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Messages - Scooter33

Rodder's Roundtable / radiator fan switch
November 22, 2009, 04:02:16 AM
The reason you put a fan switch in the bottom of the radiator rather than in the block is the fan is only used to cool the radiator water not the water in the block

The thermostat is the item that controls block temperature.

when the switch is in the radiator, which is what the fan is cooling, and it gets to the desired temp the fan will switch off

When you install it in the block the thermostat and the fan switch will be fighting each other for control.

The radiator water gets colder than necessary then goes into the block when the thermostat opens and you get fluctuations in block temperature which may cause damage to the block

Up until recently you never heard about Rods getting stolen in Australia but lately they are being stolen here regularly

The cars taken are very distinctive and could not be passed off as some one elses in Australia

So I think that they are being taken over seas

I suspect it would be the same over there

Rodder's Roundtable / Coming to America
September 07, 2009, 04:53:17 AM
Quote from: "38HAULR"No fun getting lost in the backwoods of USA according to the video I saw."Wrong Turn"  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:    Frank.

That's why it would be good if some of our American friends who live near route 66 would give us a yell and hook up while we are there

Scooter33 :wink:
Rodder's Roundtable / Coming to America
September 03, 2009, 07:35:51 AM
Where is is the fun in that
Rodder's Roundtable / Coming to America
September 01, 2009, 06:54:16 AM
Andrew should be able to post a link to that trip

Rodder's Roundtable / Coming to America
September 01, 2009, 06:46:12 AM
Quote from: "38HAULR"Buy local GPS,s and compasses Scoots.     If you take your  Aussie versions with you ,they may not be calibrated to work accurately in the northern hemisphere.........Frank.

:lol: Last road trip we did the GPS got us lost here in Australia

We were in outback Queensland in the tudor Plymouth I bought from the states and picked up off the docks sight unseen to drive 1000 miles home (they said we were mad)

We missed one turn and the woman kept saying go straight ahead
(we now know thats what she says when it's confused )
About 60 miles later we decided the road was getting to narrow so turned around.
And thats when we ran out of fuel


It was sending us towards Western Australia
Out there it can be 100 miles between houses we were lucky and stopped near a station house that gave us some gas (your type not LPG)

We are coming prepared this time and have bought a map of route 66 so we can check it against the GPS

Rodder's Roundtable / Coming to America
August 31, 2009, 03:58:11 PM
Quote from: "GPster"
Quote from: "Scooter33"It will be good to catch up with fellow rodders even if you do live on the bottom side of the world :lol: All the maps are printed upside down Scooter33   :wink:
I was wondering (really) do you have compasses? Which way does the needle point? GPster

Down to the North :lol:  :lol:

Rodder's Roundtable / Coming to America
August 31, 2009, 07:16:03 AM
Hi all
this will be my first post here
In advance I would like to thank those who have given advice and help so far especially Frank and his brother for looking at the car

It will be our first time to the States so am looking forward to the trip

As for the time this one is just to get a feel for the place

we fully intend of making a habit of spending time over there

It will be good to catch up with fellow rodders even if you do live on the bottom side of the world :lol:

All the maps are printed upside down

Scooter33   :wink: