Thank You Veterans,

Started by awsum34, November 11, 2004, 06:44:12 AM

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I want to thank all of you veterans for serving. Past and present. I would especially like to think you Vietnam vets. Since you didn't get the recognition you deserve.  To all vets that are fighting now, May they come home safe. To all families that have lost a member of there family. Thank you for letting your loved one fight for us.

To all the rodding buddies, that are Vets,,,,,, THANK YOU,,,,,,,,

Take the time and shake a vets hand today and tell them thank you

The only dumb question is the one you don\'t ask

Slick 50

My sentiments exactly!

Thanks to all who have and are now serving!!
Ken    8)
aka Slick 50

Scrap Fe


Great Post....Couldn't have said it any better!
"The one who dies with the most friends wins"




God bless all those who have served, and are now serving, to defend our freedoms.  
We need to remember and honor the sacrifices that our veterans have made for our country.  

Thank you.


Quote from: "awsum34"I want to thank all of you veterans for serving.

 Yes once again, Thank you for all you've done. It IS appreciated


I agree. it doesn't matter what side of the 49th parellel your'e on, the fight for peace is the same. Over here we call it Rememberance Day, where you call it Armistace (sp), but it is still about remembering those who fought and returned, and especially those who gave the ultimate sacrifice, and didn't return to enjoy the benifits of their labour.

If a blind person wears sunglasses, why doesn\'t a deaf person wear earmuffs??


I see a little saying on the net now and then.....

Thank a teacher if you can read this... thank a veteran that it's  English.

That phrase speaks volumes

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)

Pope Downunder

Quote from: "awsum34"I want to thank all of you veterans for serving. Past and present. I would especially like to think you Vietnam vets. Since you didn't get the recognition you deserve.  To all vets that are fighting now, May they come home safe. To all families that have lost a member of there family. Thank you for letting your loved one fight for us.

To all the rodding buddies, that are Vets,,,,,, THANK YOU,,,,,,,,

Take the time and shake a vets hand today and tell them thank you

Well said.
We recognise 11 November 'Remembrance Day' for the same reasons.

Pope Downunder

Quote from: "awsum34"I want to thank all of you veterans for serving. Past and present. I would especially like to think you Vietnam vets. Since you didn't get the recognition you deserve.  To all vets that are fighting now, May they come home safe. To all families that have lost a member of there family. Thank you for letting your loved one fight for us.

To all the rodding buddies, that are Vets,,,,,, THANK YOU,,,,,,,,

Take the time and shake a vets hand today and tell them thank you

Well said.
We recognise 11 November 'Remembrance Day' for the same reasons.
Was known as 'Armistice Day'  (WW1 11am 11/11/1918)  when we were young.


what a great post!!!! Yes, we get busy in our daily lives and take our freedom for granted. We do owe ALL Veterans a great amout.
Thanks to one and all!!!!

Those of you in the RRT who ARE Veterans, should again stand up and tell us who you are!!!!   :wink:  :wink:


is a list of RRTer who have served to protect our way of life. any of the newer members vets? speak up so we can get frank to update the list.


later jim
Most people have a higher than average number of legs.


If you don't ind put me on the list,

US Air Force   68-72
The only dumb question is the one you don\'t ask

Jimmy Jay

You can add me to the USAF list... 1967-1971.

Jimmy Jay AKA Jay
Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional.  :wink: