What are you doing today?

Started by enjenjo, April 23, 2010, 04:57:12 PM

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22 below here in Dexter at 5:30 AM
Don Colliau


Quote from: "348tripower"22 below here in Dexter at 5:30 AM

My wife said her car showed -23 onher way to work, I'm sticking around here for a while, it's only -13 at home! 😄 I have to venture out to my brothers unheated pole barn soon so we can build a big face frame for a built in closet and sheling unit! 😬


45 above when I drove in this morning.  REALLY WEIRD winter this year!!
1965 Impala SS  502
1941 Olds

Watcher of #974 1953 Studebaker Bonneville pas record holder B/BGCC 249.945 MPH.  He sure is FAST



-24 in Ann Arbor -20 here just east of there... To * cold for Feb. Those are the actual temps Win Chill much below that.


This is the worst winter since we have lived here.  The old "natives" tell me the same thing.  4' to 5' of snow in 3 weeks. and frigid temps and howling winds.  I had a 9' drift in the back walkway.  Had to use my bucket loader.  3 degrees now.  Tom...


The "official" low this morning for our area, from the National Weather Center, was -29!!!  :shock: it was "hunting clothes cold", I put on some of my hunting gear to cope, wasn't too bad in my brothers pole barn with a torpedo heater running, probably got it up to zero. The cold is great incentive to work quickly!

58 Yeoman

We're up to about +27* here at 3pm.
I survived the Hyfrecator 2000.

"Life is what happens when you're making other plans."
1967 Corvair 500 2dr Hardtop
1967 Corvair 500 4dr Hardtop


30 odd here ( Celsius that is) sitting on couch dealing with my first ever bout of gout! Horrible thing, wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy! (Well, maybe not my second worst, lol)


With all the cold you guys are putting up with this should make you feel better it was a nice 30C that's 86F here.
I didn't know what car to take out the coupe all the bucket,decisions decisions decisions.
If you couldn't figure it out I took the bucket and went on a cruise with seventy odd cars today. Went on a drive up the coast to Two Rocks Tavern for lunch.
Pretty good day to be out driving an open car.

My brothers 35, 302 on gas (propane)

Phil Medlins roadster with V12 jag motor

Genes newly finished 30 coupe with W chev motor

Crappy looking 34 pick up with 392 hemi

And here's part of the view from the tavern balcony.

Just makes you want to get the snow plough out to clear the drive way and go cruising doesn't it :)
I maybe from down under but I know which way is up.
Oh hell there goes another head rush.




replacing gate latch section.  I built it 15 yrs ago.  Never really liked my design for the gate to latch when closed.  Just gettin round 2 it now.

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


I filed my tax returns and ran the snow blower. I know how to have a good time. :)


We have to go to SoCal today, and it snowed down to upper leevels of the valley in Las Vegas overnight; that means snow on the two passes we have to cross to get to Hesperia.  Wish us luck, drivers in this neck of the woods are nuts on a good day, but today, --------??????
Rrumbler - Older, grouchier, broken; but not completely dead, yet.


My weekend started out Thursday with a lovely dry and sunny day to drive the roadster down to the local World of Wheels.

Pictures Here

It snowed Saturday, but Sunday was warm and the roads were dry again for the drive home. Cruising weather in February is always a bonus around here.


mowed some of the front yard this afternoon.  Fun stuff.  

Finally coming out from under the sinus infection - head cold "stuff"  I have fought for 2+ weeks

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)