Louisville nationals

Started by 348tripower, June 15, 2007, 11:48:37 AM

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:cry:  :cry:  :cry:  :cry:
Don Colliau

Trucked Up

It seems that this subject will continue to fester until the event organizers make there position clear without any grey areas.

I regret that any of us choose not to attend because of this practice. I respect any of you that feel different than me on this subject and will never resort to violence as a result. But that is not the case with everyone and it is only a matter of time before someone is seriously injured. At that time I am sure there will be a bunch of lawyers that will have no problem in getting GG's/NSRA attention. Just the fact that we are discussing this matter lays ground for lawyers to question event holders as to why they fail to address such a problem. Resulting in more $$$$$$$$$$ judgement.

I just fail to understand why anyone feels they have the right to squat on a spot at L'ville on Wed.  (remember the show offically opens on Thurs.) and hold it each and every day as a result of. Just think of what is being said as to waiting in line at 1 or 2 am just to get in for a small piece of ground. That speaks for itself.

If you think about it have you ever seen a altercation with any attendees because of someone not caring about where or when they park? It is so childish to fight over such a small piece of ground..........

Last year at L'ville on Thursday after sitting up my shade I started cruising the grounds. Upon returning my shade was moved and the group occupying the spot indicated they have parked there for the last 6-7 years and it belonged to them. It is this type of crap that evolves from NSRA/GG's turning a blind eye. Where it will eventually end is most asuredly in the courts as a result of some personal injuy or death. As a result of that we may all have see the rodding event scene severly changed. Sad but most likely destined to happen.............

Whats next leaving a chair early A.M. at the grocery, Cracker Barrel, 7-Eleven, Wal-mart, Holiday Inn for our convience later in the day. What does anyone think the local police would do if that activity took place?

Please remember I do respect others opinions and will try to keep a open mind as to anyones position. I just can't get the vision of kindergarteners fighting over who's first in line for lunch. Seems the years have not taught some adults anything.
I wonder how it would feel "to wake up" one day as opposed "to come too"


I'm going to take the other tack on this. When we set  up the BBQ trailer, and 3 or more tents, can't we reasonably expect to use them again the next day?

Now, if the first time I come in, someone else is in the spot I want, I am not going to fight over it, I'll find another spot. but then I don't want to fight over that spot each day either.

I'm not one that has to be front and center to get noticed, and I really don't care where we gather.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


Don Colliau

Trucked Up

Hey enjenjo, I can see where you are coming from but................were the problem arises from is that makes the whole event a dash to be the first one in on the first day.

If the events weren't so crowded it would be a non issue. But the Fri. and Sat. arrivals are entilted to the same area as people like me that arrive on Thursday. If the grounds were left open the entire weekend that would solve the issue also.

I kind of compare it to someone telling me to get out of their theatre seat because they sit there during the earlier show. That is why we are required to exit at the end of the day and begin anew the next day.

I honestly wish there was a simple cure. I also hate to take my canopy down each day (takes about 4-5 minutes) but I just feel that is the right thing to do. I can only imagine my fellow rodders feelings when he may arrive ahead of me in the morning and not be able to park all the while my canopy is empty.

Unfortunatly someday we may be faced with assigned parking. That will only happen after litigation as a result of some type of altercation. Mark my words that day is on the horizon.
I wonder how it would feel "to wake up" one day as opposed "to come too"


Am I too dumb to understand this? It seems the rich guy with the 1000 S.F. tent with the air and kitchen is O.K.. The slob holding a space with a $20.00 folding chair is a problem?


Hey Bob K ...I know 'zackly where you're coming from...Because of my "nocturnal" job hours, we too used to get the "The Grounds" to try & save spots for our club...(Was 5th in line one year at "The Zoo"...My personal best :lol:  :lol: ) One time I was told by an NSRA rep to move my car & chairs because I was parked in "HIS" space. :shock:  3 years ago a guy threatened to punch out my WIFE when she complained about him almost parking on her purse..3 feet away from the chair she was sitting in.... :shock:  :shock: You know what my first thought was...Fortunately my second thought was  I've been in this sport since 1969...Maybe it's time to go back...We now travel " with the crowd" ..Actually get to eat a civilized breakfast at a restaurant WITHOUT the 4AM drunks...No more sitting in wet grass waiting for "The Group" ...Etc...Sometimes we park in really strange places..Last year we parked behind this really rowdy group from Southern Mich & Northern Ohio...( Didn't know any of them then) :lol:  :lol: Watching them was worth the price of admission... :shock:  :shock:  I've now decided "Who cares"...It's supposed to be "About the Cars"  :!:  :wink:  :wink:
1940 Oldsmobile- The "Ugly Olds"
1931 Ford sedan- Retirement project

***** First Member of Team Smart*****


Quote from: "chopped"Am I too dumb to understand this? It seems the rich guy with the 1000 S.F. tent with the air and kitchen is O.K.. The slob holding a space with a $20.00 folding chair is a problem?

ah, it's the 'golden rule' thing. He who has the gold makes the rules.

It's really much ado about nothing, pretty soon the crowds will go down as the grey beards start dying off in increasing numbers.

I also get a chuckle out of these 'Old Car' events as pretty much 'Old Car Guy' events.

Been a bit leary of some of these events with 'Monster Supercharged' engines at the control of 60+ something yr old geezers, with failing eyesight, slowing reflexes and pending heartattack victims, goosing it around the grounds.

Kinda ties in with the 'Big' 'Ivo' thing as well.


Haven't been to the nats in about three years. Will be there this year and looking forward to it.
When me and a couple buddies went, back in '01/'02, we'd line up early around 3am and hang out until they "released the hounds!" then head up around the garden circle area and squat. If it was already taken, (usually by cars left overnight) we'd park out somewhere near a median with a spot of grass. No tents, no chair reserving. If you couldn't get up like me, half hung over, brushing your teeth in your sleep, questioning your sanity like I was, I sure as hell wouldn't save a spot for the 'Johnny-come-lately' who just had to get his 9am Shoney's breakfast. Buddy or no buddy. The next morning would be the same. First come, first serve. I never removed someone's chair to park though, nor will I ever.
Do I think one shoe fits all? No. I know one thing, the NSRA suits aren't going to do anything that will screw up their 'cash cow'. The lesser of two evils will be chosen whatever they think that is.
I remember seeing the RRT/hamb'ers BBQ grille & banner in about the same place on the east side fence row for years. I really don't see how that could tick anybody off. It seemed to be a perfect meeting place for many, not just a haven for a chosen few, and I think who-ever set it up  intended it that way.
Just my take boys, just my take.


Trucked Up

Not sure if I am misunderstood but I will clarify my position.

I absoultly have no desire to park in the up front look at me spots. I have no desire for awards or trophys. I get my reward with each and every thumbs up I get along to trip to and from. Especially the 6-12 year olders. Hopefully they are the future rodders.

I only desire to find a place to park and enjoy the my friends and hopefully make few new ones. Arriving at any given event at 7 A.M and to see hundreds of vacant areas occupied by everything except a breathing human is disappointing.

And I AGREE TOTALLY with the comment on why is the guy with the 1000 square foot tent any different than Joe Schmo with his little 10x10 EZ-UP?

NSRA and GG's if you are watching I hope you take note. There is a lot of people upset with this situation. With the price of gas and hotels our other weekend options are looking much more attractive.
I wonder how it would feel "to wake up" one day as opposed "to come too"


Quote from: "Carnut"

 60+ something yr old geezers, with failing eyesight, slowing reflexes and pending heartattack victims


To me, thats job security
"I don\'t know what your problem is, but I bet its hard to pronounce"

1934 Ford 3 Window
Member, Rural Rodders
Member, National Sarcasm Society  "Like we need your support"
*****Co-Founder  Team Smart*****


Quote from: "EMSjunkie"
Quote from: "Carnut"

 60+ something yr old geezers, with failing eyesight, slowing reflexes and pending heartattack victims


To me, thats job security

Yeah, I've been thinking with my health condition that I might want your car show itinerary so I can plan on having your help nearby, 'just in case'.


I don't think you are mis-understood at all TU. I certainly agree. Getting there early doesn't always mean trying to be a power parker, but many times a cool place to park without being on the asphalt frying pan.
Speaking of 12 yr old kids, my sisiter in law asked me to bring my 34 coupe to her summer class last week and talk to the kids about streetrodding and what the hobby was all about. What an opportunity. What fun. I had 28 boys and girls following me around with more questions than I could answer. What an experiance!
Quote from: "Trucked Up"Not sure if I am misunderstood but I will clarify my position.

I absoultly have no desire to park in the up front look at me spots. I have no desire for awards or trophys. I get my reward with each and every thumbs up I get along to trip to and from. Especially the 6-12 year olders. Hopefully they are the future rodders.

I only desire to find a place to park and enjoy the my friends and hopefully make few new ones. Arriving at any given event at 7 A.M and to see hundreds of vacant areas occupied by everything except a breathing human is disappointing.

And I AGREE TOTALLY with the comment on why is the guy with the 1000 square foot tent any different than Joe Schmo with his little 10x10 EZ-UP?

NSRA and GG's if you are watching I hope you take note. There is a lot of people upset with this situation. With the price of gas and hotels our other weekend options are looking much more attractive.


Quote from: "EMSjunkie"
Quote from: "Carnut"

 60+ something yr old geezers, with failing eyesight, slowing reflexes and pending heartattack victims


To me, thats job security

That's neat, but can you catch up with them :?:  :?:  :?: ( Or was it the "Goosing" part that got your attention  :?:  :?: :lol:  :lol: ) You aren't thinking about "branching  out" are ewe :?:  :oops:  :oops:
1940 Oldsmobile- The "Ugly Olds"
1931 Ford sedan- Retirement project

***** First Member of Team Smart*****


Quote from: "couper"I don't think you are mis-understood at all TU. I certainly agree. Getting there early doesn't always mean trying to be a power parker, but many times a cool place to park without being on the asphalt frying pan.
Speaking of 12 yr old kids, my sisiter in law asked me to bring my 34 coupe to her summer class last week and talk to the kids about streetrodding and what the hobby was all about. What an opportunity. What fun. I had 28 boys and girls following me around with more questions than I could answer. What an experiance!
Quote from: "Trucked Up"Not sure if I am misunderstood but I will clarify my position.

I absoultly have no desire to park in the up front look at me spots. I have no desire for awards or trophys. I get my reward with each and every thumbs up I get along to trip to and from. Especially the 6-12 year olders. Hopefully they are the future rodders.

I only desire to find a place to park and enjoy the my friends and hopefully make few new ones. Arriving at any given event at 7 A.M and to see hundreds of vacant areas occupied by everything except a breathing human is disappointing.

And I AGREE TOTALLY with the comment on why is the guy with the 1000 square foot tent any different than Joe Schmo with his little 10x10 EZ-UP?

NSRA and GG's if you are watching I hope you take note. There is a lot of people upset with this situation. With the price of gas and hotels our other weekend options are looking much more attractive.

Ill add my perspective here...... Ya i know you dont want to hear it. The last time i was there was in the coupe. It was hot but parking on the grass  just lets the clay dust  turn your ride into mud in the am with the dew. Ya its hot out there but you can find someone with a canopy (i never had room for one) Or go into the building where its air conditioned. The other alternative is sweat your azz off have a few beers leave about 3pm go to the motel have a cold shower and then its funsville......... :lol:  :lol:  :lol:
Me being the guy that went to the first nats in louisville it really got old for me. I do miss all the guys we partied with but some things need to change.. Oh ya I dont have a car running this summer so im out.. I could be talked into running down for parts though..
Dave :lol:  :lol: