michigan till i got to indiana this weekend but * thats crazy  :lol: Its actually 3.98 right up the street from me but the exit where i work is still 3.79 and was that this morning when i put gas in the G/P .. I have to drive the truck tomorrow . Id ride the bike but its gonna rain they say..
Dave :wink:  :arrow:

chimp koose

Hey Dave, an article in our newspaper showed that about 11% of the stations in my area are inaccurate.Guess whose getting hosed! The federal govt. is taking steps to legislate testing gas pump accuracy every 2 years . Untill now pumps were calibrated when installed and then only checked if someone complained!At $1.31.9 per litre we are over $5/US Gal.

wayne petty

one thing announced on the news radio out here in los angeles is a reduction of drive times during rush hour... seems there are less cars being driven...

oh    and to make that great news even better... the MTA announced bus route cuts ...  mta is the main local bus company here in la..

most of the main lines run at least 2 sets of busses now...  local normal length busses... and 60 or 65 foot articulated busses as rapid busses with limited stops...  many lines already stop at 6 pm... and many many more.. stop at 8 pm...  main lines...


Michigan is dropping the 20cent gas tax for memorial weekend, Im sure the oil hogs are going to adjust to compensate...
I started out with nothing and I still have most of it left.
*****Youngest Member of THE TEAM*****


Quote from: wayne pettyone thing announced on the news radio out here in los angeles is a reduction of drive times during rush hour... seems there are less cars being driven...

oh    and to make that great news even better... the MTA announced bus route cuts ...  mta is the main local bus company here in la..

They had a different 'solution' to the same issue here,  Turn every free/tollway into a construction zone, close at least one lane, reduce the speed limit and adda bunch of tax/speed cameras.   :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift.


I drove back from North Carolina today and gas prices were all over the place. i filled up in Raleigh last night st $3.61 and in the Virginias it was anywhere from$3.69 to $3.89. On th Ohio Turnpike, where it's always outragious it was $3.77  :shock:  When I pulled off the freeway here in Port Huron, Mi. it was $3.98!!!  It's gonna have an effect on my driving now for sure.  :evil:


i broke down and bought a gass powered shop truck and parked my powerstroke except to pull the enclosed trailer.  we use the gas rig for the open trailer as well, just could not see paying 60 cents more for the diesel... between filling both of them up and two race cars with 6.50 a gallon race gas it makes a day of racing kinda hard to justify sometimes... well nawww,  I still like it.............
ownerWoodard racing and hot rod shop in mustang oklahoma. My  specialty is gassers &  nostalgia race cars , love the salt,

58 Yeoman

$3.79 here in town.  It's getting to where we won't be able to afford to drive to work anymore.  I got a whopping 3% raise this year....what a joke.  Food alone has gone up over 5% in just a couple months.  Doesn't even touch gas.

I agree with Dave, the .9 is really stupid.
I survived the Hyfrecator 2000.

"Life is what happens when you're making other plans."
1967 Corvair 500 2dr Hardtop
1967 Corvair 500 4dr Hardtop


Quote from: "58 Yeoman"$3.79 here in town.  It's getting to where we won't be able to afford to drive to work anymore.  I got a whopping 3% raise this year....what a joke.  Food alone has gone up over 5% in just a couple months.  Doesn't even touch gas.

I agree with Dave, the .9 is really stupid.

My raise last november was 28 cents  :? Our max here is 30 yet they expect us to be at work every day :!: Oh well.. I had to drive the truck today and sue is in the car.. Thats life.. She has to leave early and i guess as long as im in town ill run out to hunting grounds and grab my tree stand as i dont know if i can hunt there this coming november.. That will knock off an extra trip ti retrieve that.. Im gonna put a lot of miles on starting friday evening and its my * vacation and im gonna enjoy it  :lol:  :lol: I sure wish the weather would get better so i can ride the bike more.. Ill have the laptop with me so ill report on the gas prices while im out running around
Dave :wink:  :arrow:


I'm retired but my wife has a 120 mi. round work trip. It's been a way of life for us for a long time. Allowed us to have city jobs and the country lifestyle we love.Because I don't believe there is a limit to how high prices will be allowed to go we were going to put the house on the market and move intown. Falling house prices have put a temp hold on that. With about 70% equity we can sell but i need to get used to the hit I'm going to take. I don't thing anyone really knows who's responsible for this but they are the most powerful people in the world and are hellbent on doing something, I'm just not sure what.


you guys are catching us up quick!

20 cents gas tax, are you serious? thats all ? I guess thats the big difference between us and yourselves, our tax is something like 60%, then they charge sales tax on top of that, so we pay sales tax on the fuel tax!, works out our gas is something like 80%+ tax.

Current prices here are £1.11 regular gas, £1.21 diesel, thats per litre though! makes it around £4.20 for a US gallon, thats about $8.20 a us gallon. I'd guess we've seen a 10% rise inside 12 onths, which isnt quite as bad as you guys.

Been reading some financial stuff, seems the word is half the cost of a barrel of oil is speculation, driven by traders investing in it, no assurances but it seems likely that the cost will come down at some point, question is will the oil companies play ball and reduce the cost of gas ? I doubt it!


Dave, I visited the gear shop across the street from your workplace yesterday and noticed the Mobil station at Chelsea exit was 4.09/gal.

I've been going back and forth to Traverse City hauling a trailer full of building materials for a guest house I'm building on my property up there.  I just filled the tank on my van and a chainsaw gas can for $147.  

I have noticed that if I set the cruise on about 62mph that I get 3 mpg better than I did at 70.  For the 500 mile round trip I burn 29 gallons instead of 34.  I'm only saving about $20 per trip but this weekend will be my 5th trip in as many weeks, so it adds up.

I also noticed a lot less cars on the road.


Quote from: "purplepickup"Dave, I visited the gear shop across the street from your workplace yesterday and noticed the Mobil station at Chelsea exit was 4.09/gal.

I've been going back and forth to Traverse City hauling a trailer full of building materials for a guest house I'm building on my property up there.  I just filled the tank on my van and a chainsaw gas can for $147.  

I have noticed that if I set the cruise on about 62mph that I get 3 mpg better than I did at 70.  For the 500 mile round trip I burn 29 gallons instead of 34.  I'm only saving about $20 per trip but this weekend will be my 5th trip in as many weeks, so it adds up.

I also noticed a lot less cars on the road.

Geeze ya shoulda stopped by .. I wasnt busy yesterday if i remember right  :?:  :lol: I have a couple machines that i primarily keep running but im thinnin yesterday was a slow day.. I guess you were at Dexter Gear right? If you remember by buddy willie (he came to kzoo a few times with me)he used to work for them in fact his father in law now deceased started the place...  Today I was working on the add on shock mounts for the roadster. Ill post on that later with pics. 2  more days and im on vacation to indiana  :lol: If all goes right its gonna be a really fun week.. Oh ya Chelsea is always high and im assuming you got off at Baker road so its still 3.79.9 (theres that .9 again..)


Same situation here  in OZ .Around my neck of the woods gasoline is around $1.40 per litre [4.55 litres to our imperial gallon]One way out is to go LPG.  60.5 cents AUD per litre. Our Gummint gives you a $2000 rebate for converting also........Frank.


Ya know, a learned friend of mine once said that the government should step in and stop the commodity trading like we did with silver, re the Hunt brothers. I admit I agreed at that time but in hind site it won't work because it's a worldwide commodity. If they can't trade it here, then maybe England or Hong Kong or wherever.
The problem as I see it is limited supply and huge demand, period. We, the US of A are playing the wait & see game. You know, better they use theirs then we use ours.
Make no mistake, big money is at the base of this crap. Is there a star chamber running this junk? I don't know.
Anyway, I think I've got a solution, rationing ( I might add that currently I'm consuming huge quantizes of Chianti). That's correct rationing but not how you think. Better said it's limitation on reality priced fuel. It's the economy we're worried about here and the negative impact on it that is my driver. As an example, if you can't get to work, there's a problem. If you can't buy food, insurance, mortgage and health, there's a problem. Disproportional distribution of funds too any one sector will cause a CAPITALISM problem.
Unfortunately, viewing this problem through my eyes states an obvious answer, Rationing.
I don't know what the parameters are but as an example you would sell petrol at a standard price, say $2.50 per gallon for a given amount (gallons per), as that seemed to be adjustable and acceptable. Everything purchased beyond that price would be market driven.
Now......I don't know whether the determning factor would be based on the number of cars you own, the number of licensed drivers, per residence, or what ever but I do know it takes a number.
Would there be a black market........sure but who cares. We can limit the number of gallons served based on cost, make the big users pay, protect our economy and answer more stuff that I can't address, at this time.
Anyway that's one wino's thoughts................................Frank
Tell the National Guard to mind the grocery store...