Question for the new guys..

Started by Dave, December 19, 2006, 05:48:12 PM

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Quote from: "TJ's Dad"
Quote from: "T42"After reading this thread, I've found another reason I like this site,  all the members from "down under".  The only place in the world I have any desire to visit (outside the good ol USA that is) is Australia and New Zealand!  Ive gotta get down there before Im too old to enjoy it!!  Hopefully I can learn some about your cultures on this site, as you have ours! );b(

When you decide to visit let us know ....... we are well known for our hospitality ...... I'm sure we can arrange some fun times !!  :wink:

When I find the time to make it down, I will most certainly take you up on your offer!  Im always ready for fun time!!! );b(


Dont get up here to often lately, sorry.
I found this site after the ambulance chashers closed the HRI down, can't remember who gave me the link so you can't blame anyone - tho' it probably was Carps!!!  I think I gave you all a bit of a Graeme story at that time, but been interested in Rods all my life, haveing started 5 or 6 or something through my time.  Spent 20 years in the Australian Air Force which curtailed my Rod interests, 2 wives have also helped here as well  :wink: ,although I did get in a bit of Speedway Racing, driving our equivelant to your IMCO Nationals.
Presently trying to get a '27 Ford roadster on the road, but takes up too much of my time.  Never been to the States, but plan on it one day, I really want to see one of your Nats and a bit of your dry lakes action as well.
Some advice for anyone thinking of taking TJ's Dad up on his offer, he makes a really mean home brew scotch, which although tastes like silk but kicks like a horse.  The old fella has fallen by hard times just lately and was going to sell the still, but has just removed the item from sale, so it looks as if the rocket fuel is still being produced - you have been warned!! :arrow:  :wink:
My Mind Is A Dangerous Place
I Should not be allowed to wander through there alone

TJ's Dad

Ohhhhh my ..... i do apologise ... we had Grazza removed and relocated to a nueclear waste dump but it appears he's resurfaced .

His ramblings are like the waste from the said horse he mentioned.  :wink:

We promise to do everything in our power to keep him from returning , but if he does pop up every now n then just ignore him !  We do !!! :roll:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :wink:
I\'d rather a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomomy !!!

ASRF Life Member

VHRA Member.


Oooooooh my and this from one of my "Friends".  Poor old TJ's Dad hasn't been the same since his "turn" and the Doctors taking him off red meat (& booze!)
I love you brother (in a blokie sort of way  :wink: )
My Mind Is A Dangerous Place
I Should not be allowed to wander through there alone