Hey, Fat Cat - Rude Words

Started by choco, February 17, 2004, 08:38:47 PM

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I'll add two cents...

Just because they hear things all the time at school, does not mean my kids need to hear them at home or anywhere else for that matter.

I appreciate commend the effort to keep the language here reasonably civil.  

It bothers me that some 'car' oriented sites and magazines have so much 'scene' (language and/or skin that have little to do with cars), that I have to be conscious of what might offend my wife or daughter, and what I might be inadvertantly be teaching my son.

www.OldSub.com . www.MaxwellGarage.com . www.OldGasTowRigs.com


I agree with Bob, and I see Choco's point about adult kidding.
The fact is, none of us know just who might lurking here and be influenced by what we write.

It is usually not necessary to resort to profanity to get a point across.
and we are not normally asked or need a direct quote including profanity to exercise our point.

As a matter of fact, I thought Richard Pryor a funny comedian.
However, I refrained from watching him due to his gross usage of profanity.

One of my favorite movies was ET, but there was a scene where a juvenile used a profane comment. I am sure an adult wrote the script.
I failed to see where the absence of that remark would have detracted from the overal quality of the movie.

Just because society uses profanity is no reason for us to use it on this board. Or matter of fact, anywhere.

And I am not a prude, either. I am sorry to sayI have used profanity, but, usually a Ford has driven me to it.

Life in the fast lane aint so great. Just ask the opossum


[/quote]No offence taken, Bob.
One of the things I like about this board is that there's a level of politeness maintained. I'm refering to the members ability to disagree, but still keep things civil, not flying off the handle into name calling and swearing at each other. Makes for a more pleasant Internet experience. Maybe its just my bland, polite Canadian upbringing, here in my igloo, drinking beer and eating beaver. (No,No,No ya pervert. It's our National Official Rodent! Doesn't your country have a National Official Rodent?) Please excuse the Australians among us for their occasional profanity. It's part of their upbringing, due to, as NZSimon put it, Australia being populated at the request of good British judges, or something like that. At least that's what my Dad, a proud New Zealander, always told me. :D
Manitoba Street Rod Association

Fat Cat

Quote from: "Ralph"One of the things I like about this board is that there's a level of politeness maintained.


You mean kind of like how this one has went.

Choco for what its worth I knew you were joking. That was why I answered the way I did.

Bob I also know that you did not mean to offend either. Both comments were made to state a point of view. I never saw and finger pointing.

I know that at time none of us agree on anything. But I think that when it comes to decency we agree on alot. Now ALL we need to agree on is that we can learn to see a joke for a joke and we will all have a blast here. I don't feel that we need to be a bunch of stuffed shirts when someone tries to make a joke. Heck just look what Enjenjo and Rayvn have been doing on the Hot Rod.au board and you can see that having a good time means you can say things that noone takes offense at.


QuoteMy brother also spoiled and protected his kids sooooo much that his 19 yr old son in his own apt called his dad to buy a TV and stereo when the items were stolen from the kids apt. No...... my brother did not replace the items, probably because my brother has no money to buy them.

Yeah  f*****g kids... :x

On a serious note....I raised my two sons not to repeat what they hear  if I'm with a group of men and someone lets fly. I don't use profanity in the house and especially in front of woman, even if they let loose. I have been known to let fly in the garage, but not at full vocal, just enough for me to hear. This all worked fine until the boys went to school and mixed with others.  Then when they left school and started work,  they were subjected to more of it. ...So, if you want to protect your kids from this then keep them out of school and the work force....lock them in their rooms and don't let them communicate with anyone. I don't know of any occupation that is immune from it. The best thing is to show by example. My boys know that I do swear but it's never used in mixed company and not in the house...the garage is another matter :wink: ...one of the best things I've read was how the use of a certain expletive has such a universal application....It is the most expressive word there is its hard to substitute without a long winded verse...Even then the impact is not there.
To each his own, that's what makes characters such as Choco the way he is...if he tells me to get ******, I know what he means...I guess we could start to use some Aussie words that the "rude checker" wouldn't pick up...
I just wonder if it will pick up wanker... :wink:
See Ya


Quote from: "choco"
Quote from: "Fat Cat"Um I looked at the word that you typed into that message. And to be totally honest I don't want my 10 year old daughter reading those word so I think it will stay on.

Ar, c'mon, I didn't know she was there! OK, I promise I'll stop swearing. Trust me.

You stop swearing? From what I hear, you're a Professor Emeritus at it... :D  And I have proof that you started at a young age, too... 8)  8)
***SFC-Team Smart***

What can a bird do that a man can\'t?

Whistle through his pecker...

Fat Cat

Quote from: "Pep"I guess we could start to use some Aussie words that the "rude checker" wouldn't pick up...
I just wonder if it will pick up #####... :wink:

You would be suprised what is on the list. There are a bunch of word I have never heard of. So I would bet that many Aussie slang words are alreay listed. Because the group that is creating this software ir international I am sure that some of the word on the list are slang in langauges that neither of us speak.


Quote from: "Crosley"I often use foul words.  I guess I am in the section of people with a limited vocabulary.

I do to, although the amount and degree of cussing I do depends on who I happen to be around. And since I aced English, Vocabulary, and Writing all the way through my School years, I would say that it has little to do with my intelligence level.

Personally, I think region and age group has more to do with it than anything. In my area, words that my Grandma considers "Filthy" are a common part of the language for anyone under 55, including many Females. I do not cuss around strangers, or elderly folks, but any other time it is just a natural part of the local language.

If I spoke to one of you guys at a Car show, I would watch what I said as long as I was speaking to you, but if you walked past me as I was speaking to one of my local friends, its hard telling what you would overhear.

I have noticed that people from Northern and Eastern States not only have a different accent, they also have a much more "Civilized" vocabulary. And since people from all over the world read the RRT, I agree that Certain words have no place on this forum.


Well gimme a tug and call me sailor!

Whoda thunk that sweet old Choco would be the first to be smacked for using rude words?   :lol:

FWIW, despite my incredibly vast vocabulary, my daughter is yet to hear me say anything worse than "Oh bugger!"

However, her rude word list was pretty much full by the time she finished junior school.  In fact she taught me a few I didn't know one day as I drove her to kindergarten, a job usually done by her mother.  So there she is safely strapped into her safety seat in the middle of the back seat as I'm  forced to take evasive action to avoid a wayward (not paying attention0 driver.  I didn't say a word, didn't even lean on the horn before the voice from the back of the car yealls out "Where'd you learn to drive ya stipid fornicationg bovine?" or words to that effect.

The best one I ever hear tho was my friend Bill's three year old sn who wandered into the house to be greeted by his mother and both grandmothers.  His mum asked a simple question, "where's your daddy?"  He replied "In the garage under the F*#*in' C*#@ of a car!"  I think that was about the point where his mum opened the oven door and stuck her head inside.

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift.


Well, you can all go and get....

a Hemi!

Do Chev TPI MAT sensors have a BSP thread or a metric thread? I want to use a common, garden GM MAT sensor, but the one I've got is from a Camira. The tunnel ram has a couple of BSP threads already tapped for things like brake booster, etc, and I don't want to re-tap the hole if I can get a BSP threaded MAT sensor to fit.

Say, this is the RODDER'S Round Table, isn't it?
Frank Choco Munday, Technical Author
Hot Rod Handbooks


Quote from: "Carps"

However, her rude word list was pretty much full by the time she finished junior school.  In fact she taught me a few I didn't know one day as I drove her to kindergarten, a job usually done by her mother.  So there she is safely strapped into her safety seat in the middle of the back seat as I'm  forced to take evasive action to avoid a wayward (not paying attention0 driver.  I didn't say a word, didn't even lean on the horn before the voice from the back of the car yealls out "Where'd you learn to drive ya stipid fornicationg bovine?" or words to that effect.

The best one I ever hear tho was my friend Bill's three year old sn who wandered into the house to be greeted by his mother and both grandmothers.  His mum asked a simple question, "where's your daddy?"  He replied "In the garage under the F*#*in' C*#@ of a car!"  I think that was about the point where his mum opened the oven door and stuck her head inside.

ROTFLMAO !! :lol:  :lol:  I can just see that happenning in OUR house when I was a pup !!  I can still remember(46 years ago),the very FIRST time I ever let rip with the four letter "f" word....... It happened in our neighbor's garage,while we were BS'ing about his car!  I believe my father was laughing about that moment till the day he died,and my mom STILL just shakes her head, rolls her eyes! :lol:
If we are what we eat.........
Then I am fast,cheap and easy.


Quote from: "SKR8PN"...and my mom STILL just shakes her head, rolls her eyes! :lol:

Mum or Mom, we learn to do that as part of the growing up process, it becomes an automatic function when we are around the male of the species.   :lol:

It could be that the purpose of your life is only to serve as a warning to others.


Quoteand my mom STILL just shakes her head

how old is your mum!!??

i'm looking at that, and your age in the bar on the left and thinking she must be ancient!

when i'm 71, my mum will be 108 (if she makes it!)...


Quote from: "Dolly"Mum or Mom, we learn to do that as part of the growing up process, it becomes an automatic function when we are around the male of the species.   :lol:

"Mum or Mom,WE"???...is there a little something you and Carps haven't told us yet??? :shock:   I always thought of you as a virgin :(

Bruce Dorsi

Quote from: "purplepickup"
 I always thought of you as a virgin :(

Are you forgetting that Dolly was with Bryan for awhile?
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If being smart means knowing what I am dumb at,  I must be a genius!