Model A job

Started by idrivejunk, July 25, 2018, 08:54:51 PM

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I concur, and texted the guy who destroyed a good bit of stuff like that since I had the car last. To ask. Pretty sure I had it equal, square. The centering-wheels-within-lips issue was just solved by shortening the 4 links because moving the body affects the hood which is already set in stone. Just what I was told, if that tells you anything. Curious what the answer will be about grille attitude.

Two pictures, two explanations of not-my-faults found. I am working on the tail lights only, and making them match with just one lamp for mockup. I should know better by now than to put up pics. Slaughtered by hobbyists every step of the way and thats why I won't touch HAMB with a stick. Beats zero interaction I guess. I am not saying you are pestering, Moose. Its just a broken record, y'know? Nothing I do seems relevant to readers anymore.

It has different front wheels today. Inch and a half shorter tires. That Bullitt wheel required a spacer which belongs to a pair, of which the other us in use on the rear. So I had to swap wheels to get near even but the rake is out the window with those on. Plus two jacks are required to compensate for unlevel ride height of suspension vs chassis.

So that me puts me right back at guessing.

OK, got a text back. Says with it bolted, it's straight. :)


I should have said viewers, not readers just then. ^^^ No offense meant, to anyone, by that. Thats just how it is.

Noticed something different today... my browser just updated.

Moose's pics have a placeholder saying if you are seeing this message, the image was stolen from RRT. But tap it and the pic opens in a new tab. Recently noticed that if not logged in, pics from here no longer show. Just a link in their place that works the same way. My pics are meanwhile showing at full blast. When logged in, pics show same as forever.

I guess this new-to-me "Suprise! You are doing something illegal and now we have caught you red handed so expect a lawsuit!" (thats how I read it) placeholder is just a new (or not) security measure or something. Saw that this morning and was like oh, now what. Time to step back from foruming even farther?

You guys seeing that too? Is there an issue causing that to come up? Assuming not, on both. Continuing like I don't know any better.


If you are hosting your pictures in a place other than the RRT you will never get that message. Only pictures hosted on the RRT get that. Also when you do something that gives you  a "that is illegal" message, it just against the rule, but not against the law.

I had a close friend that bought a computer, and his grandson set it up. The first time he tried to use it he got a message " that is an illegal action" he shut it off and never dared turn it on again. I told him an illegal action was not against the law, but he didn't want to take a chance. :D  He finally gave it to his grandson, but told him to be careful because he had done something illegal on it.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


Quote from: "idrivejunk"I should have said viewers, not readers just then. ^^^ No offense meant, to anyone, by that. Thats just how it is.

Noticed something different today... my browser just updated.

Moose's pics have a placeholder saying if you are seeing this message, the image was stolen from RRT. But tap it and the pic opens in a new tab. Recently noticed that if not logged in, pics from here no longer show. Just a link in their place that works the same way. My pics are meanwhile showing at full blast. When logged in, pics show same as forever.

I guess this new-to-me "Suprise! You are doing something illegal and now we have caught you red handed so expect a lawsuit!" (thats how I read it) placeholder is just a new (or not) security measure or something. Saw that this morning and was like oh, now what. Time to step back from foruming even farther?

You guys seeing that too? Is there an issue causing that to come up? Assuming not, on both. Continuing like I don't know any better.

Funny you would say that about the pictures. I'm not usually logged in and started to have to click on a jpeg icon for the pictures to open up. Now that I logged in the pictures are there in full. Thought it was something weird with my iPad. Thanks Matt. Love your talent on the vehicles you work on. Now if there was a way that I didn't have to scroll across the page to read comments or look at pictures that would be awesome but haven't figured that one out yet. Does the same thing on the iPad and pc.


I don't believe I've ever seen stock A tail lights sunk into the fenders like that. I like it!
Rudeness is the weak man's imitation of strength. Eric Hoffer  (1902 - 1983)


Quote from: "enjenjo"If you are hosting your pictures in a place other than the RRT you will never get that message. Only pictures hosted on the RRT get that. Also when you do something that gives you  a "that is illegal" message, it just against the rule, but not against the law.

I had a close friend that bought a computer, and his grandson set it up. The first time he tried to use it he got a message " that is an illegal action" he shut it off and never dared turn it on again. I told him an illegal action was not against the law, but he didn't want to take a chance. :D  He finally gave it to his grandson, but told him to be careful because he had done something illegal on it.

Thanx. Yeah I can be a fuddy duddy on that. Wanting to be sure what the sign means, like a paint stripe on a tree. I was curious if a change was made or if it was my browser / choice of settings. Assuming browser / choices based on your response. :)


Quote from: "34ford"
Quote from: "idrivejunk"I should have said viewers, not readers just then. ^^^ No offense meant, to anyone, by that. Thats just how it is.

Noticed something different today... my browser just updated.

Moose's pics have a placeholder saying if you are seeing this message, the image was stolen from RRT. But tap it and the pic opens in a new tab. Recently noticed that if not logged in, pics from here no longer show. Just a link in their place that works the same way. My pics are meanwhile showing at full blast. When logged in, pics show same as forever.

I guess this new-to-me "Suprise! You are doing something illegal and now we have caught you red handed so expect a lawsuit!" (thats how I read it) placeholder is just a new (or not) security measure or something. Saw that this morning and was like oh, now what. Time to step back from foruming even farther?

You guys seeing that too? Is there an issue causing that to come up? Assuming not, on both. Continuing like I don't know any better.

Funny you would say that about the pictures. I'm not usually logged in and started to have to click on a jpeg icon for the pictures to open up. Now that I logged in the pictures are there in full. Thought it was something weird with my iPad. Thanks Matt. Love your talent on the vehicles you work on. Now if there was a way that I didn't have to scroll across the page to read comments or look at pictures that would be awesome but haven't figured that one out yet. Does the same thing on the iPad and pc.

Well I'll be... replies ahoy!  8)

I've seen sites (more advanced software) that resize images to a set column width on the fly (with box saying click to view fullsize). And you are welcome and thanks for the input and encouragement. I'd like your take and others on my new quiz thread, the one with X in the title. But it asks a lot.

Try holding the ctrl (control) key if your rig has one, then tapping the + or - keys. Kind of an old school windowsy thing that carried over on some PC browsers but it is to "zoom page". Can bring pics to your screen width but will reduce text size as well. But then most browsers have a text size adjustment too. Setting up for my junk would mess you up the rest of the time though, and you'd lose the settings restarting the browser.

As you have found and as I deem essential in my presentations... the detail is there. Always study-able. In doing that, I get this sort of complaint. The ability to post at actual original size does still exist but mostly what you see nowadays I have allowed my pic host to throttle back dimensions to their preference because I believe the detail level to still be adequate. My eyesight ain't what it used to be. ;)


Quote from: "jaybee"I don't believe I've ever seen stock A tail lights sunk into the fenders like that. I like it!

Now if I just had two of the durn things. Boss made note to order new ones.

Its supposed to be like those mysterious ancient megalithic walls where it seems the stones were melted together... like the fender was drippy hot and the lamp was jammed through from the backside. At least thats the sort of effect I am going for. What I showed is the initial and off a little on the top angle... attempt. But then I realized I better stop due to unknowns. That was then. I have crosshairs and an oval drawn on the right fender now. Next is to make a length of 4" tube ( the bezel O.D ) and revise the oval holes.

Its just been so long since I covered that or you might recall it. Hell, dinosaurs could have had cell phones and we wouldn't know it. Time wipes everything!

Yes I've been watching too many documentaries again. :D

I have sheepishly listened and minimally inquired, and... I see enough room to still jam my foot in the door on hood sides. No firm choice has been made, no ultimate solution found. Prefab blisters have not been got. Customer wants ability to run with or without hood sides. Everyone loved the reversed Mustang quarter scallop shape as large hood side openings and I had a rainy day provision included. They must have decided I can't cash the check my idea wrote but I am confident I could produce them. Theres the set with the little funky holes already made though and covering the hole with dog dish hubcaps is being seriously considered. :?

chimp koose

I love the tail light treatment and I have never seen it done like that before either . I personally would NOT change the top angle of them as it compliments the rake in stance of the car itself. Yes they point up to the back . So does the rest of the car . I have seen fenders widened to the inside like that and I think I even recommended it to you when you were asking about what to do there a long time ago . Gotta say you have done a fine job with those ! Glad to hear the grille bottom moves outward when bolted up . They look best when sitting up straight . It is kind of funny how we all say building a hot rod is like starting with a blank canvas and then start saying but you have to do it this way and its gotta have these things etc etc,. Fickle bunch we are . Some of the most interesting cars I have seen were ones where the builder caught me by surprise by doing something I never would have thought of and pulling it off tastefully . Saw an Edsel horse collar grille on a model T one time and it really worked well . Buddy of mine once sawed the window posts off the back of a station wagon and used the remainder as the  box and topper for his early 40s truck . Ended up in a couple of magazines . We seem to make things different yet similar . We need another Ed Roth in this world to stir our imaginations . He also liked metalflake !


Quote from: "chimp koose"I love the tail light treatment and I have never seen it done like that before either . I personally would NOT change the top angle of them as it compliments the rake in stance of the car itself. Yes they point up to the back . So does the rest of the car . I have seen fenders widened to the inside like that and I think I even recommended it to you when you were asking about what to do there a long time ago . Gotta say you have done a fine job with those ! Glad to hear the grille bottom moves outward when bolted up . They look best when sitting up straight . It is kind of funny how we all say building a hot rod is like starting with a blank canvas and then start saying but you have to do it this way and its gotta have these things etc etc,. Fickle bunch we are . Some of the most interesting cars I have seen were ones where the builder caught me by surprise by doing something I never would have thought of and pulling it off tastefully . Saw an Edsel horse collar grille on a model T one time and it really worked well . Buddy of mine once sawed the window posts off the back of a station wagon and used the remainder as the  box and topper for his early 40s truck . Ended up in a couple of magazines . We seem to make things different yet similar . We need another Ed Roth in this world to stir our imaginations . He also liked metalflake !

Thanks CK :)

My objective is to get the lamp lenses facing directly rearward. However the DOT would have them pointing. All parties have been in agreement that the top should not be at an up or down angle. But all parties did not dislike the abrupt transition as did I. I just don't get how you guys never saw the tail lights. There was probably a dozen photo edits, even experimenting with Mustang tails. But I couldn't even say what year it was off the top of my head. It may take all weekend but I'll sift through the fifty some pages to see. Too bad theres no way to jump to a certain page number (that I know of, here).

I don't forsee any future jobs offering an opportunity to be creative. This time, I believe the boss has had the required change of heart and given up on the sema show and six figure builds. Theres just not a way to fill the bottom rung on the ladder with a good enough employee, never has been, and without being able to trust and depend on someone to do gopher work, or even filler work for that matter, it is simply too infuriating. Not to mention fickle customers who drag on for years not even being able to select wheels. Or the fact that he has to do such a delicate dance justifying the expense and minimizing complications. So I believe it this time.

chimp koose

That is why a lot of builders get a detailed rendering done before work begins . I never really understood that before but after this model A job you are doing it makes sense to the expense . Some folks have difficulty picturing a final result and the rendering gets them there before the first saw comes out . Saves on waiting for a decision on some component while the client , busy with their own lives , takes the time to decide . Kind of hard and unproductive to work in circles around an undecided component while a customer makes up their mind . Reminds me of a home renovation guy I used to know . Told me of a very wealthy family that nobody would take a job with as their reno jobs would never end . Before you could finish something they would change their mind and you would be tearing some of it out . The checks were always good but the frustration drove everyone away . Kind of like working on the winchester house .


Exactly. Less ghosts perhaps. If a guy is in it to make perpetual dollars, thats fine. If a guy wants done builds out there, a longwinded gravy train project has less appeal.

Bombardment with decisions on an owner's end and adaptations made on the fly in the shop gets Apollo 13 esque, almost. I remain hesitant to fill in too many blanks on anyone's behalf but have learned that too many options wears a customer out, too. Since I have the ability to create images, I explore my own whims at home. Or theirs sometimes whether they want that or not. In pursuit of the great idea that always comes along the moment after the good idea is built.

When a guy makes a thing and all parties like it, that is a done idea to me... IF no overlapping ideas rule it out later. That, to me, is the use in a rendering. Reality debunking imagination that way, in a computer image, can reveal unimagined clashes or conflicts and help to cull those out as you said: Before saw.

Not much progress to report yet, but some. Pictures later, so we can scope out the new lamp angle. Not a real big change but better, I think. If I were going for a little frog eye effect, I would want crown in that eyelid piece but what I am going for is like a chrome tipped culvert pipe emerging from under a gravel piled driveway. :arrow:


Renderings are for people that can't visualize and maybe can't create. The customer has his list of wants and no skills to get there. The artist incorporates the wish list along with some necessary vision into the drawing. I have thought many times that if I was an artist, I could lay out my plan and it might make it easier before laying it out on a panel and doing the work. I'm conservative with my changes so I have limited risk. I don't always end up with something as good as it could have been if artistic talent had helped along the way. I end up searching for pics of what I want to do that others already have. :) Matt, a lot of what we have seen go through the shop that are just renovations have been plenty interesting. The pantera was fun to watch. Mustang and broncos being brought back to life isn't bad. The common link on this forum for a while has been bringing life to dead vehicles. Whether it's Don's suburban, John's chevy or any of the others. None have been restorations that I'm aware of so they all have some interesting points.

chimp koose

I think people are sort of ok at visualizing but not near as good at communicating . In the machine shop a vast majority of "errors" are communication based , a good drawing minimizes that . A good communication exercise is to sit back to back with someone and explain to them how to draw a shape or object , then look at it when finished . A good idea is to show them pictures of a vehicle with the mods that you are trying to do to get their opinion . Kind of hard when you are trying something new .


I'll add to what KB said that images can also be for a technician wanting to saw once and bill it once. I do like to but don't always know how a part will look when I start on it.

The bracket I've conjured for here and not taken pics of is a second version. The first was anchored at bottom but the new is a horizontal strap. I ought to have sketched it out at home long time ago.

Here she blows anyhow. I wanted no fuss about a 4" radius so cut two of these and got Mike to slip roller them. Cheating!

Theres to be an explanation of the measuring on another thread I made yesterday about X marks the spot or something. Posting that next. In the above pics, the trunk latch is out. Fender bottoms came back with issues. If you squint real hard there are some white lines at bottom indicating level. Oh and the wheel is not on the studs.

Did you see the dark pencil lines above the roll pan? I hope to sculpt that to satisfaction. Did you see faint white lines on the quarter? Those indicate the pivot point if you will, where tail light bezel back edge passes through fender in profile view. Fore/aft placement was only glanced at due to quitting time but it looks purt near like the right spot. On the right, to match the left that is.