Aussie HRI plug being pulled

Started by Pep, February 22, 2005, 10:41:27 PM

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I'm here too fella's  :)
I'm sure gunna miss the other place though.......

chris spokes

8) yep i made it too hope it's just as cosey as HRI
he who has the most toys wins


Welcome! You'll like it here....No "Big Brother" looking over your shoulder!
"The one who dies with the most friends wins"


Who Hoo! We just became international.  Probably already were but I couldn't think of anything else clever to say.


Yeah another HRI orphan here.

I have introduced myself elsewhere here but thought I would say hi in this thread too.

Before you criticise anyone walk a mile in their shoes, then you will be a mile away and you will have their shoes :lol:


I used to think Australia would be a pretty cool place to live, until I heard about all the regulations for your Hot Rods. Now I find out you can't speak your mind either?

No place for me to be, they'd have me locked up within a month. What keeps Carps out of Jail?... :wink:


Sounds like the sooner you get rid  of Mr.  Tudman,  the  better  off you will  be.
'32 3W

I write novels, too.


Oops! I sincerely apologize for the unintentional typographical error in my previous post.
'32 3W

I write novels, too.



I for one am glad you guys have joined us here. Now Carps won't be the only one posting here with an accent!

For those of you that may make it here for the L.A. Roadster Show in June, common over to my place for a BBQ Saturday night. It's our not quite annual event. There is a thread sum place here about it. A weeks worth of cruzin, mfg shop tours and did I say Cruzin.

If ya make it the week before, the Road Kings do their annual FREE car show at Johnny Carson Park in Beautiful down town Burbank. Last year there were over 700 cars.

Welcome again, what can we do to make you feel welcomed?
Have Mouth, Will Travel.


Bob are you doing something you don't want your wife to know about?
I bet you change that quickly!
:lol:  :lol:

Welcome all you guys from OZ.
It is a shame about what got you here.
I know you are all the shy types, but no need to be bashful here. :wink:


I can pretty much figure the rest of it out,but, What is a dunny door????????
:lol:  :lol:  :lol:
If we are what we eat.........
Then I am fast,cheap and easy.


Quote from: "Pep"Read the story in this ...sad day indeed

Looks like their LOSS is our GAIN!!!   :P

Welcome everyone!!

Glad to have all of you. Gonna take a while to learn who's who with everyone all at once, LOL

I have a feeling this place is gonna be hopping!!! :twisted:


I've had a few thoughts about this that I'm going to share fwiw.
  It seems to me the ASRF is a buisness, much like the NSRA in the US. As I understand it they have office staff, board of directors, etc.

  I don't know what your membership numbers are, but if they started recieving letters from members quitting the organization, and stating the reason, perhaps ther would be some changes made. 5 or 6 letters wouldn't make an impression, but say they recieved 50 or 100 in a short space of time?
  I assume they're in the buisness to promote street rodding, and if it was made clear that the membership didn't like having a great resource of info on rodding taken away from them by an organization thats supposed to be promoting the sport it should have an effect.

   The thing that would most get thier attention, as a buisness, would be an adverse effect on their bottom line. And  if the cause of the loss of money is made clear, any smart buisness person would take steps as neccesary to correct the problem.

   I know this won't bring the board back, but a loss of members and lower event participation until this problem is resolved may prevent this from happening again and get the ASRF heading in the right direction, which I would think would be serving the interests of your countries rodders.

      The old saying "the customer is always right" is valid if you want your customers to keep coming back.  

 Just my thoughts on the subject, take them or leave them as you see fit.


Quote from: "SKR8PN"I can pretty much figure the rest of it out,but, What is a dunny door????????

Are you really that dumb?  It's the door to the dunny of course!   :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  

(That was a joke Joice!)

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift.