The end

Started by enjenjo, July 10, 2010, 12:18:36 PM

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Was just alerted to this thread by a good friend and had to jump in and offer some support.  This is one of the few sites that a question is answered by a semi-lucid response instead of a bunch of nonsense about bias-ply tires and bomber seats.  Now I do think that bomber seats have a place (B-17s etc.) but I want more under my bum on a long drive than a sheet of aluminum and a float cushion off a boat.
One thing I have noticed is that if a person has two or more computers and logs in on one the other isn't logged in unless you do so intentionally so you're getting visits from me at least that aren't showing up in your stats.
At any rate, I'll start logging in on both computers and do my part with the numbers.  Your effort is appreciated and would really me missed by a bunch of folks. Thanks - MH


Wow, I don't know what to say.  I haven't been online since my eye surgery so this is a real shocker.  I can't see well enough to read all the posts without zooming in a lot.  I'm still reading them but I did read Frank's original post and a few others on the first page.  

I hope something can be worked out that let's us all to continue on.  I'm a bit of a loner and without you guys life will be different.  I've got a lot of good friendships from this group....friends I've met and some I haven't met yet.

Missing you guys is one of the worst things I've had to deal with after my surgery.  I was excited to try to check in and then I ran across this thread.  Bummer.  

I want to try to read more of the posts in this thread and let it soak in a bit before I say much more.

P.S.  I drafted this post up in Word and as I was posting it I noticed some posts on the last page that said the board might be staying around.  Like I said, I've got to read more...


I've been out of commission the last few days(how the heck does a 63 yr old guy get strep in the middle of July) & was shocked to log on today & see this topic. In the few years I've been on here I've learned a lot & got some very good advice.I also view a few other boards & this is the most civil place to ask any auto related question. If I have something constructive to add to a topic I'll chime in,if not I conceal my ignorance w/silence. As for the race car, I belong to the "been there/done that group" ,got that out of my system in the 70's. I certainly hope a way can be found to keep this board alive past the end of 2010. David Midgett
grandchildren are your reward for not killing your teenagers!


the excitement is all up now and folks are posting. i suspect it will taper off to nothing in 90 - 120 days.

the ebb and flow of the site has dropped low here, not sure the problem as fatcat -  enjenjo  have said.

there are members of this forum that are prolific posters on different forums, but nothing here.  Seems odd.  I am not pointing fingers, simple thinking out loud.

Many folks read the forum , yet post nothing, do not log in, do not read the off-topic forum (throne room)

Would different names of the forum sections help change the perspective?

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)

Fat Cat

Here is is in raw numbers for the last 2 years.


those stats follow the same trend almost exactly as the hits and google clicks on my website.

I'm pretty darn sure it's more a reflection of the economy and who can and does surf the net for personal interest stuff.

Pretty sure 2yrs ago most folks were surfing at work, but with the downturn it's kind of shut off that group completely.

On the possiblity of changing things, anything outside of the open forum, I have no interest in. I don't do the Throne room because it's not open.

Also noticed that a lot of folks seemed to get to the point of just posting tech questions and there were no 'off topic' posts. Just think the idea of no 'off topic' posts in the open forum just got socialized into being understood as a rule.


Quote from: "Crosley"
there are members of this forum that are prolific posters on different forums, but nothing here.  Seems odd.  I am not pointing fingers, simple thinking out loud.

Would different names of the forum sections help change the perspective?

Been a while since I posted here, and I kinda fit in the above niche, to which, as I've been 'refreshing myself' with the forum in the last week, as an observation, I was thinking similar, in that sometimes less is more, and do 'we' really need the number of areas that are currently maintained?

I appreciate that they all have their merits as such, however, since you have 'stats' as such that illustrate numbers/usage etc, how varied are their usage rates?

Obviously I'm not a 'local' as such, but just a 'fresh' observation that's all.


\"Dear God,
help me be the MAN that my dog thinks I am.......\"


I haven't been around the itch to finally buy a much needed hoist and didn't think twice about logging on and asking for some opinions.I don't spend a great deal of time on the internet......this is the only site I try to look at on a regular basis.....I certainly hope it will exist long into the future.
"The one who dies with the most friends wins"


the raw data obviously brings more questions to the table  as to who , what , why?

in the visits - hits  numbers , are the bots included in raw data?

as a chat item:

I have a twitter account.  One of the few(2) ways my son will communicate with me.  

I noticed something months ago about " key words" on twitter.  Many of these folks use software scripts that gather 'key words" and then follow that account on twitter automatically.

So sometimes for S&G's I will type in various words on twitter posts to see what it generates for new followers on my account.


 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


Not as much participation here as I used to have either I'm afraid.  Currently 55hrs/wk work, some work travel, and personal issues as well.  None of which means anything to the mission of this board, of course.  

Still, there are about 1,000 car related things I'd like to do when things settle down, and this is the first place that always comes to mind where they can be shared.  It's also the first place and usually the only place I go with automotive questions.

That doesn't mean I can promise daily participation at this point, but this is my automotive home on the internet and I'll sure be disappointed if it's gone when I come home.
Rudeness is the weak man's imitation of strength. Eric Hoffer  (1902 - 1983)


Frank, thanks for choosing to keep the doors open a little longer. Maybe we can ressurrect the site. I have been guilty of being more of a lurker than a particpant for sometime. I'm going to try to change that. I have met two of my best friends here, Granddadeo, and the late Casa J. When I checked in and saw your plans to pull the plug, it was like coming home to find your home burned to the ground.
Count me in when it comes to appreciating what you and Frank Jr. have done to keep this site going.
I have to confess, I too, rarely log in when I visit the site. Generally, I only log in when I've got something to say. You may not see me, but I am here quite often.


Quote from: "Crosley"there are members of this forum that are prolific posters on different forums, but nothing here.  Seems odd.  I am not pointing fingers, simple thinking out loud.
Guilty as charged your worship!

I am the most prolific poster on the Ozrodders site, I used to hold that title here, so I guess the question is why did it change?

Whilst I have made some great freinds here, I'm often unable to add my 2 cents because I don't know tha answer, to localised questions.

Of course I've never been backwards in sharing an opinion or answer if I did have one.

On the oz rdders site, I do have an opinion or comment that's valid for pretty much every post, because it's local to me.

Higher involvement in local discussion shouldn't preclude me from here, and I don't believe it ever has.  That's more down to having nothing relevant to say.

One reason I started the model car thread is because on that topic I can have something to say, regardless if it's here or Ozrodders.

If it'll help keep this place alive, then I'm happy to continue contributing to it.

Hell, I could even start another thread on pinstriping and another on old photos, although mst of my really old photoes are of Australia, my US pics start in the mid eighties.

So, once again I'm rambling, but I figure people come people go, here as they do everywhere.  

Quote from: "tony"Would different names of the forum sections help change the perspective?
Not sure, but I'm inclined to agree that maybe there's too many forums within the forum as I still haven't caught up on any threads outside the Roundtable list.

Strange thing is, on the only other site I visit, the HAMB, I don't read the main board just the model car builders forum and the Old Farts Forum, because most of my friends are there and it's a fun place to talk rodding.

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift.


I'll have to dig out some of my models and take a few pictures. I haven't built one lately, but I still buy kits.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


Frank & Frank,  I am so glad you will be around . Wzjunk [John] couldn't have written it better for me. I have met friends from around the world through this site.  We need you.
Well back to the garage to get 974 ready for Bonneville. 20 some days left.
If you are at Bonneville be sure and come by our pit . Be glad to have you.

a small fact my middle name is Frank also.

"Just Glade To Be Here"


Ditto on keeping RRT going by someone else if necessary.
We all appreciate all the work that goes into keeping this sight up and running. I couldn't do it.
I check in several times a week to read new posts and search for answers on problems I might have with my 40 project.
I was a member when I lost my wife a few years ago and this sight definitely helped me through the pain.
This is kind of like an old friend on life support and you know they will be gone soon and you won't be able to ask them any more questions.

Thanks RRT.
