1969 Chevelle body repairs

Started by idrivejunk, November 18, 2016, 09:11:05 PM

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Thanks, CK. 8)

When they want a quick turnaround, they just keep it away from my stall!  :wink:

In all fairness, it showed up as a pretty much bare body and the customer handled the chassis so that helped to make lighter work of it. As far as assembly, we may take it as far as hanging bumpers but I think thats it. We do try to keep a set of hands moving on each active project constantly, and that boosts customer satisfaction every time they check in on us. Progress pics like what I post here cut right through any bull, too. The boss's experience at this has had a good long while to soak in, and that translates to more confidence with less panic. Which is good for all parties. When we have jobs go smoothly (thats rare in this biz) we do alright.  :)


Well I got the Chevelle loose from the rotisserie today and would have had it mounted to the chassis but got confused on body mount locations for a little while. The kit came with instructions marking each location and stating that a numbered bag goes with each numbered location on that diagram. But the bags weren't numbered.  :roll:

The customer was there when I realized that I might have the wrong stuff, so I let him know and confused him also. I used the web and he used logic plus went home and got some other mounts he had... then we figured it out with our combined brain power. I'll put it on the frame and hopefully get doors and fenders hung tomorrow so the painter can have it back-





Welp  :-o  it didn't stay together very good-

Yessir, we are doing a bit of wraparound on the stripes. I put the strikers in it after lunch then the boss, painter, and car owner all OK'ed the gaps so I adjourned to other work. But when I strolled back by it was all apart again .  :(   Anyway, this puts us at about third base, figuratively speaking.  :D


Ghost stripe!  :shock:  8)  I like it. There was another coat of clear to go yet but I stuck the phone in there without getting yelled at too bad.  :)


chris spokes

he who has the most toys wins


8) Thanks on behalf of the crew!

Painter has it all knocked down for buffing now. Didn't take a pic but the final shiny is coming soon...




SHINY  :!:  :!:  8)  8)

Bob.. :wink:
1940 Oldsmobile- The "Ugly Olds"
1931 Ford sedan- Retirement project

***** First Member of Team Smart*****


No question about black's reflective capabilities. :) Has the owner seen it yet?


Thank ye, brethren. I don't think he has yet. But how would you like to be the one who has to do the mega high stakes put-together with all that shineola on there? :roll:

That painter has always been our most bestest more gooder maker. What a champ! :D

chimp koose

A friend of mine only rents black cars . easier to fix a scratch with felt marker says he .




Here... The stripe shows up better in this light.
