A little RRT survey

Started by purplepickup, November 26, 2006, 06:05:39 PM

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What do you think of the RRT format?

Nothing needs changing.  It's fine the way it is.
38 (33.9%)
I'd like to see some things different.
48 (42.9%)
I don't care either way.
26 (23.2%)

Total Members Voted: 109

Voting closed: November 26, 2006, 06:05:39 PM

Fat Cat

Quote from: "Crosley"
Quote from: "Charlie Chops 1940"I think a "for sale" forum and a "wanted forum" similar to the HAMB would be something to consider. The current ads area is somewhat cumbersome to use IMHO.

Maybe a tech forum - might encourage the how-to type posts.

Just a couple thoughts.



I feel our classified section here is tops. Different sections that cover most automobile items........  The HAMB has 2 sections : " For sale & Wanted"

A few  cliks here and you have the ad placed.... with photo too.

The other problem with setting things up like the HAMB is that we would have to hire someone to program the forum to work like they did over there. The templets would have to be created and incorporated into the software. I setup the one we have because someon had already done the work of programming and incorporating it into the forum. Between work, family and school I just do not have the time to learn the programming to do all that right now.


Like alot of others, I partcipate in other boards, but by far this is my favorite. I may not post alot, but usually stop by every day just to see whats new.

I know many don't like change. :(  But  I think once in a while is a good thing. :D

Till we meet - On the street


I voted I did not care either way as I like it the way it is but if anyone can come up with some improvements I am for it,my minds drawing a blank on what should be done.  My problem is I am a member of too many groups and its hard to participate in all as there are quite a few I joined and only posted a couple times and if I do its months inbetween times.  Jeff


I don't post often but am here every day.  Most technical questions get a proper reply from Enjenjo,or Crosley if it's transmissions or Bob Paulin can usally post an in depth answer, so i don't usually reply to something that has already been answered.  I agree that some of you are good friends and banter amongst yourselves, but that's fine with me.  I DO like this board because it seems to be more adult and professional than others. I know that I can ask a question or post a reply without  getting into some of the petty bickering that goes on elsewhere.   Tom..


When I suggested an "Off Topic" and possibly other forums I was trying to figure out a way that we could get more people to look at the index page.  If a couple of interesting forums were there maybe more of us would visit it.   I was thinking that many of the features Fat Cat has given us could be visible from there and more of us might bookmark that page instead of the Roundtable forum that most of us have bookmarked now.   I think that splitting things up too much would not be good tho.

Fat Cat verified my suspicion that hardly anyone visits, or even knows about the many features of the site.  My suggestion wasn't to increase the posts to unmanageable numbers.  It was meant to enhance our experience here with some minor tweaking to make things easier to access and using more of the features that we already have.

I hear what ONE37TUDOR is talking about too.  I've got friends that tried to post here and felt like they were intruding on a personal club.  They weren't deliberately made to feel like an outsider, they just did.  Many of us have met and developed friendships over the years so we talk to each other in a more personal way.   I'm grateful for that but I can see how someone new would lose interest quick.

Anyway, good info so far.  Keep it up. :D


I should clarify my statement on changes needed..

An O/T section would be good from the stand point of the 'shootin the breeze' posts do drive information posts down the line up.

There are some members that do great tech articles of building of parts & pieces on other boards , yet they do not post that tech stuff here.   Why?

Perhaps PPUTRK guy is on to something with this page bookmarked and not the main forum listing page?

FATCAT has pointed out that this place has many features and usually answers are posted to all questions in a timely manner.

Have you guys visited the 'events' page lately?  Read the date on the events listed there.

8)   carry on.

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


Quote from: "purplepickup"When I suggested an "Off Topic" and possibly other forums I was trying to figure out a way that we could get more people to look at the index page.  If a couple of interesting forums were there maybe more of us would visit it.   I was thinking that many of the features Fat Cat has given us could be visible from there and more of us might bookmark that page instead of the Roundtable forum that most of us have bookmarked now.   I think that splitting things up too much would not be good tho.

Fat Cat verified my suspicion that hardly anyone visits, or even knows about the many features of the site.  My suggestion wasn't to increase the posts to unmanageable numbers.  It was meant to enhance our experience here with some minor tweaking to make things easier to access and using more of the features that we already have.

I hear what ONE37TUDOR is talking about too.  I've got friends that tried to post here and felt like they were intruding on a personal club.  They weren't deliberately made to feel like an outsider, they just did.  Many of us have met and developed friendships over the years so we talk to each other in a more personal way.   I'm grateful for that but I can see how someone new would lose interest quick.

Anyway, good info so far.  Keep it up. :D

Ok, why do you need more folks to post?

What would enhancing our experience here be?

Wouldn't it kinda be a better idea to discuss changes when someone complains about something?

Do you know what interesting forums 'other' people are looking for?

Do you think folks are having a hard time finding the other features on the site because they can't find them?

Do you think possibly folks are here just for the discussion forum?

Fraid I like things simple and don't like change for the sake of change.

Guess a guy who can keep the same cars for 30 or 40 yrs dosen't like a whole lot of change.


This is a great forum and a lot of really good members.  I don't post much mainly because I don't have the level of expertise a lot of the members have.  I never rebuilt an automatic trans or a rear end, I haven't learned to weld, stuff like that, so I don't have much to add to the excellent info that's being posted here.  I do visit at least once a day to see what everyone's up to.

Also, I do a lot of my forum visits while at work (shhh don't tell).  And for some crazy reason, for the past few months I can no longer sign in to post messages to this forum from work. I tried deleting certain cookies and all, even changed my password, but I can only get signed in from home.  At work I'm in as a guest and can't post or reply.  Probably a firewall or some other techno thing that I don't really savvy.  

I like the forum as it is, and glad it's not the HAMB.  Lotsa good folks over there but also there's that strange undercurrent of hostility.  

I'm gonna go post something in the gallery.  I missed that one.  I knew about members rides but not the gallery. :0-0

Oh yeah, and Grandadeo is my bestest bud, so I can keep track of him at the RRT.

phat rat

I like it the way it is, but will adjust if needed. As far as the CLUB/FAMILY, I value the friendships I've made here. I don't go to the forum page as I have this one in my favorites so I'm guilty of not making the numbers bigger. Lets not go to big or get into the BS of seriously ridiculing others or as its been said before lets keep it a clean site.
Some days it\'s not worth chewing through the restraints.


I voted it don't mater either way, I like it the way it is but some change would be ok with in reason.  I try to visit every night when I finally get home from work but since harvest started I've been putting in an average of 85 hours a week at the elevator and am dead on my feet when I get home so I don't log in every time but do read the posts.  One change  I would enjoy would be a garage scene like some mags have with a few pics and update on your project, and after a couple of months could be moved to the gallery or droped to make room for new ones so as not to tie up the data base.  I have this site in my favorites and when I click on it the index page comes up first, that way I can see any new members and which section I want to go to .  To me this is the best site on the web with great people participating, I know I'm not the sharpest chisel in the tool box but I will add to a post when I feel I can.  I have to have some surgery in December and if it goes like they tell me I'll be off work for three month so I'll be here a lot more it just will take a while to post with one arm and hand straped to my side.  So what ever you decide to do I'll adjust and go with the flow and as Daryle said I'll be here for the long haul.    Bill


I agree with Charlie ... I think a "for sale" forum and a "wanted forum"  like HAMB would be nice additions.  

I also think a tech forum would be real helpful.  I am building my first rod at age 63 and am not a mechanic.  It has been an unreal experience, but alot of folks have been real helpful.

If it were not for my neighbor, Dave Berry of Monarch Transmission, my 1930 Ford pickup would probably be in the junk heap.  He has been a life saver.
Larry D. Loiselle
Be Righteous Not Politically Correct


I am not looking for a ton of new members. As Fatcat mentioned, we have over 400 members that have never posted. Hopefully this post will get some of them out in the open. I would just like to see some of the members we have post more. There is a lot of interesting stuff being done in our garages.

As far as a clique, I have endeavored to make every one feel welcome, and to feel accepted. However, it's hard to ignore the fact that some of us have known each other for 10 years now, and have shared the high and low points of our lives.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


Quote from: "enjenjo"I am not looking for a ton of new members. As Fatcat mentioned, we have over 400 members that have never posted. Hopefully this post will get some of them out in the open. I would just like to see some of the members we have post more. There is a lot of interesting stuff being done in our garages.

As far as a clique, I have endeavored to make every one feel welcome, and to feel accepted. However, it's hard to ignore the fact that some of us have known each other for 10 years now, and have shared the high and low points of our lives.

Well then, you want more members to post more often.

For some folks it's a lot easier to comment on something than to bring up something new to talk about.

Looks like you've been doing pretty good posting questions for looking for answers.

Also posting topics like your latest project is pretty good, but several I have seen seem to just be 'here it is' without actually asking for comments on anything in particular.

Really enjoyed the project series on the antique dirt track racer project.

I suspicion you all (owners, operators, moderators) need to just keep posting more by yourselves seeding posts that would in themselves solicit general interest and comments.

Hopefully you won't get into the HAMB posts of asking for pics of such and such mobile that no one else has asked for, trying top each other on the wierdest request.


I personally like the board the way it is .If I were to change anything I would add two forums.   1  a well thought out Tech Section one that is easy to search .  2  A forum for our garage's ----- the good the bad and
the ugly and how it can be changed, also a section on tools .  home made,new, and little tips that make a job go faster and essayer .
 As for my posting I have always felt that I don't communicate well to any one I can't see while I am talking.  Also when a question is asked it is answered before I can find the keyboard.


Quote from: "bowtietillidie"I personally like the board the way it is .If I were to change anything I would add two forums.   1  a well thought out Tech Section one that is easy to search .  2  A forum for our garage's ----- the good the bad and
the ugly and how it can be changed, also a section on tools .  home made,new, and little tips that make a job go faster and essayer .
 As for my posting I have always felt that I don't communicate well to any one I can't see while I am talking.  Also when a question is asked it is answered before I can find the keyboard.

Now, one thing that I've noticed on another forum I frequent, is that when certain types of posts are noticed to be similar the forum moderator either asks the posters if 'such and such' type of posts should be gathered in a forum/catagory of their own or maybe the moderator just realizes it's needed and creates a new forum as needed to place such posts.

The mention several times of 'forum for tech posts' and 'forum for garage posts' and even a forum for 'project posts' brings this to mind.

Not that the post shouldn't be posted in general to start with but to gather them after awhile and just move them to a catagory grouping that fits them all together. Then if posters want to post in that forum/catagory new things, they are welcomed to. Or regular posters can be directed to the forum/catagory with a link placed in an answering post in the regular forum if or when they happen to post something applicable.

Would just be part of the process of moderating the forum.