Model A job

Started by idrivejunk, July 25, 2018, 08:54:51 PM

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Half a day continuing on this quarter, and... uh-oh...

I can only still even hold a block in one hand. Wrists and hands are shot, making this task oh so very painful. Tendons in forearms just can't move freely. Theres too much damage to my body from doing this already. Seems like continuing this way is just shaving years of ability off the end of my life's work. Maybe thats just the where I truly am currently. It hurts hurts. And every spot has such deep defects... so I am troubled. Nothing new there. But this is why my cars and house are junk. Theres nothing left of me for my own needs. The jobs just run on into infinity, as do the years spent. Sigh.


I hate that ^^^^ about myself but am inclined to leave it in the post. It just makes me sad like digging my own grave. If the task is sanding, I can no longer make the cut with a 5 on, 2 off zero vacation pace. I'd grow up and face facts if I knew how. :?


Maybe spewing that bellyache will hold me for a spell. Boy howdy. I tell you what... any of youse mugs that have builds going have the same thing to look forward to. :twisted:

Conditions today were perfect though. Beautiful day started with a bright outlook. I'm a yo-yo. :lol:

blah blah and same with the pictures but I promise the next post will be some better. :arrow:

Wiping isn't sanding-

Rinse and repeat-

A flow of panel faces is emerging though- :)




chimp koose


Quote from: "chimp koose"8)  8)  8)  :D

Well hell yeah! 8)

I have only begun to bog down. :wink:

Bog ... get it? Mud. :lol:

Thats so meh. This is mmm-mmm!  );b(

Now we're talking a color there. The A in that would be SO fine. :(


I tend to agree. It would need shiny wheels to go with it. :)


Boss visited stall yesterday and I get the feeling I'll only get one more hour to finish the car before being switched back to the F1. And apparently I was supposed to just rough it in with 80 on a DA for paint shop to finish. I thought I was to make it ready to spray paint on. Said it before, I can't be expected to meet expectations if I don't know what they are. :?

All I know is to be ready for primer today. Uh. I have most of the body line as good as its gonna get and everything below it is OK. Some sanding above that has also been started, I buzzed a roof edge and back corner. But thats it. No idea how bad the other side is without sanding it but heres this mess... feels nice-



One thing everyone agreed on from day one was the car must not have a vertical ditch at back of doors. Well, I did what I could within limits given but not enough time was spent on the beads. These are after the first dusting of primer. Whether I'll touch the car again before paint, I cannot know. I will be lost first thing Monday.  :?

Lighting prevents seeing much of the main character line.

If I could speak freely I would emphasize that wishing something were ready for primer and being willing to spend primer on it does not make the panel ready. In other words, prime it every day if you like. But to achieve the desired results, the work has to be done. All I did today was scuff detail areas with 80, light buzz faces with 180, clean it and cover wheels. :)


Don't mind these redundant pix, I'm just staring at the body lines. Needs work at front of door and top of smaller bead. Places I didn't go once I had a feel for the timeframe. Looks some better with all the primer coats on. That guy does alright with the priming. :)

This side appears to be less terrible. Used 80 on a 6" DA for the exproratory there. Did trunk lid, rear panel n pan, back and side of roof, qtr, door, cowl side, apron so far. I have two days from right now to have blocking and fill finished. Wish me luck.



Knowing the journey makes this interesting. :)


Thanks. :)  I was off by a day. Thursday noon, I figure. To prime as needed by end of day. Closing for another four day holiday weekend. Not like a vacation but it will hit the spot.

Anyway, I gotta hurry but indications are that it is within a plausable realm. At least I thought so until I saw this pic. Did not pick up a block today but did make it all the way around and over the roof. Did notice the character line on this side belongs in a funhouse. My gosh the work quality variations are abrupt on this thing. Cheeez whiz, get a load of that jiggly-wiggly joker.

Right pleasant day for working though.:)


Oh. No. nnnnoooooo :!:  Half a day didn't even get me to the second roof rib. Hard at it with 80 grit because it didn't take long to see 180 was out of the question. I am sunk, perpetual failure reigns supreme. :cry:



I told the boss there was little chance that I'll have it all done, and the reply was merciful. Whatever is ready gets primed Thurs PM. Then I guess either F-1 or keep going. I'm whooped.

Stood in that same spot nonstop blocking from 8:45 - 3:30 with 50 min lunch and if there had been another few minutes in me I'd have finished clear out to the middle of the center. There wasn't. Sat down and continued blocking some left quarter mud. Last half hour I stood and threw some strokes at that wacky body line. It is responding to efforts. You can see I need fill along back of door bottom half to make it flush. Forgot to wipe that yesterday.

If its the process that interests you, my strategy for the day was to explore the most vast unknown remaining. Since the roof behind the beads (where that tree landed) still looks crooked, I anticipate major resculpting there and somehow I had to get a clue as to how bad the rest of the roof is so I can arrange priorities accordingly. Figured I'd be standing sanding on that bench maybe a half hour when I first stepped up. Hope you guys understand how discouraging this can be and can maintain tolerance as I struggle to hustle. Now that I sat still to eat and post, rigor mortis is setting in.


Ho hum.

New meat!  8)  Yes, another one. :)


