NSRA year change

Started by enjenjo, April 16, 2009, 09:22:29 PM

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heh, heh, as boring and needless as some folks think this topic is.

Ya gotta admit it is bringing out a lot of folks to the forum to post and discuss.

Kinda what I thought forums are supposed to do.


the way i see it :roll:  the main question is whether or not mr walker "LIED" or not. it is entirely possible that he did NOT lie. any one who know anything about statistic and polls know that you can get a poll to say what ever you want by changing sample size and how the question is worded. in this matter i can think of a couple of ways the question could have been worded to get a 98% to 2% results. the way a survey is worded also can make one side more likely to return it also skewing the results.

i think a poll was taken they just didn't ask you so you think they didn't ask anyone. doesn't mean you were lied to tho.


later jim
Most people have a higher than average number of legs.

model a vette

"I think a poll was taken they just didn't ask you so you think they didn't ask anyone. doesn't mean you were lied to tho. "

I wasn't asked.

Was ANYONE here asked?

How and where was all this asking done?

Was there an announcement about asking in Street Scene?
I would think the magazine would be the primary way of communicating with the "members" since it is sent to them as a "benefit" of their membership.


Quote from: "Centerline"
Quote from: "enjenjo"
QuoteThose who feel that Mr. Walker didn't lie or did lie but have no problem with it, and those of us who believe he did lie and do have a problem with it. It's pretty much that simple.

When i was a child, my parents told me a story about Santa Claus. I know now that the story was completely untrue. But I still don't think they lied to me.
Come on Frank......that's pretty weak.  :D  

Do you really think many people will equate the lies Vernon Walker told to thousands of adults to cover his * with those told by a child's parents strictly to perpetuate the story of Santa Clause?  There's a huge difference both in motavation and in the end result.

Bill, how do you know it's a lie? You don't. How do you know his motivation for the change? you don't. All you can do is speculate. Basing a course of action on speculation is shakey. You don't know if he serveyed members, you assume he didn't. You don't know the finances of the NSRA, but assume it was done for greed.  you don't know if a lie was told, but assume it was done with malice. From where I sit, I don't have enough information to make an informed decision, so I am refusing to condemn any one until I do.

Yes the Sants Claus comment was weak, but it was made to point out that lies are not always malicious. I can think of many situations where the right thing to do is to lie.

QuoteHow and where was all this asking done?

the sample may have been quite small. It may have been done at events. As Rivers commented, statistics can be made to say any thing you want depending on the wording, and the sample.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


voluntary surveys are notoriously inaccurate, so you shouldn't have heard about it unless you were part of it.

i think my point is, how many members are part of the NSRA? 100,000+

how many members do you know? 1000 as a high estimate

that's 1%

it all depends who and how you asks.

when the political parties do polls they use very small samples, like 400 people i think. i have never been part of a political poll but sometimes the poll results are my views and sometimes they are not. does that make them wrong? NOPE just accurate for the sample they asked but the media sure takes a lot of stock in the results. you all remember president dewey don't you?

later jim
Most people have a higher than average number of legs.


Quote from: "enjenjo"Yes the Sants Claus comment was weak, but it was made to point out that lies are not always malicious. I can think of many situations where the right thing to do is to lie.

yup the last time frank was told he was good looking :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

later jim
Most people have a higher than average number of legs.

phat rat

Quote from: "Centerline"
Quote from: "river1"voluntary surveys are notoriously inaccurate, so you shouldn't have heard about it unless you were part of it.

i think my point is, how many members are part of the NSRA? 100,000+

how many members do you know? 1000 as a high estimate

that's 1%

it all depends who and how you asks.

when the political parties do polls they use very small samples, like 400 people i think. i have never been part of a political poll but sometimes the poll results are my views and sometimes they are not. does that make them wrong? NOPE just accurate for the sample they asked but the media sure takes a lot of stock in the results. you all remember president dewey don't you?

later jim
When someone states that 98% of members want the change, unless a complete poll was conducted it is a lie.  You and I both know there was no poll and like I said before, I challenge you or anyone else to find one member who was polled.

Again and again you say you were lied to, but you never answered my earlier question which was. You bring up you military background, do you believe the service never lied to you? A simple yes or no
Some days it\'s not worth chewing through the restraints.


Quote from: "enjenjo"
When i was a child, my parents told me a story about Santa Claus. I know now that the story was completely untrue. But I still don't think they lied to me.

You mean that wasn't Santa all these years?  :shock:  :lol:


Quote from: "Centerline"You and I both know there was no poll and like I said before, I challenge you or anyone else to find one member who was polled.

well get me every members email and i'll find them for you.

as there is NO ONE repeat no one out there that knows all the members that is an impossible task. the reason there are no PRO change talking/posting can be attributed to the fact that the group that considers them selves to be wronged are usually the most vocal.

don't get me wrong i believe they went to far (boiling frog theory, i like that by the way) but i don't believe they LIED to anyone it's just a matter of perspective

later jim
Most people have a higher than average number of legs.


Quote from: "rx4ord"I hope you all enjoy seeing the VW Rabbits and late 70's airbagged Porches. Should be a real rodders dream. Dave

Quote from: "phat rat"I think that some of the dire predictions are a little like Chicken Little hollering "The sky is falling"

Me too!

In 17 years of the KOA Picnic we have only ever had 2 Porsches turn up.  Both were bonafide HOT RODS and frowned on tby Porsche fanatics at Porsche events.

We do get a few * about Toranas and Commodores, but only a handful of these cars have ever turned up in reality.  And guess why?  Because the owners of those cars are the guys who aspire to build a hot rod or custom and they want to mix with and learn from the experts.  

To my mind that's a * fine reason to let them into the event.

To deny them, is to hammer another nail into the coffin of our own demise.

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift.


I think this has been discussed enough. Let's change the subject. How about them Sox?
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


Quote from: "enjenjo"I think this has been discussed enough. Let's change the subject. How about them Sox?

the white house cat?

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)