Hey, Fat Cat - Rude Words

Started by choco, February 17, 2004, 08:38:47 PM

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Dear Mr. Cat and Enjenjo,
Could you please remove the rude words filter from the forum. If I type * or *, it gets bleeped out.

Frank Choco Munday, Technical Author
Hot Rod Handbooks


Quote from: "choco"Dear Mr. Cat and Enjenjo,
Could you please remove the rude words filter from the forum. If I type ##### or ####, it gets bleeped out.

So what the * are you *.ing saying to be *.ing bleeped?  * man, clean it the * up, *!!

....just * messin with ya :lol:


Quote from: "purplepickup"
Quote from: "choco"Dear Mr. Cat and Enjenjo,
Could you please remove the rude words filter from the forum. If I type ##### or ####, it gets bleeped out.

So what the ##### are you #####.ing saying to be #####.ing bleeped?  ##### man, clean it the ##### up, #####!!

....just ##### messin with ya :lol:

May seem strange but I understand every word you typed


It's fargin' war! Those gard-dam ice-holes give me the shats!
Frank Choco Munday, Technical Author
Hot Rod Handbooks

Fat Cat

Um I looked at the word that you typed into that message. And to be totally honest I don't want my 10 year old daughter reading those word so I think it will stay on.


Quote from: "Fat Cat"Um I looked at the word that you typed into that message. And to be totally honest I don't want my 10 year old daughter reading those word so I think it will stay on.

Ar, c'mon, I didn't know she was there! OK, I promise I'll stop swearing. Trust me.
Frank Choco Munday, Technical Author
Hot Rod Handbooks


Quote from: "Fat Cat"Um I looked at the word that you typed into that message. And to be totally honest I don't want my 10 year old daughter reading those word so I think it will stay on.

Can you really DO that?? See what word he typed?  I got the bleep the other day for the word "screwed" as in "I screwed that panel onto the body."  Thought it was kinda odd.............
If we are what we eat.........
Then I am fast,cheap and easy.

Fat Cat

Quote from: "SKR8PN"Can you really DO that?? See what word he typed?  I got the bleep the other day for the word "screwed" as in "I screwed that panel onto the body."  Thought it was kinda odd.............

Yes I can. I can look at the contents of the message posted by hitting the edit button, or looking in the database. The bad word filter replaces on the fly. I have noticed a few other words that were getting replaced for no reason in my mind. One of them being the word "replaced". I have been editing out the common words that were placed in there by default.

Bob Paulin


I want you to know that I, for one, fully back your attempts to maintain a certain standard of civility on this board.

It is one of the major reasons why I choose to participate here, over and above certain other boards.

It has been shown that a person often uses profanity when he/she is unable to come up with another, more civilized word to express their feelings.

IOW - The use of profanity is usually a sign of one's inability to effectively communicate.

The sign I used to have hanging in my classroom stated, "Profanity is audible ignorance."

In my opinion, a person who feels that they must use the "F" word in regular conversation and communication is really no better than a person who feels that they must use the "N" word to describe a person's ethnic background. They are both offensive to many people, yet only one is universally considered to be politically incorrect.  Go figure.....

In polite society, we should be protecting the children, and I don't believe ten-year-olds, either male or female, should be having their innocence challenged and/or compromised with profanity and sexual innuendo.

Why can't we allow them to remain innocent children and experience the sheer joy of childhood for as long as possible? I mean, here I am at 57, STILL trying to figure out what I'm going to do whenever I grow up!!   LOL!!

The argument, "They hear that and worse every day." is nothing but a copout on an adult's responsibility or resolve to set a good example for the younger generations.

Some might point out that this is an adult-oriented board, focused on an adult-oriented hobby. I have no argument with that, but real adults do not need profanity to punctuate their comments.

Many of these same people lament the fact that it is becoming more and more difficult to interest the younger generations in our hobby.

I, for one, believe that the RRT can and should serve as an example of how we can discuss a great hobby while keeping a "G" rating in hopes of attracting those young folks who have a budding interest in things mechanical. I picked up my first Rod & Custom at the local library when I was ten-years-old, and I have never looked back.

I would hope that Frank and any other parent would have no trouble allowing their kids to read my posts. Maybe something I write will spark another kid's interest.

Most of us have come a l-o-n-g way from the greasy T-shirts with the pack of cigarettes rolled up in the sleeve, and I hope we continue to evolve into good examples of people who enjoy the physical and mental challenges, and the tangible and intangible rewards that come from successfully building complex machines.

Kids have to be shown that there is more to life than sitting in front of a video screen.

While I agree that it IS a bit of a challenge when the software blanks out words such as a-s-s-u-m-e due to its prefix, it is a small price to pay for knowing that some kid might be reading my post and, potentially developing into a top-notch rod builder of race car mechanic.

Running an adult-oriented board requires one to act as an adult. That includes taking on certain responsibilities relating to character and integrity. Some people choose to not accept these responsibilities. They are adults in the physical sense, but not emotionally.

Frank, III and Frank, Jr. are good examples of people who choose to act as adults and accept the responsibilities of maintaining a board that is informative, and can be accessed by virtually anybody without fear of being offended.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!

I hope this message helps you to understand that your efforts are appreciated much more than you will ever know.

Bob Paulin

P.S.  I started and re-started this post so often, I wore out the Rambler ignition key, so I had a new one cut with the RRT logo. It is under the floor mat.
"Cheating only means you really care about winning" - Red Green


QuoteIt is under the floor mat.

oh, that's where you put it...

i was looking on top of the back tyre...


Couldn't agree more.

Eloquently put.



Well, excuuuuuuuse me!
If you think that my original post was anything other than a bit of funnin', you guys need to lighten up! Actually, Bob, I agree 99% with what you are saying, but I sort of resent the fact that you have no problem slotting me into your "The use of profanity is usually a sign of one's inability to effectively communicate " group. If you didn't already know, I'm a writer, by profession and by hobby. I never swear in front of Ladies and children, both my grown up kids NEVER heard me swear until they were 21 or so (even though I did 20 years in the Navy), and I come to the RRT because it is made up of many like minded people. I also maintain a couple of PHPBBS2 boards, the same software as this one, and I am familiar with the administration of the "rude words" list, so I knew exactly what FatCat was up to. This board comes with a set of words by default, and can be quite amusing at times.
So, forgive me if I came across other than tongue-in-cheek, and continue enjoying this great community. But bear in mind that the subtle use of profanity does not mean that the perp is incapable of communicating effectively. It can be a powerful form of expression when used cleverly!
Frank Choco Munday, Technical Author
Hot Rod Handbooks

Bob Paulin

Quote from: "choco"Well, excuuuuuuuse me!
If you think that my original post was anything other than a bit of funnin', you guys need to lighten up! Actually, Bob, I agree 99% with what you are saying, but I sort of resent the fact that you have no problem slotting me into your "The use of profanity is usually a sign of one's inability to effectively communicate " group. If you didn't already know, I'm a writer, by profession and by hobby. I never swear in front of Ladies and children, both my grown up kids NEVER heard me swear until they were 21 or so (even though I did 20 years in the Navy), and I come to the RRT because it is made up of many like minded people. I also maintain a couple of PHPBBS2 boards, the same software as this one, and I am familiar with the administration of the "rude words" list, so I knew exactly what FatCat was up to. This board comes with a set of words by default, and can be quite amusing at times.
So, forgive me if I came across other than tongue-in-cheek, and continue enjoying this great community. But bear in mind that the subtle use of profanity does not mean that the perp is incapable of communicating effectively. It can be a powerful form of expression when used cleverly!


It was not my intention to slot you into any sort of "group". I meant my comments to be of a general nature. I'm sorry for any offense you may have taken. It was not directed at you.

As far as using profanity as a powerful form of expression, I earned all or part of my living as a fourth-estater for more than 25 years - much of it in mainstream publications such as daily newspapers and motorsports trade publications.

In that time, I was fortunate enough to be recognized twice in national writing competitions by the American Auto Racing Writers & Broadcasters Association.

I can assure you that I would not have won any award, and would probably be looking for a new job had I had somehow managed to slip some profanity - even direct quotes - past my editors in any of my work.

I'm not a prude...that was simply a fact of life in the audience for which I wrote, and the standards to which I was expected to adhere.

In an adult-oriented novel it is acceptable, but I believe most publicly accessible forums to be like the daily newspapers - albeit with an even higher level of public access than most daily newspapers.

In my opinion, however, the content of too many websites seems to be written or regulated by people who have failed to live up to the high ethical standards and upstanding integrity of Larry Flynt.

I believe you agree that the two Franks should be commended for what they have done and continue to do with this board, and that is what is most important here.

I apologize for not spotting that tongue placed firmly in your cheek.

I appreciate your 99% agreement. Many life-long friends disagree on a much higher level, but can remain true friends.

Bob Paulin
"Cheating only means you really care about winning" - Red Green


Quote from: "Bob Paulin"
It was not my intention to slot you into any sort of "group". I meant my comments to be of a general nature. I'm sorry for any offense you may have taken. It was not directed at you.

No offence taken, Bob. It's just that it was me that started this thread, and, well, you know..... just as a joke.

Quote from: "Bob Paulin"As far as using profanity as a powerful form of expression, I earned all or part of my living as a fourth-estater for more than 25 years - much of it in mainstream publications such as daily newspapers and motorsports trade publications.

In that time, I was fortunate enough to be recognized twice in national writing competitions by the American Auto Racing Writers & Broadcasters Association.

I can assure you that I would not have won any award, and would probably be looking for a new job had I had somehow managed to slip some profanity - even direct quotes - past my editors in any of my work.

Wow, a BIG BROTHER! Of course, there's a line that you must draw based upon your audience and their expectations. Sorta like farting during your job interview. Can I say farting?

Quote from: "Bob Paulin"In my opinion, however, the content of too many websites seems to be written or regulated by people who have failed to live up to the high ethical standards and upstanding integrity of Larry Flynt.

Well, yeah, but if you like that kind of thing....

Quote from: "Bob Paulin"I believe you agree that the two Franks should be commended for what they have done and continue to do with this board, and that is what is most important here.

Yep. That's why I'm on the list of contributors. And why I'm looking forward to meeting up with these guys at Loiusville, after many years of just yacking over the internet.

Quote from: "Bob Paulin"I apologize for not spotting that tongue placed firmly in your cheek.

I appreciate your 99% agreement. Many life-long friends disagree on a much higher level, but can remain true friends.

Good on ya, mate!
Frank Choco Munday, Technical Author
Hot Rod Handbooks


The last thing I want to do is hurt you. But it\'s still on my list