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Messages - oiler

Rodder's Roundtable / So im not happy lately..
September 18, 2007, 10:02:29 PM
Quote from: "kb426"Not to make lite of your plight but, those of you with really good memories might remember that I mentioned that I was racing against 2 clocks on my 32. One that is weather related and the other was a friend that is dying from cancer. A week ago on saturday he hobbled over here to see all the parts in person that I have been emailing him pics of since I started at the end of May. Yesterday he passed away. Friday I get the privilege of being a pallbearer. That is one of my least favorite things to do in this world but out of respect for him and his family, I'm honored at the request. I'm not asking for sympathy. He and I shared a common thought of how life is. He got to life 70 years which is far more than lots of people do. I'm just tired of losing friends. Dave, try to be calm. I'm sure you will get this resolved without having to lose your temper. When it's over, it's just one more test to see if we're tough enough to make it to the end and not be crazy.

I hear you
Last week we buried a friend of mine that was 66 and was diagnosed 14 months ago
Although he was 25 years older than me I still had a close connection with him
Every spring he'd come into the shop at work after returning from Arizona and say "Jezz Jeff I sat there all winter waiting for you to show up"
Dave, everytime the sedan * me off (which has been alot lately)
I sit back and think about all the people that won't ever get the chance to do what I'm taking for granted.
Doesn't seem so bad after that
Rodder's Roundtable / bonneville boyd
September 14, 2007, 12:22:54 AM
I'd have to say the stunned ho behind the wheel
Thanks Charlie
I thought I was getting too far left with mine but it looks like I'm in about the same spot as you
I will have to put a small notch in the upper x -frame tube though
I'm wondering if my pinched 32 frame is the reason it's tighter though
I'm crowding the clutch fork and I don't want to go rearward anymore or I'll lose more legroom so I may end up bending the brake pedal a bit
Thanks for the info.
Hey Charlie i was just wondering if you had gotten around to mounting your clutch and brake pedal yet?
I'm having a hell of a time getting clearance from the trans and from the frame x member.
Before I cut anything i was just curious as to what you are doing seeing that we've got alot of the same pieces
Rodder's Roundtable / Re: 1149 Speed Week Videos
August 30, 2007, 05:14:50 PM
Quote from: "Cword"I finally converted and uploaded our in car videos last night.

The most interesting is probably my spin from August 12

The rest show the progression as we improved the trucks handling
In the beginning it was too heavy and steered like an overloaded pickup, which it was. August 11

After my spin we found it still wanting to go left August 13

Then August 14 thing were looking good when dad made a nice straight and fast pass.

Ted backed that up with another straight run on the 15th

and then dad made our fastest run that afternoon.

Going through the videos also added more evidence to show how rushed the final run, when I blew it up, was. Sitting at the start my hand comes up and turns off the camera, I thought I was turning it on. No video.


Does pulling the chute in a spin help get you out of it?
Or is it a natural reaction to saying "oh shiiit"
Rodder's Roundtable / Re: WOW!!! It works!!
August 23, 2007, 11:12:34 AM
Quote from: "purplepickup"I haven't been able to get to the RRT from home for months ever since lightning took out my old computer and I inherited my brother's.  Can't post from work either but that's cuz of work policy.  

Anyway I finally found a worm or something called Zlob.DNSChanger on the machine and got rid of it.....I hope.  It kept me from accessing some websites and RRT was one of them.  Fat Cat tried to help but we couldn't figure it out.

Anyway it's gone and now I've got some catching up to do.  I see some new names....glad to meet you.  

Nice to see you your purpleness 8)
Rodder's Roundtable / Can you identify this?
August 23, 2007, 11:09:54 AM
You owe me a new keyboard :)
Rodder's Roundtable / Can you identify this?
August 22, 2007, 02:38:08 PM
02-04 Pontiac Grand Prix
There was a bulletin from GM that had you remove these tips and install chromes ones while the car was getting the pre delivery inspection.
Some sort of safety issue.
Theres a couple sets under my bench
Rodder's Roundtable / Ramjet 350 Install
August 20, 2007, 02:21:30 PM
Just wondering if anyone has installed one of these?
I've got a guy that wants me to put one in a 93 Truck for him
Pros Cons ?
Thanks all
Rodder's Roundtable / bonneville thread
August 15, 2007, 01:26:10 PM
Also curious about the North of 49 gang
Any info. would be appreciated
Rodder's Roundtable / 'nuther late model GM question.
August 05, 2007, 08:29:54 AM
yep 05 and up got deleted totally cost cutting strikes again
Probly the warranty costs on the Durmax :shock:
Rodder's Roundtable / 'nuther late model GM question.
August 04, 2007, 06:29:23 PM
Your truck doen't have the filters Don
The spot you circled is where it would normally be
For some reason some were deleted
Quote from: "DRD57"I got a new cabin air filter element for my wife's '04 Avalanche but I can't figure out where it goes.

She didn't like my idea of duct taping it to the half open driver's door window.

Anybody know where the dirty filter is hiding?

Pull the underdash panel off on the passenger side
There's a small door with one screw and a hinge on the opposite side
Thats your filter housing
Grinding on some body mounts for the Tudor today and I ignited a small pan of varsol that I had been using to clean some trans. parts.
The flame ignited a box of kim towels that hung above my bench and spread into the above shelfs with all kinds of burnable crap.
If I hadn't had a fully charged fire ext. hanging nearby the family and me would be sleeping in a hotel and we'd be sifting the ashes
be careful out there
I am not a biker but i can appreciate them and I find good and bad with both HDs and Goldwings
I'd have to question a airbag on a bike though
We all know that auto airbags are a "supplemental restraint"
As such that saves the automakers * when the soccer mom gets killed in a accident while wearing her seatbelt and the airbag deploys
They can claim in a court of law that the air bag is there to help the person not save their life.
reduce injury is the term I think they use.
On a bike though theres no way to keep the rider on it (seatbelt)
So when the rider gets thrown and killed and the airbag does nothing I wonder if the lawyers will have a legal case.
You know some guys family will say (well he knew it had a airbag so he should have been safe)
You'd think Honda would have done their homework on that though
Just food for thought