The end

Started by enjenjo, July 10, 2010, 12:18:36 PM

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Guilty as charged.
I too have not posted in quite a while..although I have been around here since the late 90's. I do come out here and read a few posts most days. I too..I guess..just took this great place..and all the work that the Franks and others seemingly tirelessly put into it for granted. I guess the main reason I did not post was that I had to move..and am moving again. The other is that often there was nothing I could offer..or help with.
Thanks for all the years!..and the more than fair warning about posting/site continuing.



Just saw this thread. Gosh I sure hope this site doesn't shut down. I am just getting ready to get back into my car project. I'm busy at work tryingh to hold onto my job for another two years while the company tries to send all my work to India, so I don't have a lot of time to help with the site, but I certainly can offer financial support if it helps. I have not donated in a few years, but if that is an issue at all I'll surely help. Over the years I have saved many hours of labor and dollars in parts from the advice I have gotten here.

Just LMK what I can do to help keeo it going.
'48 Chevy Custom sedan in progress-Z28 LT1 drivetrain, chopped, shortened, too many other body mods to list
'39 Chevy driver


If we can maintain the level of use we have had for the last few  weeks  it will keep going forever.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


Quote from: "enjenjo"If we can maintain the level of use we have had for the last few  weeks  it will keep going forever.

You da man.
If a blind person wears sunglasses, why doesn\'t a deaf person wear earmuffs??


Quote from: "enjenjo"If we can maintain the level of use we have had for the last few  weeks  it will keep going forever.
I'm happy to hear that!

Enjenjo you are the reason I came here originally.  Your part in the Tex Smith chassis book led me to search you out.

There are a number of other experts here who I know can give me a good solid answer to a question and often very quickly.

I post on RRT when I need one of the experts.

Since I don't consider myself an expert on very much I don't like to clutter a thread with a meaningless response.

When I was healthy I was a daily visitor.  The past year I've probably gone more than a week without a visit more than once.  That is why I missed this thread earlier.  My lowered activity level has nothing to do with the forum.

I think you're doing a great job.  Most the smaller boards I'm on are seeing low new members and low post counts.  It isn't affecting everyone, but I think the low numbers are shared by a lot of others.

When you implement new software make sure it supports mobile devices.  I do more and more of my browsing from a cell phone and those that don't handle that well get fewer visits.

Should numbers decline again please consider me among those who would be happy to archive online the existing site for reference, or migrating the ongoing forum to my server and admin.

I was shocked when I read the first post.  I'm willing to bail you guys out if that is the direction you choose later on. . .


Quote from: "enjenjo"If we can maintain the level of use we have had for the last few  weeks  it will keep going forever.

YIPPIE      :!:  :!:  :!:  :!:  :!:  :!:  8)

Like Parklane said ...BOTH you guys are Da Man..... );b(   ( I know  "Lil Frank" helps out from time to time .. :lol:  :lol: ) ..      :b-d:  

Browsing from a cell phone   :?:      On mine the dial would get in the way... :?     :shock:

Bob..... :wink:
1940 Oldsmobile- The "Ugly Olds"
1931 Ford sedan- Retirement project

***** First Member of Team Smart*****


The level of participation will fall off again.  That always happens is what I have seen in past years.


 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


Great news Frank.

I'll be here as long as you are :wink:
If you can\'t fix it with a hammer, you\'ve got an electrical problem


Quote from: "Crosley"The level of participation will fall off again.  That always happens is what I have seen in past years.
Fatcat or Enjenjo are you using something like Google Analytics to watch the traffic and other things? . .


Hi, I'm Larry and I haven't posted for a while.

I was just "checking-in" this morning, something I have done fairly infrequently for the last couple of years, and this thread caught my eye immediately.  I was shaken and soon realized I was part of the reason and I'm sorry. :oops:

I've always thought of this site as a family and I've considered myself a "friend of the family".  I don't possess the knowledge and skill that most of you do but I sure appreciate your collective generosity and spirit of sharing.  It's really an amazing place.

In reading this thread (mostly the short posts - I'll go back to the longer ones soon) I was struck by a couple of thoughts.  I think the economy has had an effect as well as the "explosion" of the Facebook-type sites which siphon-off the spare time of the more social members.

Our family business is fighting for survival and that takes a lot of my time. The Chicago BrushMasters has also claimed more once-spare time.  I remarried last year and that has required additional obligations as well.

As I scanned this thread I saw so many folks that I have met personally because of the RRT and their posts brought me up to date on things I've missed.  Especially glad to see a post from Purple Pickup (get well soon, George).  Also saw a mention of Debb (I'm going to e-mail her today), Glo and I visited them in the spring and she and Rob have been very active with their motorcycle club.

As far as the cars go, I've retitled the roadster in Glo's name so she is now an official "hot rod chick" and the coupe's currently at my stepson's shop in Central Illinois getting a long list of modifications, additions and safety issues addressed....long story.

More later...



ok, its my fault too!!!!  * it only took me 15 tries to get logged in  :oops:

I got the word from Larry this morn, I was very sad, but now i see its ok (at least for a while)

sure is nice seeing all my old friends posting on this thread, I sure miss my car buddies  :cry:

George I sure hope your ok!!!!

Things have really changed for us, like Larry mentioned we are on the bike ALL the time. the poor Lincoln has been out of the garage once this summer (a week ago sunday)  and only 5 times in the previous two yrs :(
its sad, but on the other hand we are enjoying the bike and seeing the county instead of spending weekends at car shows. we have been on a trip to the smokies last month 1800.00 miles on that trip. Headed to Traverse city next week for a long weekend. been to the U.P twice this summer for quick weekend jaunts LOL. last summer we took 8 days and went to copper harbor Mi, into Wi for a bit and then back up to traverse city. 1900 miles that trip. my buttpadapotomus is my friend LOL (thats what our friends call my air hawk seat pad_

rob tore down the bike this past winter and customized it (cant leave anything alone you know LOL)

I thougt of you yesterday (franks) we rode to Grand Rapids Oh!!!  

I was going to tell Jack and charlie chops and ken that we were going to be in their neighborhood :)  will be stopping at Hot Rod Harley in Muskegeon next week!!

Its not a chore to get rob to go on the bike, I just pick a place and we go!! It was getting so bad with the car he was just tired of all the crap at the shows. the one we were at a week ago had more 2006-2010's there than a used car lot :(   The old girl won so she still has it. and I don't me ME lol

someone mentioned F/B yes I am guilty of that!!! and some of you on here are too LOL

Just thought I would chime in and say hi. I will try to do better, sure was great reading from everyones posts, is Bill Moparrodder stillaround??

I really do miss all of you, I just have NOTHING to contribute, since we do so little with the car anymore.

I could offer a LOT of mindless jabber  :P  :D  :lol:


QuoteI could offer a LOT of mindless jabber  

Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


I have lurked enough on this tread long enough  I believe I have a Idea that will breathe new interest into the RRT          here we go ...........
There is tread currently slowing down or dieing Named  { Advice on BBC motor for towing}  I believe there is as much to be learned on building an economy engine as there is in building a race engine.      Here is my Idea
Start a forum  on  Economy  With sub cataglories  of building an engine and or tuning an existing engine .   Now for bragging wrights. There needs to be a central place where the vehicle can be tested for supposed mileage
After the test the winner.  receives the paper work from the test and the right to to crow like a Barn Yard Rooster till some one else take away his wrights with a better mileage test.   If this should take off I have lots of Ideas to help it along

Ed ke6bnl

I can simply say that if I needed a correct and useful answer to a automotive question this is the site I would go to thanks a lot ED
1948 F3, parts
1950 F1 SteetRod,
1949 F1 V8 flathead stocker
1948 F6 V8 SBC,
1953 Chevy 3100 AD pu future project& 85 s10 longbed for chassis
1972 Chopped El Camino daily driver
1968 Mustang Coupe
1998.5 Dodge 4x4 cummins 4door, 35"bfg,


Quote from: "Ed ke6bnl"I can simply say that if I needed a correct and useful answer to a automotive question this is the site I would go to thanks a lot ED

I have to agree with Ed. No bullcrap, just a straight answer and some smart assed comments. No flaming, etc. like I see elsewhere. Quality builds from quality people.

I've been gone for a while from here and minimal on other sites as well. Been sick and haven't done much for either of the boys' trucks but hoping to get past it.