Louisville nationals

Started by 348tripower, June 15, 2007, 11:48:37 AM

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I have been reading the Street Scene magazines every month and it just came to me that I should send a email to them concerning the policy of not saving places to park with lawn chairs. I am sure that you will find this interesting and if and when I get a reply I will post it.


Dear Street Scene/ NSRA;

  I have been attending the nationals in Louisville since 2000. In the past few years, tents have been cropping up more and more on the pavement and the grounds. I have been reading Street Scene and I am aware of the new policy of not saving places with chairs, but how are you going to handle tents and portable shades? I myself have left my teardrop trailer and my shade on the grounds over night for the whole weekend. Is that going to be allowed? I don't see how you can discriminate here. I should have written this letter sooner so the answer would be visible to all in the magazine. (If you would be so kind to publish it) I am looking forward to your answer concerning this situation.


Don Colliau
Don Colliau


I posted on this subject earlier this year.  The post is here  http://www.roddingroundtable.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=6563

I sent the letter to Street Scene Magazine soon after this post.  At least 2 issues of the magazine have been published since my letter was sent to them.  I have not seen my letter published nor have I saw any letters published that were against their new policy.  I have also spoke my opinion to them personally at two of the events that I have attended this year.

Chopped 48 Chevy Truck
Former Crew chief #974 1953 Studebaker   
Past Bonneville record holder B/BGCC 249.9 MPH


 I guess I missed that.  Sorry :oops:  I may call there office and see if I can get an answer to the question. I wonder if they are getting something from the people that set the tents up?
Don Colliau


aw shi....oot, i just talked to  J Kennedy yesterday....
i could have asked him... :roll:
The last thing I want to do is hurt you. But it\'s still on my list


I don't have a lawnchair.

What should I do?

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift.


Quote from: "Carps"I don't have a lawnchair.

What should I do?

Actually Hooley has two lawn chairs that were left here in the states by two of your fellow countrymen.  We are storing them until their next trip back. I am sure they would agree to loan them to you while you visit.

Chopped 48 Chevy Truck
Former Crew chief #974 1953 Studebaker   
Past Bonneville record holder B/BGCC 249.9 MPH


Even with all the "hoop-la" , GG didn't enforce this policy at Indy.... :roll:  :roll:
1940 Oldsmobile- The "Ugly Olds"
1931 Ford sedan- Retirement project

***** First Member of Team Smart*****

Bob K

Quote from: "Carps"I don't have a lawnchair.

What should I do?

I'll have one for you in the back of the Chebby. The rent is real cheap.

B :b-d: B
Have you ever wondered how your mother knew enough about people like me to warn you about us?


Think I'll have to go with the ones Hooley has.

Not because I'm cheap, but they will have the beverage holder on the correct side.   :wink:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift.

Trucked Up

Hey Ugly Olds,
I spoke personally with Harry Davisess (VP Event Operations) and he flat out admitted that they dropped the ball at Indy. He said they were so excited about the good weather that they failed to follow through. He also indicated that they had enforced the rule at earlier events and will in the future.

Now to the subject of saving spots. I know this will step on some toes but here goes. I applaude both GG's and NSRA for their policys if enforced fairly and across the board.

I generally arrive at the grounds at any event by 7 AM and do have a friend or friends that I like to park with. But if we don't arrive together I will take my chances on us getting together if space allows. As said earlier there are spots avaliable at noon and if my friend arrives at that time I can move to the open areas.

Where I do have a major problem is when "Mr. Get up when the rooster crows" heads over to the grounds, and spots up about 6-7 chairs for his "wake up at the crack of noon buddies."

Not only is this inconsiderate of other early attendees but selfish.

Please don't misunderstand me. I have no problem if my buddy is 3-5 minutes behind me in putting a chair out for him. But if the event organizers enforce the rule fairly I will abide. They have no idea whether I am a 5 minute spot saver or a hour saver. Unless they want to hire a 100 or so people to moniter the grounds. Then you know what will happen to due and registeration fees..........

This practice has spilled over to the hotel/motels area. That is where I really get pi$$ed off. What kind of message are we sending to Joe Q. Public when he has driven all day to reach his destination, and he can't park because of this nonsense.

I witness a group of fellow rodders at the Amerisuites Columbus last year block THREE spots just so they could socialize. Not to park but to sit in their chairs. Pitiful.

Where does this end. Next thing you will see these folks leaving chairs at Hooters, Outback, Pizza Hut etc. as they leave in the morning so they have a spot that evening.

If everyone remembers the enforcement is only until 10 AM.  :D  :D  :D
I wonder how it would feel "to wake up" one day as opposed "to come too"


Hi Brent...I agree 9000% with what you're saying.. :D .Indy was the first big show I've made this year & just commented that it looked like the policy was not being enforced... :(  Des Moines is in a couple of weeks....Lets see how well they enforce it there... 8)  BV
1940 Oldsmobile- The "Ugly Olds"
1931 Ford sedan- Retirement project

***** First Member of Team Smart*****


Last year and preceding years, the grassy areas behind the buildings have been staked out with caution tape on Tuesday or Wednesday.  Several of the groups were greedy enough to take a dozen or more spaces.  At the front of the buildings. there are huge tents put on Tuesday or Wednesday early that will hold 10 or more cars plus all the groups equipment (chairs, coolers, bar-b-ques etc.)  This is definitely saving spaces.  I don't expect the tent situation will change.  That would take balls.  However they might rip up some of the caution tape when no one is around.

Fred Drew

Trucked Up

I am sure the powers that be at (GG's and NSRA) worry about offending a paying customer by enforcing this policy. But if they follow any of the boards I frequent they should worry about pi$$ing of the folks like me that have had just about enough of this selfishness.

I think the enforcement of the rule should include the large tents put up at L'ville and any other event. I feel if you want the spot arrive there first each day. not on Tuesday or Wednesday as is the case at L'ville.

I make it a point to make written complaints about these matters. You can rest assured that if you do to it will get the attention of the powers that be. Remember unsatisfied members=less money=attention to the problem.

I plan to write NSRA today to reiterate my position. If this matter is important to any of you I ask that you do the same. 8)  8)  8)
I wonder how it would feel "to wake up" one day as opposed "to come too"


I received this from Joe Mayall pertaning to the tents and portable shades. Kind of odd, No Dear Don, No thanks for your question?  I wonder if I set up my shade and leave my trailer if it will be there in the morning?

The article was very specific and did not mention tents and portable shades. The directive has been carried out at all of the NSRA events and is working fine. The directive states saving multiple parking spaces with tape, chairs, etc. - it doesn't say anything about tents and portable shades.
Don Colliau

Bob K

Speaking of Saving places!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The person who for the last 10 years or so has arrived at the grounds on Wednsday morning at OH DARK THIRTY and secured the place for the group to camp will NOT be attending the Nats this year.

If the campsite is to be saved, someone else will have to do it.

I am taking a break from the Nats for at least one year. Reason is two fold. I am tired of getting there at 01:00 am  and waiting in line. My 47 is tired after 110,000 miles and I was too lazy last winter to refresh it. Maybe this winter!!!  

In the meantime I will enjoy my other vehicles at other events.

Thanks to those few of you who over the years that have acknowledged and thanked me, you know who you are.

I enjoyed the camaraderie of the campsite but have no desire to endure the abuse handed out by folks that want to use that space while attempting to secure it ALL ALLONE. It is just not worth the trouble anymore. In the past there was a tolerant attitude towards those of us who got there early. Not so anymore. In the past several years I have almost had to fight a couple of times.

Have a great time at the Nat's, this will be only the third one that I have ever missed.

B :b-d: B
Have you ever wondered how your mother knew enough about people like me to warn you about us?