Model A job

Started by idrivejunk, July 25, 2018, 08:54:51 PM

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Necessary evil. I'm surprised that no one makes a power block to replace the hand operated unit. In the early 70's I thought the airfile and da would replace all manual sanding except for small hard to reach spots. Boy, did I miss that one. :)


We have a hand block attached to a vaccum cleaner.  :lol:  Welcome to the future.  :)  Lets not forget velcro and holes for the sandpaper. ;)

Back in my day, there was such a thing as an orbital air file. And theres jitterbugs and waterbugs. And 3" orbital angle sanders. Just not enough control for details with an air tool, like you say. Generally speaking, I'd say the weight is as prohibitive as the bulk. My 6" palm DA has a plastic body and medium pattern, making it better for sculpting compared to a clunky high dollar paint DA. I just try to drink plenty of water as joint lube. :)


Make that senior water. This was my final automotive act as a junior citizen. :)  Threw myself at it too hard and got satisfactory results. Now, to heal. By the time I reach rodding age, engine will be a dead word.

Blocked back of roof then took a good stare at her, jumped back up and made a few additional strokes as needed... and it became difficult for me to discern any remaining shape discrepancies. Decided it will probably be OK. It will. Take another gander at the main body line, same statement applies  :arrow:

Then came Painter, to make it all disappear. This photo makes me happy- :)

It was getting smelly then, but just like in the Westerns I waited til he was reloading and took these potshots. Thanked myself for resistance to compromise under stress as I looked her over. The tail panel, trunk lid, and the adjacent beads were all I had to skip. Lid waa done carefully and ought to have few flaws if any. So with those exceptions, the whole car has now been carved by yours truly. Which is what the boss wanted pretty bad. I feel like right things were done and the car won't need any bodywork excuses at a show.

Hoping four days of holiday break can unbind the parts of me that are in knots now. What was that just now, four weeks of nonstop sanding fast as I can? With doom cloud overhead and waning gumption. Sure am glad to be past that. And now I can mentally feel good. Physically, I can look forward to it. Blah blah, cry, whine OK.

These pics taken during second primer coat and the visual inspection while wet are reassuring and for the first time in a month, I left for a weekend believing I had accomplished something :)

Diligence is the only virtue I lay claim to.

To my suprise, was duly but not overly pleased with the outcome of the main body line. Both sides appear to me to have a sporting chance at proper visual flow once the final priming steps are taken-

Some wheel time in the loud Pontiac of mine should just about get me square to the world but like I like to say when in retrospect: Each one kills me a little. Takes me down a permanent notch. My past cars and work projects all included.

This one got two notches. But it is probably the closest I'll ever get to the sense of accomplishment many of you have achieved repeatedly and with less notches... at your own homes. :)


Gettin' closer. :)


I am supposed to "buzz over" "it" so that final primer can go on this week. Tuesday afternoon now and that means Thursday end of day. "It" may mean every part or just the shell. "Buzz over" means no block, I presume. Sounds like trouble. My life force is low, and that means energy. Wah.

First, a couple hours removing moldings for glass, vinyl, and drip rails on the 66 Imp. See that bead of RTV in the drip rail? That stuff did not help and I bent this side right where that is in the pic. Not bad but it was a booger to get off right there-

Still blocking. Couple hours on the lid so far. All I can do is hurry  :?



Block sanding builds strong bodies how many ways???? :)


Purt near ever whichaway, I reckon. Somethin seems bassackwords thar though. :)  The knot between shoulder blades it builds is fairly stout, I'll grant you that.

Seriously... killing me with the trunk lid too.  :roll:  3/4 of a day just concentrating on front half of it. Ain't no way I can pull rabbits out of hats unless they're in there to pull. Not gonna make this deadline either. My new slogan: Perpetuating disappointment.  :lol:  Or maybe it should be Lowered Expectations. :arrow:


Made it the rest of the way to the back of the car, whew!  :)

Now we'll all get to see how my mud work compares to that of them who came before me, particularly on the rear fenders where I did all.

I run myself down but am run down... but I tweaked the trunk lid fit one last lick before blocking around it closed and *...

The trunk gap turned out spectacular! :)  That charges my batteries a smidge. Needed that, big time.



There. Whole left side blocked. Thats more like the type of blocking experience I anticipated when I dove in. :) Silly me.  :lol:


Body, doors, lid. Lightly blocked and thoroughly buzzed in 180. Will chase details with scuff pad. Ignoring jambs except at gaps.

So, that leaves only a 3 pc hood, grille shell, running boards, aprons, front valance, oh and four fenders to go by end of day. Sure, no prob. :roll:

Today's motto- Halfass it until it fits the timeframe! :)


CAUTION: You are likely to pick up on a "tone" here. I'm all set to lash out.

One thing for you picture looker atters... I can abandon this thread just as you have. :arrow:

At 2:20 I had the body and hinged panels scuffed and clean-

Wrote it in my book, turned around theres boss with where ya at. Here. OK. Painter will come prime these spots at 4:30-

OK. I start on a hood side-

Thats finished. Here he come-

I'm on the other, meanwhile-

OK, primed the back-

Well since I have this in the gun, might as well have Matt sand the ENTIRE * thing again-

Before ten or so, and have it off the frame too. Well, theres a truck on jackstands in the lift stall. "Whats that mean?"

I'll have to be sure to go around the shop tomorrow and give everyone ample opportunity to twist the Garand bayonet a couple more rounds. Last sentence was sarcastic, so here... have a twist yourself, guys. For that.  :roll:


I see more progress. I'm not sure where this car is headed when finished but I tend to think the owner intends for it to be a show winner where ever it goes. :)


Anyone who could recognize the vehicle will be dead by then. Fossil fuels will be taught in the same chapter as slavery, holocaust, and born genders. Some responsible individual will then barn find it and drop it where they want coral to grow, alongside all the other metal vehicles. Archaeology will be left wondering how and why for eternity.

I started this job sanding bondo in the same stall. Now, the welder there is just for decoration and redos are my destiny. Thats what I see. After this will be an entire truck but with even more hurriedly done crap to deal with. From it all, one important lesson can be had:

Speed is all there is. I don't have that.

But theres always going to be one optimist who tries to keep me posting so that I will reciprocate.


Theres no picture and no chance of anyone understanding. I don't know if the A got primed.

Started sanding off overspray but didn't make half the roof before it became obvious that the DA was too slow. Since breaking through primer registers as sander error rather than error prior to primer, I could see only one choice. Scuff pad. Went over the car with that, after blocking spot primed areas boss asked about and also buzzing them with the DA.

Took it off the frame and put it in the booth, blown off and dust wiped by 11 AM. To give Painter enough time to clean and spray it. Told Painter Model A is in the booth and he replied "Get after it!". I laughed and said that even sanding the whole car again wasn't part of the deal, then went back to blocking a hood side.

Five minutes had not passed before Painter hands me a shop phone. Boss, for you. He asks whats this about not sanded? Rather than dashing the phone to smithereens I agreed with everything, got the car back out. Started sanding. But boss put two people on it and I was in their way but buzzed most of it.The other fellow kept talking as we sanded which led to me voicing a few of the more ridiculous frustrations in play...

I just had to walk off. Started sanding a back fender. The minute I got home, boss was burnin up my phone line so to speak. Ignored. As I am by default. And I passed crap to the next guy, as all do. Not by my choosing. Painter already had plain refusal in mind for whatever I showed up with. The cowardly way he called up his daddy and cried Matts a liar is the third time he made me angry with spiteful behavior. I won't stand for another. Boss I ain't counting but theres been a handful where parting words were on the tip of my tongue and I ate them and behaved respectfully.

I'll have to be the one to end this. They hollerin bout the F1, I ain't got the A done... but they may just get none of it from me. Why people gotta crowd? They want something, that ain't how its got.

Surely all you read there is sassmouth lip, right? But you don't know that, do ya? Not interested in defense at this point, people gonna form their own opinions no matter the truth. If the anti-Matt sentiment prevails, I don't mind abanoning everything I own at the shop because enough is dang well enough and thats how much I've had.


Just heard it did get primed. Lets celebrate by not having a picture.  :)

I'd rather puke through my nose than continue riding the Perpetual Failure Express. Pass the Kleenex.