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Started by Fat Cat, October 21, 2004, 10:13:01 PM

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Congrats Frank, she has , um , met your Dad, right?   :lol:

Fat Cat

Quote from: "phat46"Congrats Frank, she has , um , met your Dad, right?   :lol:

Oddly enough, yes she has. And still she seems to think she would like to marry me in spite of that fact.


Quote from: "Fat Cat"
Quote from: "phat46"Congrats Frank, she has , um , met your Dad, right?   :lol:

Oddly enough, yes she has. And still she seems to think she would like to marry me in spite of that fact.
Following (not too closely) your "fluffy" backround , will your father be giving you away at the wedding? GPster

Fat Cat

Quote from: "GPster"
Quote from: "Fat Cat"
Quote from: "phat46"Congrats Frank, she has , um , met your Dad, right?   :lol:

Oddly enough, yes she has. And still she seems to think she would like to marry me in spite of that fact.
Following (not too closely) your "fluffy" backround , will your father be giving you away at the wedding? GPster

He gave me away years ago. Now he is just into the denying I exist phase.


Thank god... you're finally out of the dating scene now maybe the rest of us old bachelors will have a chance.
      Congratulations Frank & Trina
 (pssst, Trina, you could have done better, don't tell Fatcat I said that)
A biblical plague would come in real handy just about now
Badges? Badges? We don\'t need no stinking Badges!!
Team Smarts official dumbfounder
The first liar ain\'t got a chance

Miss Kitty

Hi Everyone,

Thank you for the congratulations and the kind words.



Hello! Glad you decided to join us! You've got your hands full with the "El Largo Felino" and your "father-in-law to be" is a bit already knew that! Good luck to you both!
"The one who dies with the most friends wins"


Quote from: "Miss Kitty"Hi Everyone,

Thank you for the congratulations and the kind words.


Whoa!!!!!! Cute Trinka!!!!  Welcome, glad to see you came out finally  :wink:   :wink:    Hope to see a lot more of you around here!

Oh by the way your going to have to change that name to "MRS" Kitty  :lol:

Bob K

Congrat's Frank, great to see a smile on that ugly face.

B :b-d: B
Have you ever wondered how your mother knew enough about people like me to warn you about us?

Fat Cat

Quote from: "Faat Rod"Congrat's Frank, great to see a smile on that ugly face.

B :b-d: B

Thanks but what are we going to have to do to get rid of some of your ugly?

Bob K

How about if I go on a diet ??????
Have you ever wondered how your mother knew enough about people like me to warn you about us?


Quote from: "Faat Rod"How about if I go on a diet ??????

There will be less ugly, but you won't be less ugly :lol:
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


I'm late coming in as I've been online very little this last week, but congratulations!!!!!!
Rudeness is the weak man's imitation of strength. Eric Hoffer  (1902 - 1983)


Quote from: "Miss Kitty"Hi Everyone,

Thank you for the congratulations and the kind words.

That won't last long, in a month you'll be Mrs. Kitty. Glad you've joined the group,now what kind of car are you building? GPster


Quote from: "enjenjo"
There will be less ugly, but you won't be less ugly :lol:

........ you lost 23 pounds , right?


 Plutophobia (Fear of money)