The end

Started by enjenjo, July 10, 2010, 12:18:36 PM

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Frank, there is a guy from ozrodders trying to register, his user name is Truck, I'll vouch for him, OK :wink:
If you can\'t fix it with a hammer, you\'ve got an electrical problem


Quote from: "32coupe"Frank, there is a guy from ozrodders trying to register, his user name is Truck, I'll vouch for him, OK :wink:

ok. handled.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


Crikey ! I visit a fair bit but don't say much. I will from now on. This site was our saviour in the bad old days and I am very thankful. Dave
When I was young I went hard and fast.Now I\'m old I still go hard, only slower


Is it possible to require posts and PMs by newbies
to be approved before they appear anywhere?

That is how we have it on our Yahoo boards.
Anyone can join, but their posts require approval,
until we figure they are legit or not.

If they want to lurk, no problem.
99.9% of the time, you know after their first post,
if they are a Spam Artist or a decent person.

After their first post, they either get booted,
or switched to un-moderated status and can post at will.

Might not be possible with the software, but worth considering.

I will ask another board owner for suggestions.


Wow--all I can say.  Being somewhat of a lurker here and other places, I am glad to see it is still going to be around.  I have found that answers to posts here are answered a lot quicker here than other sites.  Usually by the time I log in, most of the posts have been answered so I just usually read the answers and move on.  Maybe I will post some of the other problems I have here and hope for some answers that I don't get at other sites.  I really have appreciated all the help gotten here and enjoyed meeting some of the members and hope it continues to live on.  Thanks all--anything I cna do to help--just say so.


Whew! now I don't have to break out a new forum to setup.

I can go back to lurking a bit.


Does the current software have provisions for a capcha  or have the spam bot scripts got that figured out too?

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)

phat rat

Thank you Franks for keeping going a while longer at least! I'm also guilty of not posting a lot, but like someone else said it's at the top of my daily list.
Some days it\'s not worth chewing through the restraints.


Quote from: "Crosley"Does the current software have provisions for a capcha  or have the spam bot scripts got that figured out too?

a few places i post makes you answer a simple question for the post to show. simple as in 3+1= or who was the first us president

later jim
Most people have a higher than average number of legs.

Mr Cool

Should I just say Hi whenever I visit?
Im nobody, right?
And dont forget, nobody\'s perfect.


Thanks for the "vouch" 32, i never knew this place existed so now will have a lot of catch up reading to do.  :D  Just for th einfo of those thast may be interested im in Brisbane Aust and am building my first rod, a '28 A model roadster.

Bruce Dorsi

It is hard to express myself without a bunch of random thoughts.  Please indulge me.

First of all: Many thanks to both Franks for all they have done in keeping this site alive for as long as they have.  ....Enjenjo, thank you for the knowledge you have shared over the years, and Fat Cat, thank you for your dedication in keeping the RRT working smoothly.  ....I'm sure you've had a lot of frustration over the years because of this site.

Some of us have been around since the days of the CyberCruzin RRT and know that this version of the RRT has never had the same "energy" as the original.  ....Most likely we've all been on good behavior to avoid a "meltdown" here. ....Nevertheless, this is HOME to many of us, and we feel that eviction is looming!

Back then, there were a lot of posts of a personal nature, and we learned of the highs & lows in other RRTers' lives.  ....Many friendships were formed in those early years that still exisit today.  ....Yes, there were a lot of technical questions asked & answered, but we learned a lot from discussions about other topics, as well.  ....That, especially, seems to be what is, and has been, missing here.

I learn from hearing other people's views, whether I agree with them or not.  ....I find it quite ironic hearing that there is not enough participation, yet one of the most active (53 responses) threads in recent months was shutdown without having run its course.  ....The topic was discussed civilly from several viewpoints without personal insults, confrontations, or foul language, and it took place in the Throne Room, where non-auto-related topics could appear.  ....The topic was about Arizona's contoversial law.  

I, for one, always enjoyed Carps' input from an auto manufacturer's viewpoint.  ....Yet, others were offended because the topic was about "foreign" late-model cars, and complained that it was not rod related.  ....There were many disparaging remarks made about today's "ricers," yet many of them can out-perform our old technology.  ....You're never going to please everyone, but it is the reader's choice to skip that which he does not want to read.  

I was once told, "You're not learning anything while you're talking!"  ....I read what others post, but I seldom respond unless it will be beneficial to my learning or to theirs.  ....I won't respond to a question unless I'm sure my info is accurate.  ....I come here first whenever I turn my computer on.  ....I know I won't have to wade through 3 pages of "me,too!" posts to learn what there is to learn from one thread.

For technical info, age is not a criteria, but I believe age does factor into membership/participation.  ....There is a certain comfort to be had "hanging out" with similarly-aged people.  ....While few of us would shun a young person, would they really want to hang out here?  ....There is so much knowledge to be gained from participating here, but how can we encourage it?  ....One can only offer help/advice based on experience or knowledge - unsolicited help can not be forced on anyone.

We have lost several RRT'ers to death.  ....Others who are M.I.A. have different reasons.  ....As projects get completed, there are less questions to be asked.  ....Other forums have taken some RRT'ers because of geography, specialized interests, or peer acceptance.

I did not get involved with the RRT racer because I could never understand the concept of how the construction and use of the car was going to be spread around the country, operated by different people, with different powertrains, at different venues, for different forms of racing at different times.  ....Not wanting to pizz on anyone's cornflakes, I kept my mouth and my wallet shut.

I have noticed that there have not been any fund drives in the past few years.  ....I would contribute regularly, but it seemed that after I made a contribution, someone would put a desirable item up as a fund-raising auction.  ....Consequently, I stopped making donations in anticipation of an upcoming auction.  ....If money is an issue, please let us know.

I would like to thank everyone who has shared their knowledge and experience here.  ....Many posters have proven their credibility over the years, and their info is to be trusted 100%.  ....I have learned so much here!

When my Dad died five years ago, an RRTer heard about it indirectly, and surprised me by showing up at the viewing to offer his condolences.  (That really touched me, Ed!)  

I cried like a baby for 3 days when Casa-J died a few years back.  ....I met him through the RRT, and he really touched my heart.  

Some of you guys are more like family than friends, even though we may have never met face-to-face!   ....Some of my relatives are a PITA to me, but I'm sure I am the same to some of them.  ....We may disagree, but there's never a grudge or ill feelings toward them.  ....I feel the same way here!

I guess it really doesn't matter if a shutdown happens at the end of July or at the end of the year.  ....Either way, it will be a sad day in my life!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

If being smart means knowing what I am dumb at,  I must be a genius!


I still drop in and check to see whats going on, and somenights spend hours just reading old threds, I have found a few older threds that i would of loved to reply to. but wasn't sure how it would go down if i bumpt an old thred from say two years ago back to the top, there are lots of great people on this site, and i enjoy reading 99.9% of the threds that are on here.
Glad to here the site will be here for a bit longer, I will try to visit and post on the site a bit more regular than i have in the past.
this site has a wealth of knowledge for me, hope it sticks around for a long while yet.
cheers barnsey


Gee, Bruce mentioned this thread being in The Throne Room. I was thinking if this thread had been solely in the The Throne Room I would never have seen it. I don't do anything here except the open forum. It's just my choice and preference.

I just see my consternation if this place had shutdown I would have never known what happened or been prepared for it.

Also I noticed KB426 mention the thread killer phenomenon.

I was thinking I experience the dead on arrival threads when I start a thread here. Frequently my threads go with few views and no comments.
I generally take from that there is little interest in what I post. It's kinda part of the socialization of the group, take the hint there is no interest and don't post anymore items few folks are interested in.

I know was actually late joining this forum after Cybercrusin shutdown because I felt I was considered a competitor and wouldn't be welcome to be posting offsite links.

I joined up finally because I just couldn't bear being away from the group.

Figured I would get told if I was overstepping my bounds here.

Anyhow, even if I don't have much to contribute that is appreciated I still get a lot from reading here, kinda why I generally don't login but just read the forum as a guest.

I suspicion there are a lot more folks who like to read and digest whatever is posted without logging in and posting.

My only gripe is if I don't log in I have to endure the atrocious background color here.


Quote from: "river1"
Quote from: "Crosley"Does the current software have provisions for a capcha  or have the spam bot scripts got that figured out too?

a few places i post makes you answer a simple question for the post to show. simple as in 3+1= or who was the first us president

later jim

So... with questions like that  you do not post often at those web forums, although i guess you find the answers on the net.   :lol:

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)