Its the weekend are you gonna do anything?

Started by Dave, January 06, 2007, 09:15:22 AM

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Quote from: "GPster"
Quote from: "Fuzzy"Hell,I didn't think anybody worked slower than I do. :roll: Too bad we don't live closer to each other,we could team up and maybe get the work done one normal person,like Dave.:wink::wink:Fuzz
Because of a head (among other things) injury years ago I look at everything two different ways (left eye, right eye). When I started building this project I built it for the way I used to drive. When I started driving again I realized I needed power for things like steering and brakes. This car is now on it's second frame, third transmission and forth engine in the last twelve years and it still hasn't made it out of my back yard. GPster

Sorry bout that,Joe.I wasn't aware of your condition. :oops:

No billet for this kid!


Quote from: "Fuzzy"Sorry bout that,Joe.I wasn't aware of your condition. :oops: Fuzz
No apology necessary. I just want people to know there is a reason when they think I'm looking at them funny. GPster


Quote from: "GPster"
Quote from: "Fuzzy"Sorry bout that,Joe.I wasn't aware of your condition. :oops: Fuzz
No apology necessary. I just want people to know there is a reason when they think I'm looking at them funny. GPster

although some of us get the funny looks because we're funny looking :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

later jim
Most people have a higher than average number of legs.


Its friday.. Weather man says its gonna be 48 today.. I guess I have a couple more things to look at with the car.. First it the front end I need to try and figure out why it sits crooked and wont level it self out ???? Plus id like to find out why the trans acts funny when i hammer it in low ? Hopefully between tonite and tomorrow evening I can make some sense outta these little problems .. Its supposed to hit 60 tomorrow so im sure a bike ride is in order too. Sunday im heading south.. I smell methanol and rubber and race track steaks..... Oh ya the world famous anderson speedway nachos   :lol:  :lol:
Dave :wink:  :arrow:


Quote from: "jusjunk"First it the front end I need to try and figure out why it sits crooked and wont level it self out ???? Dave :wink:  :arrow:
Maybe you need to convince someone to ride with you. Maybe it just needs some weight in the passenger side of the seat. GPster


Winter is over, 60 degrees, yard cleanup today.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.

Charlie Chops 1940

Unloaded the 2nd '32 cab from the utility trailer this morning so that I could load the yard cleanup bags from the last few sessions out there this week. We're done for today.

While having coffee this morning I marked where to cut the passenger side rocker out of the '40. If I don't end up taking a nap in front of the computer that is my work for the balance of the day.

A good friend will come and bail you out of jail...but, a true friend will be sitting next to you saying. "Wow...that was fun!"

Poster geezer for retirement....

A Hooligan!


Quote from: "enjenjo"Winter is over, 60 degrees, yard cleanup today.

Screw that.. Ive been playing with the roadster all day.. After about a 1 hr ride on the scooter im ready to ebay the roadster .. If it doesnt sell there then im looking at other options.. Sue and I have discussed this and we want a tri 5 chevy and preferably a 56. I want a ride and comfort.. These short wheel base no weight cars are hard on us old people  :lol:  :lol:


I finally got the ac lines run. The condenser hit the grille shell. I had the shell off multiple times changing things before I got that fixed. My "universal line kit" didn't have all the angle fittings I needed. I ended up buying most of my fittings at a Carquest dealer because they had the only set of dies to crimp the ends in town. I now have a box of fittings to sell to Vance or whoever wants them. I'm going in the hole financially on this deal. I still need to make the blockoff plate where the lines go through the firewall and then have it serviced but I think I got it. I haven't added an electric fan yet but I'm sure it will need it. Bottom line is, I can drive my hot rod again. After being in the shop for a week, it's kind of nice. It's only been titled for a few months but I'm enjoying it when I drive it.


Quote from: "kb426"I still need to make the blockoff plate where the lines go through the firewall

have you seen THIS
by john

later jim

on edit i see you have seen it and replyed to it. i will leave this here for others to see
Most people have a higher than average number of legs.


Got the alignment done yesterday,, went by the upholstery shop and found out the material I need is obsolete.  made appointment to get top boot snaps installed.  Moved the front seat back today to accomodate my 6'6" frame--put the top down and went for a cruise. getting close to sell.


I got most of the yard cleaned up. So I started rolling it, got the lawn roller stuck in a wet spot. :shock:

Pumped water out of the side yard, about 2000 gallons so far, looks like another 48 hours should have most of it gone, another 6000 gallons or so.:shock:

Then I went out and made a floor patch for the sill on Fatcat's Chevy. He just about has the left side done, then we can flip it on the right side, and do it. Then it will be ready to go back on the frame.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


Wed. am myself. Earl Schieb and another friend left for Charlotte NC & the swap meet at Lowes Speedway. Good thing we had 3 to split expenses, 250$ gas,$350 motel, plus what we spent on parts. Thursday it was COLD , then rain moved in. Thurs. nite it rained like a cow whizzing on a flat rock. Friday , no rain just mud in the 3 vendor fields in the parking lots outside the track, so we spent our day inside the track infield where most of the area is paved or gravel. Found several parts I needed for my 40 coupe project & some tools & bolt bins for my home shop. As usual Sheib bought a trailer load of asst. junque. Got home Sat night , worn out, broke, swore I would never do it again. (At least not for a few months)!
grandchildren are your reward for not killing your teenagers!


Spent the weekend with my kids and grandkids in Orlando.  We went to Sea World on Friday - during Spring Break.  We stayed at the Nickelodeon Hotel - during Spring Break.  Can you say 14,000 screamin kids.  Had a great time but should have brought ear plugs.  

Salt Is Good... Mk 9:50


Well after doing a "boat" load of honey do's getting ready for an open house today... I took the Tuna Boat to my buddies shop.......... we got the exhaust tips welded in place and a new oar for me to row the boat!!!!!

I am Very geeked at how well the new shift lever turned out!
Would plastic be okay for you today?

Proud Member of Team Smart