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Messages - Broman

Rodder's Roundtable / Anyone live close to me???
March 22, 2004, 01:08:55 AM

I usually make it to the GG show. I will have to check and see if I can make it this year too. Last year it fell on July 4th. That's bad for me. I am a sign builder and the 4th is a busy time for me. When I go to parades I get to sit there and say, I did that truck.....I did the banner on that float.....I did that car.....and that van.....ohh there's another one of mine.....and so on.

So basically I can't get away from here unless it falls after the 4th.

The last one I went to was two years ago (2002) when it was a really nice day (sunny/hot) then after about 4:00pm it all turned to * and it rained buckets. We sat in the Buick and watched the water level come dangerously close to letting itself into some really nice 32 Fords in the homebuilt section. EEEK  :shock:

I went to the GG's every year from 1999 - 2002, but that was the last time I have gone. In fact I bought my Buick there in 2001. Maybe this year I will go so I can meet you guys.

Well at least there are a couple of you guys out there. Maybe we'll run into each other sometime. Those * guys from Cali get to see each other every weekend - the bastards.
I have a similar problem with my Buick. Well I think so anyway. I think I have aready replaced everything but the waterpump and the radiator, and it looks like the waterpump is where the problem is. It doesn't act like a bad wp, but that's the most logical solution I could find.

Anyone have a good cheap place to get a waterpump for a '50 Buick I8? I bought one from my local parts store without even thinking about the two different engine sizes - only to find out that the one I got was the wrong one. Figures. Then I go back toget the right one and they only carry the one I ordered...mthrfckinsmbtchncoksukers...

The WRONG one was 90 bucks!!!

I hope the right one is cheaper...
Looks like a great weekend in the mid-west this weekend. There are Harleys cluttering up every bar lot around already. :D

Is it bad when a 60 degree day comes and that's GOOD?
Rodder's Roundtable / Anyone live close to me???
March 20, 2004, 12:53:26 AM
I am just wondering, I don't need anything. I just thought I'd ask if there was anyone from this board that I might possibly run into live and in person. I live in Muscatine, Iowa. It's about 20 min south of the Quad Cities. I usually make it to a handful of the shows/swaps in and around that area. I also get to the bigger swaps in Cedar Rapids and Iowa City as well.  

I have never met anyone on the HAMB that even lives close to me so I am not getting my hopes up. I have met a handful of folks from the HAMB at the Hunnert Car Pile-up but that's it. I never got to meet Denise, which is a shame. She is so helpful and fun-loving. I wish I'd stayed at the hotel with the rest of the gang. Maybe next time. That is if I can get this * over-heating beast to calm down * straight eights...).
Broman you don't have to be afraid to mention the name HAMB here. Many of us are members there as well as here. Myself and enjenjo included. Glen is also a member here as well.

I figured as much, just being safe.....
Hey I dunno if you know this guy from the "other" message board. But we have talked about useing the rear ends from these cars for our Buicks. He has done it and says it works out great. He cut out a notch for the arms and mounted them to the frame. Makes his rear end nice and low and I am sure it rides nicely. Link to his site for your pleasure:
Quote from: "enjenjo"They could do this every week as far as I am concerned.

And they should...

In fact I suggest the folks here on this board go to the website and tell them this. Unless you enjoy the same old crap they push...

Let 'em know this (episode 39) was the best show you've ever seen.....or something like that.