Tuna Boat Moving South ?? Florida

Started by msuguydon, February 14, 2008, 06:47:07 PM

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I thought this might get good. :lol:  :lol:  :lol:


Perverts! I note that the "Typical Florida Girl" picture got twice as many hits as the "Wing House" girls.  And they got five times the number of hit as the sandy beaches pictures.

Lived in Florida twice.  Tampa 73-76 and Miami 87-89.  Not recent but relevant I think.  

Tampa is a working town.  Lots of blue collar and lots of under employed.  I would not live in Tampa proper if I could avoid it.  But there are a number of nice communities in commuting range.

I really enjoyed my time in Tampa and I would go back if I could.  But my wife likes the Panhandle, and if we ever relocate that is where we will go.

Miami was a less positive experience.  We lived one mile from the Atlantic but had to drive twelve miles to get to a beach.  The Keys were nice but Miami itself was almost like a foreign country.  And we never really felt safe.  Admittedly, this was back in the cocaine wars era.  But friends tell us little has changed.

Florida attracts a trashy, unwashed underclass.  Folks who don't want to freeze and don't want to work.  And this brings along a lot of petty crime.  But once you adapt this is less of an issue.  

I have relatives in Gainsville and spent some time there before I came down to attend the University of Tampa. So I knew what I was getting into.  I would not recommend relocating without an exploritory visit.
An Old California Rodder
Hiding Out In The Ozarks


Well Team...Look's like we've created a monster... :shock:  :shock:  We guided him through his first car show...Schooled him in "Wax on--Wax off" ...Taught him all about "Righty Tighty--Lefty Loosy " ... Laughed with him during his "Scooping Escapade" ....Worried with him when "The Wheels Fell Off" ...Were thankful for him when his "Ball was Found Loose" .. :? ...

Wadda we get :?:  :?:  :?:  :!:
He's off to the land of "Glitter & Glitz".. :shock:  
Bling city...  :shock:  Bikini's on every corner... :shock:  Where thong's are the norm.. :shock: Life is wonderful... :shock: Never any snow.. :shock: Beach scene's right outa the travel folders... :shock:  
"70 something's" driving for miles with the right turn signal on ... :? ( At 25 MPH in the left lane) ...  :x  :x   Folk's with sunglass's two sizes too large.. :?  Homeless by the thousand's.... :?  Sand gets into everything.. :? (That's if the bug's don't carry it away first.. :shock: )  
Two different kinds of insurance on the same house..   :?:  :shock:
(Three if you are "near the water"..)
Gator's in you backyard pool  :?
 Worse yet...Friend's from Michigan wanting to visit every winter  :shock:
Hmmmmmmmmm.... :?   :?:

The only question.... :?:  :?:
  Will he dye his hair blue or green  :?:  :twisted:  :twisted:  :P  :P  :lol:  :wink:

( Hey Bryan..."fresh meat" comin' yer way.. :lol:  :lol: )
1940 Oldsmobile- The "Ugly Olds"
1931 Ford sedan- Retirement project

***** First Member of Team Smart*****


Bryan,your boyfriend's lookin pretty good since he started the hormone treatments. When are they gonna do the gender reassignment surgery?Jbird 8)[/quote]

Good One... :!:  :D

As soon as the parts come in from California. I hear they are pretty much interchangeable coming from Northern Cali, as most folks there go both ways anyhow...At least that's what he reads in the Transgender Gazzette...... :arrow:  :arrow:  :arrow:  :wink:  :D[/quote]

Oops, I'm sorry dude I thought he was going the other way, you know takin junk off not puttin junk on. You're right about some of us up here in NorCal. I always figured I was totally straight but the other day I found out I have 'not so' latent, * tendencies.
At least he's not going for the species reassignment surgery like some Team Smart members' significant others. Ewe know who I'm talkin about.
  Jbird 8)
A biblical plague would come in real handy just about now
Badges? Badges? We don\'t need no stinking Badges!!
Team Smarts official dumbfounder
The first liar ain\'t got a chance


So this is what I have learned...

Some things are better in Florida, some things worse!
Some things cheaper, some things more expensive!
Weather is nice in the winter!
Summer is Hot!
Florida is near the beach
A lot of people from Michigan do not have a clue about living in other states but they have opinions!
I do not live in Michigan but everyone assumes I do!
Florida gets Hurricanes!
Some schools in the state are better than other schools!
There are some nice places to live and there are some not so nice places to live in Florida!
They have car shows in Florida, I don't love car shows..
If I move to Florida I will most likely sell the Tuna boat and buy a real boat as I am a sailor...
Oh and I will find a sailing bulletin board and let you guys be.  

Thanks everyone
Would plastic be okay for you today?

Proud Member of Team Smart


Now why would ya go and do that don? :D
I started out with nothing and I still have most of it left.
*****Youngest Member of THE TEAM*****


Quote from: "Bugpac"Now why would ya go and do that don? :D

Do what ???   Sell the 58 and go Sail, no contest.. this boy is sailing

Let me share this with you...

This is NZL-12 - Alinghi - one of the test boats for the New Zealand Americas Cup defense - this is the ultimate sail boat... this is Tony Stewarts car, this is John Forces funny car, this is MSUGUYDON (at the helm) driving it....  

Why drive a 4 door C-Dan, when I can drive a F1 Farrari ??

The mast on this beast is 115 feet tall...

Ohh by the way those are the waters off Paradise Island in the Bahamas... that sure beats Dewitt
Would plastic be okay for you today?

Proud Member of Team Smart


Ok, how much you asking for the 58?


Quote from: "Carnut"Ok, how much you asking for the 58?

HMMMM lets see... sailboats are going for about 2k a foot, I need a 30 feet or larget boat.... soooo ... errr... 10 K
Would plastic be okay for you today?

Proud Member of Team Smart


I started out with nothing and I still have most of it left.
*****Youngest Member of THE TEAM*****


Quote from: "Bugpac"wouldnt that be 60k? :?:  :?:  :lol:

Would plastic be okay for you today?

Proud Member of Team Smart


Hey Don,
I'm not sure if you're mad, confused, sad, ticked off or being facetious with your post. I'm sure not trying to throw a monkey wrench in your plans or thoughts either.
But I did post earlier for you to give me a PM with your questions and anything else you might need to know about the Tampa area.

I live next to Tampa. Been here for 9 years. I know the area inside and out.  I know the good locations and I know the dumps. I know the housing market, the industries, the people, the schools, the problems and the highlights, the roads and high traffic areas, and the outlook for the area for the future. I also know what there is to do besides car shows, like there's more sailboats per capita in Western Florida than anywhere else in the world. Half of the Americas Cup Team for the U.S. lives in St. Petersburg, and they house the boats there part of the year.

Yeah, there's swap meets and car shows, but there's a million other activities here too, and most of them are children inclusive. If your kids play sports, Florida is the most sports oriented and most college recruited state in the country except for Texas and California. Diving, snorkeling, sailing, boating, deep sea fishing, surfing, parasailing, camping. All year long.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but it sounds as if you were ticked off with the answers you got. Sorry about that. I could have been more specific about things because I'm here everyday. I offered to help, but never got a response from you.
Good Luck with everything.
***SFC-Team Smart***

What can a bird do that a man can\'t?

Whistle through his pecker...


Quote from: "Rayvyn"Hey Don,
I'm not sure if you're mad, confused, sad, ticked off or being facetious with your post. I'm sure not trying to throw a monkey wrench in your plans or thoughts either.
But I did post earlier for you to give me a PM with your questions and anything else you might need to know about the Tampa area.

I live next to Tampa. Been here for 9 years. I know the area inside and out.  I know the good locations and I know the dumps. I know the housing market, the industries, the people, the schools, the problems and the highlights, the roads and high traffic areas, and the outlook for the area for the future. I also know what there is to do besides car shows, like there's more sailboats per capita in Western Florida than anywhere else in the world. Half of the Americas Cup Team for the U.S. lives in St. Petersburg, and they house the boats there part of the year.

Yeah, there's swap meets and car shows, but there's a million other activities here too, and most of them are children inclusive. If your kids play sports, Florida is the most sports oriented and most college recruited state in the country except for Texas and California. Diving, snorkeling, sailing, boating, deep sea fishing, surfing, parasailing, camping. All year long.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but it sounds as if you were ticked off with the answers you got. Sorry about that. I could have been more specific about things because I'm here everyday. I offered to help, but never got a response from you.
Good Luck with everything.

None of the above... not mad...  actually very excited about the prospect of moving to Florida and very serious.. if i do move to Florida, the car is up for sale... as I would rather have a boat...
Would plastic be okay for you today?

Proud Member of Team Smart

phat rat

Quote from: "msuguydon"
Quote from: "Carnut"Ok, how much you asking for the 58?

HMMMM lets see... sailboats are going for about 2k a foot, I need a 30 feet or larget boat.... soooo ... errr... 10 K

I see ya got yer team smart cipherin down pat :lol:
Some days it\'s not worth chewing through the restraints.


Gee Don...Didn't mean to get ya angry or nothin'... :(    The boat is nice but can ya pile the family in & run to the buger joint with it??  ..I'd keep the car AND get a boat ..  :idea: ..The best of both worlds  :!:  :wink:

( Maybe keep it for your sons :idea:  :wink:  )

1940 Oldsmobile- The "Ugly Olds"
1931 Ford sedan- Retirement project

***** First Member of Team Smart*****