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Messages - aussie34

Rodder's Roundtable / The 37 assembled..well sort of
April 27, 2005, 03:09:59 AM
Quote from: "Pep"
Quote from: "aussie34"
Quote from: "Pep"Well actually...over 5 years......I spent nearly 3 of that on the rear section alone......I do have the full story on my web site.....just click on the WWW bit at the bottom of this reply then scroll down to the 37 pic. The story and link to the build up is all there.

toured your site thanks for the direction pointer
you have great patience I am learning that
Its coming together very well cant wait to see it with colour on it
the 351 should be just the ticket to move it along
Thanks for the great pics   Col

Patience and stupidity are close relatives I think....When I think I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, some mongrel turns it off :wink: ...I do have a picture in my mind what it will be like and it is fairly well etched in my mind. I keep plodding along and set small goals at a time. If I look too far ahead, I will get depressed.

and I thought that it was just me
I tried to shake the need to build these things but it is the most powerful force that keeps telling you " of course you can do it"
Agreed patience and stupidity may be related but you try not doing it and then you realise what frustation is Hope this makes sense
Once when I did not have project I thought I could lower the action on a Maton Firebird - took a bastard file to each fret - no more Maton Firebird
Better to have some steel to cut and bend - its cheaper
Rodder's Roundtable / The 37 assembled..well sort of
April 27, 2005, 02:40:05 AM
Quote from: "Pep"Well actually...over 5 years......I spent nearly 3 of that on the rear section alone......I do have the full story on my web site.....just click on the WWW bit at the bottom of this reply then scroll down to the 37 pic. The story and link to the build up is all there.

toured your site thanks for the direction pointer
you have great patience I am learning that
Its coming together very well cant wait to see it with colour on it
the 351 should be just the ticket to move it along
Thanks for the great pics   Col
Quote from: "Pep"For those that remember, I'm still toiling away with the 37 Ford roadster. I finally got the front sheet metal back on last week end and took a picture. This is probably the closest its going to look complete for a while. It's coming apart and being store while I get back into the chassis.
here is a pic but if you want to see the entire build, just go the the front page and scroll down to "build Index" then go for it.

That is some nice straight looking metal
Has it taken long to this stage ?
Quote from: "Dave"Waddington's 34 Roadster Ute shown on another post runs a new Rottleib hood from the states. They are very nice indeed, beautiful fit and I believe available in various styles. The grille is made in Bendigo (That is just over an hour up the road from you!) and a steel reproduction. Deuce Customs has glass ones available. Give Kelvin a call at Waddington's Street Rods and Restos in Castlemaine and ask him the details for the grille info.

Thanks Dave I worked in Bendigo for a couple of years and it is just a quick trip up the road for me.
I had seen grills on Drakes US site but would need to mortgage the house to afford one Appreciate the info cheers Col
Is anyone making 34 hood and sides from glass or steel
Also options for 34 grill I have heard someone is making plastic repros?
Prefer steel Thanks love this site
Quote from: "aussie34"
Quote from: "btrc"I don't know much about the Mazda 323 but I've got a few RX3 and RX7 parts on my 427 Cobra and my '37 Ford sedan has MX6 seats.  


Thanks Bob
The 323 is not quite as sporty as rxs it is more the type of car a Nun would drive

To all out there: I do see that entry to the aussie site is guarded and you need to be "known" to have access Thats cool I'll just stick around till I get known a bit Are there many aussie dudes using the site and what type of information is available? Thanks
Quote from: "btrc"I don't know much about the Mazda 323 but I've got a few RX3 and RX7 parts on my 427 Cobra and my '37 Ford sedan has MX6 seats.  


Thanks Bob
The 323 is not quite as sporty as rxs it is more the type of car a Nun would drive
Quote from: "Pep"
Quote from: "aussie34"
Quote from: "Pep"I think I know you Col...I read in your profile you are also into Fender you can't be to bad. If someone else can vouch for you, then we will give FatCat the nod. :wink:

Like cars , guitars are better the older they are eg. L series strat
not lucky enough to own one but got a 70 tele that cuts it still

I had an L....sold it back in 1981. The geeky guy in INXS ended up with it ( candy apple red with rosewood neck )....Wish I had it now :(

yeah a friend of mine had one in the 80s sold it and bought himself a cargill  handmade strat shape awsome unit one piece
I have a G&L asat in a cupboard somewhere not bad but not the leo signature model
play for fun thats all How about yourself ??
Quote from: "Pep"I think I know you Col...I read in your profile you are also into Fender you can't be to bad. If someone else can vouch for you, then we will give FatCat the nod. :wink:

Like cars , guitars are better the older they are eg. L series strat
not lucky enough to own one but got a 70 tele that cuts it still
Rodder's Roundtable / directions please
April 07, 2005, 10:31:30 PM
Quote from: "Pep"I think you should join the Aussie forum and keep this to ourselves. I don't think our US brothers have much interset in this :wink:  You probably don't know it exists cause you won't see the directory until you are signed up.

Thanks for this If you would point me in the direction of the Aussie forum I would appreciate it  Only discovered this site yesterday
I have purchased a Ford 34 glass bodied 3w coupe chassis and body and I have my daughters old 86 323 as a donor if I can use any bits
Question is what is really useable on a rod running a stock 302
323 is complete Any assistance appreciated Been a long time since last rod (38 chev) and times have changed