new build day

Started by enjenjo, March 09, 2010, 10:26:36 PM

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So, when are we going to do the next one. With the weather getting better we can start on the frame on the next build. I have also come up with a couple ideas we can try on the roof.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


Any time before the last part of April is good with me.  After that I'll be at the cabin a lot.  My 14 yr old grandson and I are going to spend most of the summer building an addition and other stuff.


Sometime in april? I will be out of town until the 6th.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


Are we going to stick with Sundays or are Saturdays an option again? Sundayys work fine with me. If I start for home early enough on Mondays it seems most of the big trucks haven't got on the road yet. Is the weekend of April 10, 11 too soon after you get home? If those days are open it could be them or April 17, 18. My April is open because I've already done my taxes and got my returns and spent them (not necessarily in that order). GPster


Sundays are fine with us.


I'm retired, any day is good for me. :roll:
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


Quote from: "enjenjo"I'm retired, any day is good for me. :roll:
Mee 2 :D


I've been retired since '93 and I'm younger than both of you. When you guys have been retired as long as me you'll see what that is worth. GPster


OK I'll make the suggestion for Sunday April 18. Just in case Frank ends up driving back from Nevada with a car for Shelby. GPster


The 18th is fine with me if it works for the rest of you. For that matter the 11th works too.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


Either is fine with me too. Just trying to get the subject ofof "Dead Center" GPster


I'll toss in a vote for the 11th.....but I can come on the 18th too.


Ok, let's shoot for the 11th.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


I put the 11th on my calendar (and the 10th and 12th). GPster


11th should work for me too.
