Are you making your B'ville plans.....

Started by 1FATGMC, January 11, 2005, 04:59:42 PM

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Quote from: "Crosley"

I am thinking about the purchase of a fossil fuel powered scooter to use to get around the b'ville area.  Needs to be an CVT type  tranny thing since Janice and shifting gears on a scooter do not seem to mix well.
I wondered if that was the idea. That Hondamatic could be included in a trip that someone is making to visit his aunt and check out your new Heat-Pump. Might even use an extra Morris Minor rear end and make it a self balancing Tricycle. GPster


Quote from: "1FATGMC"Ok guys B'ville is only about 7 months away and I wanted to offer up an invitation to any of you that would like to join some of us first here in Blanding and then for the trip up to B'ville.

Hooley is going racing again with the Stude this next year and he and his wife and John (WZJUNK) and his wife are going to come out and spend a few days in the area before the wives drive home and the rest of us head for B'ville.

The plan is to get into Blanding by Tuesday night (9th of Aug.).  Wed I'll take any of you that are here out to an Anasazi Ruin in the morning before it gets real hot.  After that we can go out to Natural Bridges National Monument and eat lunch there or before we get there (take sack lunches).  From there we can sight-see a little more and then all go to dinner together or do a BBQ at the house.

I've picked out a ruin that won't be a real challange to get to if you are having some health problems.  We can drive any vehicle to within 1/4 mile of it and then it is just a walk down a dirt road to the site.  We can also take my jeep and any other high ground clearace vehicles all the way to it and that would take care of anyone who has a problem walking.

The site is situated at the head of a really pretty canyon with unrestored towers around the top and then on various levels down into the canyon there are cliff dwellings.  

You can enjoy the view from the top or climb down to the various levels of cliff dwellings.

There are also some nice petroglyphs there.  All in all this is a nice site and I think you will enjoy it and it won't kill you to get to it.

We have to get to B'ville Thursday night so we can set up the pits on Friday morning and get the car through inspection, so we will make the drive from Blanding up to the Salt on Thursday.  We will have the day so I plan on stopping at Bo Huff's again this year.  For those of you who have been there I'm sure you will enjoy a return visit as something new is usually always going on there.  For those of you who haven't been to Bo's you will be in for a real treat.  

Going to Bo's is stepping back into time and I've had a few people tell me that was the highlight of their trip to B'ville.  More Pictures of Bo's Car Show Here  

After spending a couple hours there we will continue up to B'ville getting in there Thursday night.

So if any of you are interested in joining us please let me know and make some plans to have a good time.  If you go to the Nats. you have 2 1/2 days to get to Blanding (by Tues. night), so this will give you something to do between the Nats. and Bville.

I'll post all of this again later in the spring and again about June/July.  If you are planning on doing this let me know so I have some idea how many of you will be here.

c ya, Sum


I've just added this to my list.  Although don't count on me being out there on that ledge with you other crazy buggers. :shock:

Man, I think I need to take the whole year off work.

Do you think they'll notice if I'm missing that long?

Sadly the 'Greasy Spoon' deal is not looking so good, but the show aint over till the fat lady sings, so anything can happen between now and then.

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift.


Well after discussing our summers plans for a couple of weeks now, Roadstar and I decided to head west in August and do L'ville, CO, Blanding, B'ville, then the Grand Canyon and the HAMB Drags on the way home.  I'm really looking forward to spending the time with everyone again seeing the site of the southwest and feeling the salt under the tires of Big Olds again.  Can't wait to see the look on Bo Huffs face when he sees Big Olds "customized" and painted.
Your topless crusn buddy, Denise

Looking for old good for nothing flathead heads to use for garden project.


Here is a side note for those of you going to Bonneville this year.  
There will be a reunion of the Roads End Gang this year.
It will be at the Bend in the Road because they won't let us camp at the End of the Road anymore and have fires on the Salt  :lol:  

Burly will be hosting as he did the first Bonneville Cruise In.  If any of you were there back about 25 years ago ( I am way too young to have been there!) and haven't heard from Burley please drop me an email.  
Burly won't do puters so I will pass the info along via land line.

Expect to see some even more unusual than normal going ons at the Bend In the Road for 2005!  :D  :D  


Quote from: "kroozn"Here is a side note for those of you going to Bonneville this year.  
There will be a reunion of the Roads End Gang this year.
It will be at the Bend in the Road because they won't let us camp at the End of the Road anymore and have fires on the Salt  :lol:  

Burly will be hosting as he did the first Bonneville Cruise In.  If any of you were there back about 25 years ago ( I am way too young to have been there!) and haven't heard from Burley please drop me an email.  
Burly won't do puters so I will pass the info along via land line.

Expect to see some even more unusual than normal going ons at the Bend In the Road for 2005!  :D  :D  

You must be an old guy  :lol: .  I never got to camp at the "end of the road", I've always been at the bend.

Looks like I won't be going to bed early Sat. night.

QuoteRoadstar and I decided to head west in August and do L'ville, CO, Blanding, B'ville, then the Grand Canyon and the HAMB Drags on the way home.

Denise it is good to see you guys are coming by  Blanding :D .

c ya, Sum


I told you I am to young to have been there.
I have only been told stories about lies being swapped around a campfire on the salt at night, and about how bright old timey camera flash powder is when it's thrown into the fire and how awesome 4th of July type fireworks look when shot off over the salt. So awesome truckers would drive over from the freeway to see what was going on!
Honestly, I wasn't one of the liars around the campfire.


Quote from: "kroozn"
Honestly, I wasn't one of the liars around the campfire.

I know you are an honest man, so I believe everthing you say  :roll: .

c ya, Sum


Quote from: "1FATGMC"
Quote from: "kroozn"
Honestly, I wasn't one of the liars around the campfire.

I know you are an honest man, so I believe everthing you say  :roll: .

c ya, Sum

i've had many conversations with him on many varied subjects, like cars, painting, women and age. so i too can believe anything that 29 year old has to say. :wink:

later jim
Most people have a higher than average number of legs.


Somebody mention women  :-o

Ok, ok, I was one of the liars around the campfire.
I was there back in the day and have a Roads End Gang club plaque someplace.

I am really happy I was there and wouldn't trade those times for anything.
Including youth!


My wife & I are planning a Bonneville trip for the first time this year.  Have 10 days to get there and end the trip @ HAMB drags .  
Any good tips for first timers?  Will probably get there Saturday or Sunday, driving up from Central Texas.


Quote from: "BELLM"My wife & I are planning a Bonneville trip  
Any good tips for first timers?  Will probably get there Saturday or Sunday, driving up from Central Texas.
You coming in that "T"? Loose fitting long clothes, sandals with soxs, big brimmed hats and plenty of sun block. Bonneville is like standing on a mirror. I have a beard and even with the big hat I got my face burned the first year, under my chin and the bottom of my ears. Might also suggest a portable AM/FW radio with ear phones. They have a closed circuit radio broadcast from the starting line and they announce who's leaving and class and progress and you'll know it by the time he passes us a 3 1/2 miles where this group sets up camp. GPster


Quote from: "BELLM"My wife & I are planning a Bonneville trip for the first time this year.  Have 10 days to get there and end the trip @ HAMB drags .  
Any good tips for first timers?  Will probably get there Saturday or Sunday, driving up from Central Texas.

If you get there Sat. and don't have a room by now it might be tough to get one.  If you are camping with some of us then no problem.  Go to the SCTA site (   ) for information on motels if you need one and call NOW!!

Sunday night might not be a problem as people start to leave.  Take an extra couple days and come to Blanding and go up with the rest of us on Thursday.  Blanding is right on your way between Texas and the Salt.

c ya, Sum


If I were about 40 yrs younger I might try making it in the T.  We both have lousy backs, T is getting a 12 gal gas tank, will probably get about 8mpg and the gas tank & battery fill the trunk.  Plus the top of the windshield will be about chin height.  But it is gonna be fun!!!  Besides I pay $120 month for personal use of company car inc gas etc so can't afford not to use it.  Maybe when I get the 32 back together, get A/C in  etc.

Wish we could make Blandig but have limited vacation days.  Really looks like a lot of fun.  Will figure out later in year how to find you guys when we get there. Thanks for the Blandig invite!!!

Thanks for the advice.